All According to Kaikaku

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Lyra narrowed her eyes as she stared out over the canyon that made up the rings of Brookfell. A faint glow of red and blue tainted the vision in her optical visor - but it wasn't from any police forces here to back her up. Oh, they were nearby and ready to move in on her signal, but the initial contact would be all her. No, the colors were from the magnets hovering against her back, a soft hum permeating the stillness of the night's air. It was muggy, humid in a way Brookfell rarely got in this desert climate, and it made Lyra's skin itch as she waited to see the first person climb over the lip of the quarry wall.

They'd gotten word that a shipment of their cybernetic implants had been stolen last month and tracked it deep into the lower rings of Brookfell. The trail had gone cold but Lyra knew it was only a matter of time before they resurfaced, literally, likely sporting illegal modifications and other stolen parts.

In a moment of benevolence Lyra had contacted the local authorities instead of just charging in and tearing the place apart herself. Which she did often, but decided against this time. Brookfell was in a crisis of instability. Gangs, crimelords, and greedy assholes were running amok in the upper city, and the crime below...well it was hardly anything to sniff at. If the police getting credit for a bust of this magnetude would help restore a little faith in them, she would do what she could.

Of course, that meant not giving away who she really was. Lyra had contacted them as a Delamain, but she couldn't engage with them like this. She knew her methods were questionable from a legal standpoint. Downright illegal in a lot of cases. Yet they were far more effective than what most were doing, so she kept it up.

Movement caught her eye, her sensors more like, and the optical visor covering her face narrowed in on a head peaking over the edge of the quarry. She was well hidden in darkness, the nanotech armor covering her form and the faint glow of the magnets blending well into the neon lights of the city. When the person looked around for presence, they didn't see her.

The person hauled themselves over the edge, there wasn't a stairway here which was exactly how Lyra knew it'd be the prime location to sneak over, and dusted themselves off. After a moment or two they turned to reach down, hauling up a sealed container - the cybernetics most likely - and set it aside before helping up another human form, though that was shakey at best. Lyra's vision was enhanced through her visor, and she could clearly see that the second figure was fused with some kind of canine pokemon. The ears and tail gave it away, but it was of no consequence to her what shape the criminals took - they were still criminals.

When it was clear there were no more people coming, Lyra began to plan. All she had to do was drive them into the direction of the waiting police, which she had called ahead to inform, and let them take it from there. A simple job really, but it hinged on her not being seen by the police or the smugglers.

Before they could get confident and start running away, Lyra reached a hand out and activated a simple trap she'd already set. Nothing fancy really, just a mechanical spring trap that she'd devised with the existing materials in the space. It lifted into action, blocking the pathway she didn't want the smugglers to go down. To anyone passing by it would just look like rubbish, but based on the widening of their eyes Lyra suspected her little smugglers knew they were in trouble.

"Fuck, we need to get out of here," One of them said, voice high with an unspoken fear. Lyra knew the underworld knew of her, and her methods, and a private little smile played across her lips as the two took off running in the opposite direction - right where she wanted them.

She gave chase from the shadows, making sure not to make a sound as she kept an eye on the smugglers running through the darkened alleys they tried to hide away in. More difficult in the upper city, considering how bright it was up here with all the neon LEDs and signage hanging around.

Just when they thought they lost her, Lyra pulled some sheet metal off the side of a building to block their path, her magnets humming as she formed it to make a wall. Skidding to a stop, the sounds of heavy breathing and distress echoed in the corner she'd made for them.

"Right, onto the street," The one from before said, and Lyra grinned like a cat.

"The street? Are you fuckin' nuts?" Came the reply from their wary companion.

"Act cool and it'll be fine. We'll be cut to ribbons if we hide, but they won't attack us in public," A true statement, Lyra never attacked anyone in a public space like that.

"Fuck..." They duo turned towards the light of the street, so caught up in their internal panic that they failed to realize the flashing lights just around the corner.

Lyra chased just close enough to be sure that they rounded the corner, right into the police's clutches, before disappearing. She couldn't fly persay, but she could use the magnetic properties of the earth and buildings around her to sort of bounce up rather fluidly to the top of the nearest building. Once she was safely out of any potential view, she placed a call to the chief of police.

"Rogers speaking," The man was so gruff.

"Carlisle, I trust my information was correct? I've seen some promising tidbits on the streams," Lyra spoke with a smile she didn't have to fake in her voice. She could hear the man grumbling on the other end.

"You were correct Miss Delamain. The suspects have been apprehended and we'll have the stolen cybernetics sent to you in the morning."

"Lyra, please. I thank you for your diligent work. We'll speak soon," She disconnected before he could protest, leaning back on her hands and staring up at the news streams and ads running rampant through Brookfells hazy sky.

A small job, perhaps, but as Lyra disengaged her nanotech armor, and let the breeze tickle the back of her neck, she couldn't help but feel a sense of justice and peace. Thea popped out of her chest, swirling in the air briefly before offering a fist bump to her trainer which was happily returned.

"All in a night's work," Lyra chuckled, her little pokemon cuddling up under her chin as they watched the barely visible stars together.

All According to Kaikaku
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In Missions and Explorations ・ By Livard

Written for Smugglin' Scuffle. 

Lyra works with the police, though indirectly, to take down some smugglers that have stolen cybernetics from her company. 

Word count: 1148

Submitted By Livard for Cacophony of the CityLocation: Brookfell
Submitted: 1 year and 7 months agoLast Updated: 1 year and 7 months ago

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