Would you say I'm worthy?

In Daily Life ・ By Pirate
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Aldarch Words: 1559
Pirate Words: 999


- The Wintervale nights these days at times felt more unwelcoming than Brookfell. The streets died, the cold seeped in every crack and even though the city was miles above the blizzards it didn't keep the weather out. It became a pretty good spot for illegal activity that was a bit out of the way - and out of the eyes of the police and investigators. The underground made it somewhat easy for people to disappear, both in good and bad ways. It had been some time since Viggo's initial encounter with the fog, and he'd only been more and more distant, disappearing a lot - and not to his usual spots. It was like he dropped off the planet sometimes, but his system would always show that he was fine, regardless of his location.

That being said, he definitely wasn't fine. Viggo was getting to grips with some of the harder side of things when it came to his new way of life. He hadn't much dabbled in anything illegal in the past, and he was learning things in harsh ways what he should and shouldn't do. With a newly hacked system he was fully aware of the consequences of being found out... It was one thing to give off a fake signal, but it was another to go to the hospital with something clearly tampered with. He couldn't palm it off as a damage, not with Sparks' intricate work.

Viggo had gotten into quite the scuffle, and in the meantime clipped his suppression collar back on. He was making his way out of the Wintervale underground in an attempt to avoid capture, and a worse fate than he was already suffering. Without a suppressor he was basically a free target. At last he made it back up to the surface, stumbling into the buildings in a back alley with deep breaths. Not only did he have a few injuries seeping out into his clothing, but some of the blows had damaged the cybernetics that helped with his fog infection. He had nothing on him to help it along either. Once on the surface, Watt zipped out when he was sure it was safe, and he wasn't in the best condition either.

Watt~" You need help!!!"

"Really? I didn't notice..."

- Viggo coughed out, hand around his side. With his other he projected a hologram from his wrist, his TD blinking orange and red occasionally.-

Watt~" Hospital!!"

"I can't. No-- Hospital."

Watt~" What!?!?! No Hospital!?!?!"

- Viggo grumbled as Watt freaked out, sinking to settle in Viggo's hand as he used the device in his wrist.-

"I don't think she'll be happy to see me, but, lucky for us... We know a nurse. One who's still in the city."



Lielani had been unfortunate enough to have found herself wedged in the middle of things she couldn’t control. During the initial outbreak there were few medical workers with experience interacting with the fog and surviving- or keeping infected alive. The pink haired woman had encountered both these things enough that she was passed around quite a lot and had unfortunately become somewhat of an expert over the years. This wasn’t exactly the path she had chosen but it was the one life chose for her thanks to a lot of ‘wrong time Wrong places’. 

Having served in Brookfell willingly in the lower rings she had seen a lot of shit. She had dealt with things from gunshots to shanks, she’d pressed her hand on so many bleeding wounds that the sight of the red stuff was just natural…but she kept a smile, overworked but still thankful to be saving lives. 

Her current station in Wintervale naturally let her check up on Viggo but he wasn’t her actual concern currently, she was here on business. Viggo had her contact details including where her residence was when she was in town just ‘in case’ he needed her. She thankfully wasn’t in a hospital but at home- well a rented home. Basic accommodation given to her for work purposes as she sat on a couch with multiple documents spread out in front of her on the coffee table. 



- Viggo struggled along the streets, keeping to the dark as much as he could and covering his tracks with his system. No footage, no nothing. He was getting a bit delirious from keeping himself from blacking out, and Watt was biting his nails - hypothetically, of course. When he finally made it to Leilani's building he walked straight into the wall. Not gently either, and he felt like he botched his nose up with a pained groan. With some fair amount of effort, Viggo ripped the suppressor from his neck, taking whatever breath of fresh air he could in the moment. With some faffing, he pushed a call through to Leilani. No need for her to answer, he overrode her system to pass the message on briefly.-

"I'm coming in."

- Viggo more or less wheezed, trying not to laugh as he pressed his ghostly hands through the walls to get inside without any codes or keys at the front door.-

"You're going to hate it."

- With some fumbling around the hallways Viggo finally got himself to Leilani's level, fairly quickly. Blue hands pressed through her door, the rest struggling to pass through with the lack of energy Viggo had. When he was there, he fell onto the carpet. He stayed there for a moment, coughing and wheezing into the floor. Watt zipped around in a panic, bumping himself into Viggo's head in an attempt to get the man to move again.-

Watt~" Get up!! Get up!! Help!!"

- He screeched through to Leilani in a panic.-


Leilani was deep in thought when Viggo’s voice rang through her head. It was startling and she quite literally threw the papers she held as she jumped from it. Once the realization hit of what was happening and Viggo continued to speak- she let out a long tired sigh.

With him having to navigate to where she was that at least gave her time to gather the papers she had scattered and place them neatly to one side as she was mentally preparing for whatever trouble Viggo was forcibly bringing to her. 

She had flicked the door lock for him to enter as she went to get her medical supplies knowing it was going to be something related- he never just popped round for a cuppa. She didn’t know why she expected him to use the door like a normal human being as she entered the living space in time to watch him just fall through it onto the floor. She winced at the thud he made and Watt’s panic inset some of it onto her. 

“It’s ok, stop screaming”

She spoke to the Pokemon trying to be reassuring while also hurrying to peel Viggo up off the floor and drag him over towards the sofa. 

“What happened, what's wrong.”

Things she could deduce on her own when she assessed his wounds but it kept him talking which was good. 


Watt~" So much went wrong!!"

"I think she's figured that out, Watt.."

- Viggo breathed with a lot of effort, letting out a pained noise as Leilani more or less pulled him across the room. He was definitely using her as a support before he slumped onto her couch. When he was sat it was a bit more evident that he'd been bleeding. It might have shown some more if the glow throughout his body wasn't so dull at the moment, the flame on his head a wisp at best. He seemed to calm down a little now that he was actually in Leilani's company, which helped his breathing along. He thunked his chest like it'd get his cybernetics working again, but he knew he'd need Sparks to fix him up.-

" Knife."

- The man whimpered as he leaned, hand pressing back on the wound in his side. A puncture sure enough, but missed anything serious. Even if he'd had a few little punctures, but the main culprit was obvious.-

"Sometimes... Sometimes Y-- You just forget.. That you're human. And then? You get... Stabbed."

- He laughed, clearly pained. Viggo leaned his head back and to the side, closing his eyes.-

"Sleep. Some sleep... Will be good."

Watt~" Don't you dare!!!"



Leilani's brows furrowed the more Viggo spoke, she'd slap him if she wasn't sure it'd outright kill him at this point. Her mind focused on the wound, giving it a quick inspection before pushing Viggo's hand back on it. 

"Don't you Dare."

She spoke at the same time Watt did. Her Pokemon usually roamed free in her apartment and some of them were a little taken back by the sudden smell of blood- The therapy ones at least. Chai had started to rock vigorously in an attempt to leave the room but she was quite slow in doing so. Leilani reached out and grabbed Watt with both her hands before pulling him to sit on the arm of the couch just above Viggo's head. 

"Give him a small shock if he closes his eyes for too long." 

She assumed that giving the rotom a job might stop him from having a heart attack of his own. She trusted him to do it at least as she hurried off for the /serious/ medical kit. She slapped it down on the coffee table and unclasped the hard case to reveal everything she needed for a field surgery and fog encounter- this kit was basically made for her. 

She couldn't give him a blood pack because she didn't have that on hand, the best she could do was start to sew him up and patch him. She knelt down beside the couch and pulled Viggo's hand and clothes away from the wounded area. Using a numbing liquid to clean the immediate area so she could start to stitch him up. It wouldn't stop all the pain he was about to feel but he at least wouldn't feel the needle stabbing into him as she applied some heavier-duty stitches. 



Watt~" Right!!"

- And then Watt sparked Viggo instantly. He jumped with a kind of yelp, holding one hand over his face and taking a deep breath. It woke him back up though.-

"When we're finished... I'll go and play squash, and you'll be the ball."

- He grumbled at Watt, reaching lazily to swipe at the Rotom and missing.-

"I think I should have taken my coat.. And shoes off. I'm usually polite company."

- Viggo coughed, holding a hand to his chest as he wheezed for air.-

"I can-- I can send some credits over... That should cover my-- my stay. And your delight."



Leilani nearly dropped the needle she was using to stitch when Viggo jolted at the zap. She shook her head before realizing he wouldn’t be able to see that gesture and spoke as she worked instead. 

“The only payment I need is for you to be okay.”

She frowned as she put base stitches in. Thankfully the initial wound wasn’t that long, just sort of deep but she was prepared for that. She took out a box of closure strips and placed them on either side of the wound before pulling them tight. As an extra measure, she took out a bag from her field kit and opened it up to show some transparent flexible material that she placed onto the wound. After some prep, it stuck on like fake-skin and sealed everything up.

“You know what's the worst with you, Viggo? I usually diagnose shock through the colour of someone's skin and to see if it's blue. You’re already blue!” 

She scolded but there was some playfulness to it as she pulled off her bloodied blue gloves and turned them inside out. She’d stitched him up so now all she could do was monitor him.



"I would say... I'm quite shocked. Yes."

- He snorted quietly, trying to pull himself to sit up a little but with great difficulty and a lot of pain. He'd sort of blacked out how much he was dying just so that he could get here, now it was catching up. The bruises didn't help. He did try to shuffle off his coat and his over-layers, using his feet to slip his shoes off each foot. He might have been blue, but his flame was threatening to extinguish still and his usually bright hands were still just dull. It made him look darker rather than lighter or paler. -

"You don't-- Happen to have.. A spare inhaler? At all? My chest aid."

- He tapped on his core and caught his breath.-

"Broken. Busted."

- Watt sunk into Viggo's hand when he was sure the man would be okay. He'd always stick by Viggo's side, no matter how many terrible decisions the man made.-

Watt~" There was this.. Grapploct thing! And it was -- pow! Wham! And and-- Even Sylvie and Ozul took it hard!"



Leilani frowned sternly as she refused to let him sit up too far. She helped pull off his coat since he was going to do it regardless. 

“Do not pull out the stitches I just put in.”

She scolded his attempts at movement before nodding softly to his request- she was going to get onto that herself, too. She listened to Watt as she moved around her apartment for her fog-related medical supplies and returned with a mask connected to a can for Viggo to use. She placed it up onto his face at first but knew he would take over. “In and out deep breaths.” He knew the drill but she said it anyway. 

“Put their Pokeballs here.” 

She requested Watt to get them as she opened a case nearby to reveal a travel-sized recharge machine. It’d at least help boost Sylvie and Ozul’s energy while they rested. Viggo made the right choice in coming to her with the travel-ready equipment she had on hand. 

“You need to be careful. You’re infected, it’s only going to spread and get worse when you do things like this.” 

Her tone was quiet and worried as she moved around to gather blankets to help warm the man up. She covered him up in soft fluffy ones with varying dumb bright patterns. They might not seem like friends on paper but she did- for some reason- care about Viggo.



"I wouldn't want to pull them out..."

- He complained at Leilani's demand. Viggo gave a groan of complaint as he saw the mask and the can. Before he could protest anyway, she'd put it on him. His grumbly attitude about that at least subsided when he held the mask up himself and started to breathe. At least he felt better in some way, but the rest of the pain was still... Painful. Watt fumbled around, trying to grab each Pokeball one at a time. He plopped them into the machine as best as he could.-

"It's going to spread and get worse anyway. I'll have to replace everything eventually, and I'm not overly fond of being more machine than man, personally."

- Viggo scowled at the idea, sighing into the mask. He wasn't sure if he'd rather let his body crumble apart first or just replace everything bit by bit. The thought of cybernetic everything made him shiver. But something was definitely playing on his mind above all else. It wouldn't be hard for Leilani to figure out Viggo didn't have a stable system, or he'd have been in hospital long before now with how red his TD was.-

"So... How confidential can I expect this to be?"

- He spoke as he fixed the horrible blankets Leilani threw onto him.



Leilani had taken a smear of blood and was testing the fog-infection levels in it with a little machine as she sat beside the couch.

"We're working on the cure still." 

She replied initially to the mention of it getting worse regardless. She let him shuffle and get comfortable before raising a brow at his question. 

"I'm a nurse, not a cop." She stated first before pausing for a moment. "I should report things like this but I'm also your friend. This'll be between us."

Her tone softened as she reached her free hand out and patted Viggo's arm lightly for comfort.



"So that means I'll probably die. Comforting."

- Viggo pouted and nodded like he was agreeing. At this rate it was either the infection or some horrible pokemon that would beat him to a pulp. He wasn't quite sure how to take the friend comment, though... He must have known in a way already or he wouldn't have bothered falling in through Leilani's door. They'd been through some shit together, and he'd like to think he wasn't as cruel now as he had been initially. Watt settled back into one of Viggo's hands and he stroked his thumb over the little Pokemon's head in a gentle manner. Viggo looked over the mask to Leilani with the biggest sigh of relief he could give.-

" ... Thanks."

- There was resistance when it came to being grateful at all, but he truly was. -

"... And don't tell Micah. "

Would you say I'm worthy?
1 ・ 0
In Daily Life ・ By PirateContent Warning: Blood, Wounds


Out in the wild or perhaps hacked and can't enter official buildings but still need medical attention?  Where does your Trainer turn in times of need, do they go to a shady back-alley med-centre or try to fix the problem themselves?

Draw or write your trainer dealing with their own wounds.

Will remove 3x wounds from a Trainer.

Half body Trainer, Flat Color with Simple Background or 750 words

Where Leilani probably regrets saying to Viggo that she'll always be there if he needs her,
and yet he can always rely on her no matter what

Submitted By Aldarch for HP: Patch-UpLocation: WintervaleView Favorites
Submitted: 1 year and 7 months agoLast Updated: 1 year and 7 months ago

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