EV LoL - Become a Blaze
Micah stared into the eyes of the small pokemon as it stood on the table- he himself sat on the chair with some of his medical information to the side of him. The pokemon had been bought for him to ease his anxieties and fears, even though that concept seemed wild when paired with a Litwick- a pokemon that is supposed to sap the living essence from those around it. Still, the flame on its head was enticing and in the times that he had felt his heart racing and when he spiraled into a panic attack, the flame would pull him out of it. Shaking his head to turn his attention away from the pokemon, he grunted a little and sat up properly, grabbing a small device before attaching it to the Core on his chest.
"Yea, yea. Litwick."
The man snorted quietly. Ember, as the Litwick had been named, shuffled a bit closer to look at the papers and the tech on the table until Micah pulled it away from him.
"You'll get wax on it. Or fire."
"Litwick!!! Lit."
"No, you're not getting 'just a peek'. This is important. It keeps this ticking."
Micah tapped the core on his chest a couple of times and Ember watched before it sat down with what could only be described as a pout. The man sighed as he looked around the room the device measured his core and settled his heart. He had lit every light. The big one, and the small ones, even gone as far as lighting the normal candles and turning on all the devices to try and combat that which set his anxiety rising. He never used to be afraid of the dark. He preferred it, even, sometimes- especially when he was in Rivertide. But with the fog--. The dark made him think about what he could lose- and it spiraled him each night. The thought of it alone already made the device on his chest ping in an alert, and the Litwick stood to attention in concern.
"I'm alright."
He wafted off the concern of the little Ember and when the device made a little funky tune, he reached to take it off and put it back in the box again. Ember's little waxy hand placed itself on his and the man sighed, turning his hand to allow Ember to hug it.
"... I suppose I should thank you."
The Litwick's light and warmth had allowed him to come down from his panic attack prior to turning on all of the lights and devices, even though he was sure he had woken the poor thing up. Ember huffed a little before it let go of him and Micah buttoned up his pajama shirt once more, standing up and getting himself mentally ready to turn everything off.
"Well, let's try to catch some more sleep, then. Shall we?."
Ember practically jumped off the table, following Micah's every footstep and empowering his flame so the whole room was illuminated before lighting the way to the bedroom.
Micah struggles with (probably irrational) fears and anxiety surrounding darkness after the Nothing's Fog had claimed the cities during the night. Because of it, sleeping is often a struggle- but luckily Ember is here to help him.
Ember: +1 Brewing Item
Submitted By Kelyias
Submitted: 2 years and 3 weeks ago ・
Last Updated: 2 years and 2 weeks ago