Shower of Stars

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The sound of glass breaking from the other room instantly cut through River's once peaceful evening. Raising his head from the small potted plant he was doctoring he looked out through the empty apothecary, trying to find the source of the noise. Thinking that Whisper might have accidentally knocked something over again, he quickly put down his shears to go reassure the delicate pokemon. 


"Everything okay out there guys?" He did his habitual check under his work table to see if his mons were there, but it was clear. Maybe they were up to some mischief after all. He started making his way out towards the front of the store, thinking of checking the greenhouse. He didn't make it very far however, as with another smashing of glass, something hurtled through the front display, completely destroying all the delicate glass instruments that usually lived there. The unknown object barreled across the floor and thumped solidly into one of the wooden banisters. It was quickly followed by several loud thumps on the roof. "Well THAT'S.... NOT GOOD!!!!"


Rushing quickly away from the object, and avoiding the broken glass on the floor he turned the corner to the front entryway and found both Dozy and Whisper huddled together looking out the glass pane. "Come here you two, quick get away from the windows" He scooped them up into his arms and glancing up at the sky he caught sight of many thousands of streaks of light raining down on the city. *Thump* *Crash* *Boom* Turning back to the object that had rolled into the shop he saw that the object he had first taken as a boulder.... actually seemed to be a POKEMON??



Two eyes cracked open and a soft pink glow warmed the room as it drifted off the floor. "OOooh boy.... Uhmmm." River glanced over his shoulder to the big windows, and quickly started shuffling further into the store. It wouldn't do for another one to come smashing in to hit them if they just stood around. The thumps on the roof were also quite worrying. "Dont mind meeee..." River's voice was a low murmur as he edged along the outside of the shop, clutching his two shaking pokemon. Dozy's little fingers were gripped tightly onto his collar, and Whisper had its face tucked into his chest, its tail curled around his waist. Making it to the back, he ducked through one of the interior doors to the living area and hurried to his room.


"OKAY. Falling Star Pokemon..... Dont Freak Out!" He pulled the pokemon's beds over to his own, and gently untangling Dozy and Whisper from his clothes he set them down. "You guyssss.. Uh. Just take cover." He grabbed Dozy's log from his bedside table, and gave it to the pokemon who instinctively hugged it tight. "Now Whisper, you.. You look after Dozy. You guys stay hidden." He piled a big fuzzy blanket over them both and knelt down in front of them. "Im going to go secure the house, but i'll be back soon. Please stay put." He picked up their beds and slid them under his heavy oak framed bed, hoping the mattress would shield them from any more falling Minoir. "Molaaaaa.." Dozy looked worriedly out from the blanket, but River held up his hand. "Stayyyy"



MORE Pokemon.... River got up and quickly went back to the front of the shop. The Minoir was bobbing up and down in front of the windows, the pink glow shining off of all the pieces of broken glass. It looked like it was watching the rest of the Pokemon come down in the Meteor shower outside, and seemed to be enjoying the experience.


"Hellooo...." River carefully moved into the room, absently grabbing anything fragile he could and tucking them under nearby furniture. "Excuse me! We're actually closed at the momenttttt." He scooted a delicate plant under his workbench, wincing at the thought of all the specimens in his garden. "I know you and your friends are... Meteors... but can you not break our stuff pleaseeeeeee......" More crashes from outside met his plea, and he sighed. 


Hesitantly approaching his uninvited visitor, River tried to get its attention. "Hello.. Um Sir and or .. Madam." He gently poked it with a finger, but it seemed to be completely occupied with the show going on outside. He could actually see and hear other Minoir now, floating around the garden outside. Fresh earth lay strewn about, and seeing some of his carefully tended plants uprooted in mini craters he started to get a little panicked. "Yes... YES you... You have to leave pleaseee. Stop hurting my plants!" 


He started ushering the floating pokemon towards the front door. It seemed to just be focused on the impacts outside, and it gave a little shake and silent cheer as it's friends joined them. With a tinkle of the shop bell, River opened the door and guided the floating pokemon out with the others. "T-Thank you for your business!" Closing the door with relief he turned back to the chaos left in the shop. He couldn't do anything about those falling outside, and it didn't seem safe to go out until the shower was over. He could do something about the things IN his house though. Forsaking the broom for the moment, he started at the front of the Apothecary and started working to salvage and save as much as he could from the falling pokemon.

The thuds seemed to lesson over the next hour or so, until finally the house and grounds seemed safe.  He could see the glow and shadows of many of the fallen pokemon as they all met up around his yard. They were spinning and bumping to and fro, knocking things over and reveling in their triumphant moment of impact. There were some other odd noises as well, as it seemed some of the Minoir that had fallen had come into contact with local Nera. The Menagerie of Minoir were floating on, and it wasn't until the small hours of the morning that River made his way outside to deal with them. 


It seemed his neighbors had all had similar experiences, and working together with some of the more experienced trainers in the area they were able to herd the wild pokemon to a more suitable habitat. Some of River's customer's even volunteered to help him clean up the grounds around his home, which he gratefully accepted. He made sure to collect Dozy and Whisper before starting work, and while others cleaned he set up a temporary aid station for those who were injured in the chaos of the night.

Minoir showers are pretty, but they definitely took their toll on the community.


Shower of Stars
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In Missions and Explorations ・ By X-LordGreg-X

Actual Submission on Google Docs.

Submitted By X-LordGreg-X for FieldworkLocation: Grovehart
Submitted: 2 years and 2 months agoLast Updated: 2 years and 2 months ago

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