[TLC]Patch Up

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Ah well, unfortunately the task didn't allow everyone to leave unscathed, while Lil'King and Aeson were fine, it seemed that two others weren't. Knight was sitting there licking his wounds and Queen was favoring one of her legs that held a decent scratch on it from all of the rubble moving. Aeson had hoped both were careful enough but it seemed all of them misjudged the dangers slightly. That's alright, he'd make sure they would be patched up in no time. Some of the workers were kind enough to give him a few bandages and some antiseptic to put on the wounds.

That was the least thing he wanted to worry about was the wounds becoming infected and it leading to worse injury than it was. Aeson decided that he would tend to Queen first since she was a newer pokemon and not one that had had a lot of experience doing tasks like this. Aeson motioned for her to take a seat in front of him, wearing an apologetic smile as she did so. 

"Sorry Queen, this is going to hurt. Brace yourself little one." 

Aeson grabbed the antiseptic and pressed in on the spray handle, the liquid came out of the nozzle, causing Queen to let out a sharp cry in pain, the liquid fizzled a little before dying off quickly. Aeson did his best to ignore the whimpers of his pokemon and then started to wrap the bandages around her paw, making sure to get all of them she would let him for now. Queen learned fast that being patched up hurts - in more ways than one. 

The bandages were odd around her paw and threw off her center, making her lose balance more often Luckily she didn't fall as she moved, she'd get more accustomed to them the more she walked. 

Once Queen had walked off, Aeson gave a small grin to Knight and patted the spot in front of him so his trusted companion could make his way over to them. He knew he didn't need to encourage him as Knight got up from his seat and walked over to Aeson. 

He grabbed the disinfectant spray once more and pressed the handle a few times. Knight had more spots on him than Queen did, most were small scuffles, he was glad they weren't worse for the wear. "I know it's going to hurt, just sit still and be calm." 

With each squirt and the droplets hitting the scratches one could hear the sizzling like sound and Knight did whimper a few times. He knew it'd hurt and he was prepared for it. Him and Aeson had been through a lot together, he knew he could trust his human well. Aeson smiled, petting his coat as he placed down the spray and got the rest of the bandages as well. This would mostly patch them both up. He'd probably need to purchase another set, but for now this was all the torture he'd put them through.

He carefully wrapped the bandages around his body, being a little loose so he'd be able to move and not pull his fur or be uncomfortable for him. 

Knight gruffed a bit and tested the bandages, moving his legs and even shaking his fur. They didn't loosen and seemed to move with him which was great. He smiled at his trainer and gave him a happy lick to his cheek. Aeson chuckled, patting Knight's shoulder before he stood up and grabbed the trash to put in the recycler. 

"You both did good putting up with the bandages. I know a few pokemon who wouldn't," he teased, mostly meaning Lil'King. "I'll get you both some treats for being good while I tended to you. We'll have to do this again, but for now you both should rest." 

Queen gave a soft yip in his direction, following after him but still favoring the bandaged paw lightly. "We get treats whenever we hold still and be good?"

Knight followed beside her, grinning at her question. His ears were straight up, tail wagging back and forth. "We do, just like taking a bath without fighting back. Aeson tries to reward us for any good behavior."

Aeson didn't know what the two were talking about, but he grabbed a bag of poke treats for his mons. He reached in to pull out the soft, puffy treats and squished them a bit with a grin. "Here, you both get two pieces, try not to eat them too fast." 

He allowed them to eat from his palm and placed the treats up afterwards. He headed for the couch to relax in which both of his injured pokemon quickly joined him for warmth and to watch the television as well.

[TLC]Patch Up
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In Daily Life ・ By Umbra-Moon

Aeson has patchedup Knight and Queen. But both still have a few wounds he'll need to get to.


Aeson gains 5AXP

Queen and Knight gains 1 EXP

Submitted By Umbra-Moon for HP: Patch-UpLocation: Brookfell
Submitted: 1 year and 7 months agoLast Updated: 1 year and 7 months ago

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