EV LoL - Hard Rock Cafe

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"Are you SURE you want to come, Micah?"


"But the music will not be... well.. for people your age."

The man pulled back from his coffee to stare in offense at his adoptive sister, who only seemed to smirk at his reaction.

"Ah, come on! You're like-- double my age. Surely you saw that one coming."

"Remind me again why I fund your gigs?"

"Because you love me and I make kick-ass music. Besides, you could bring your lady friend too-- Gianna was her name? Doesn't she live here?"


The younger woman laughed as she picked up her own drink. The two had met at a little cafe in Grovehart- just a couple of hours before she was supposed to perform at that same place. Raelynn often did small music gigs, hiring a timeslot at cafe's and venues to pursue her career as a singer songwriter- her pokemon in tow. Bongo, her toedscrool, had just learned how to play the drums too!

"See! Come on. It'd be fun. You were complaining that you never get to take her anywhere nice in Wintervale anyway."

"And this is better?"

"Infinitely so!"

Micah let out a loud sigh before waving his hand as if to say 'fine'. Raelynn couldn't prevent the resulting fistpump from coming out afterwards. For months she'd been wanting to meet the mysterious lady her brother had been going out with. It wasn't often she saw him, let alone with her.

"Right, go on then! Get--!"


"Well you need to tell her on time!"

"I'm drinking my tea still, Raelynn."

"Get a new one later, its fiiiiiine!"

Raelynn was practically kicking his legs with her Skeledirge ones, shoo'ing Micah away from the table. He tapped the button on the table, paying for their bill by holding his wrist against the holo-scanner before doing as he was told- fetching Diana in time for the concert.


It hadn't taken Diana long to get ready- though she had been more than caught by surprise by Micah's arrival on her doorstep. She swiped important documents and affairs away before inviting him in and getting ready for an impromptu meeting with his family. The man felt too awkward in her home to investigate, holding his hands together and greeting Vewil and the variety of other pokemon the woman seemed to own. He was glad to see that, like him, she wasn't a fan of keeping them confined in pokeballs. Her home was large, several stories and rooms and a massive open yard- he didn't think he would finish exploring in a couple of hours if he actually went to do so.

When she came out, ready and dressed in a sleek and slim dressed with a blazer over her shoulders- casual but still formal- he felt underdressed, though she reassured him he was fine. The ride back to the cafe was quiet, the rustling of Diana's bracelets more than filling the quiet and the moment they returned to the cafe the music was definitely a little out of place- but all of the customers seemed to be into it. Raelynn on stage was rocking it, singing her songs- playing her guitar and waving over when she saw Micah return with his girlfriend in tow. Bongo, in the background, tapped happily on the drums as he was being held up by one of Raelynn's yamask fusions.

"That's your sister?"

Diana spoke loud enough over the music to address Micah, and while he had to say Raelynn was correct- her music wasnt his thing at all- he couldn't help a smile of pride and nodding to the other woman. He knew the two women would be up to no good soon enough after Raelynn was done with her performance.

EV LoL - Hard Rock Cafe
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In Miscellaneous ・ By Kelyias

Raelynn invited her brother, Micah, over for some music in Grovehart! 
She couldn't resist bullying him over his girlfriend too, though, and even went as far as making him fetch her so they could watch her together-- and so they could meet. Obviously.

Submitted By KelyiasLocation: Grovehart
Submitted: 2 years and 2 weeks agoLast Updated: 2 years and 2 weeks ago

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