EV LoL - Much Needed Visit

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Micah let out a breath of misty air in the Wintervale cold, his hands stuck firmly in his pockets and his head burrowed down in a hastily thrown scarf. When he got the text via his TD he had rushed out, forgetting any gloves and not having the chance to search for his thicker scarf. Diana had decided she wanted to visit him suddenly and only sent the text that her flying taxi was landing soon. After the recent events with Groudon, he had been made aware that she had joined the struggle to save the guardian. He had been sick with worry, and stuck in his apartment with nothing else going on. He was hardly the type to go and join the fight himself, even if Fern had been a retired Charizard that would have been more than capable of defending him. But now- having received the text- he knew she was okay. He couldn’t think of what would have happened if she hadn’t been okay…

His vision was covered by two fuzzy gloves before he could think of anything else, though, as a laugh resounded behind him.

“Guess who?”

How could he forget her voice? He let out a relieved sigh, a smile on his face.

“Hmm, well, I can only think of one person.”

He spoke subtly, reaching to take the hands and spin around to face the familiar woman. She wore her hair tied back today. A wooly hat covered her head from the frosty cold- though he could already see her skin growing paler. She came from Grovehart, his home, and after having traveled from a warmer place to a winter place he knew exactly how long someone could last in the cold Wintervale. He reached for her face, gently rubbing his warm thumb over her cheeks and frowning at the contact of cold skin.

“Hi. You don’t have gloves?”

“You didn’t exactly leave me a lot of time to prepare.”

“Awh, I’m flattered.”

Diana smiled at the obvious worry on his face, reaching to take one of her fuzzy gloves off to instead put it on his hand. The other, uncovered and bare in his own, curled her fingers around his palm and leaned closer until she could fit them comfortably in the pocket of his jacket.

“There. That’s better. Let’s go out for a drink and a bite to eat?”

He could only nod. Diana had a way of doing that to him. Diana knew her way around Wintervale, whether it was having visited so often or from something else he didn’t know, so he let her guide him away from the landing pads and then onwards into the city. It was early evening and he couldn’t figure out just how long ago she must have taken the flying taxi. Not even the night before they were texting casually, and all of a sudden she was here.

“How was the fog?”

He started first, hesitant to bring up the topic of the fight.

“It was alright. It’s pushed back- strangely enough. So travel will be easier for now.”

She spoke nonchalantly as if she wasn’t a part of what had happened. He noticed then that her familiar Seviper wasn’t by her side, either. Resting, he supposed.


They went to a small diner- Diana opting for a take-out meal instead, relishing in the time that she could spend with her hand in his pocket. With the meals in a bag in his hand, they walked up to a hotel and took the familiar lift up. Whenever Diana had gotten to visit now, she would pay for a hotel room or, in the very likely scenario that Viggo wasn't home he'd bring her there- but it remained awkward. The two of them didn't see eye to eye, and he couldn't choose one over the other.

Brushing his wrist against the keylock, the door opened with a soft ‘click’, and the man walked in, Diana not far behind. All the while still not letting go of his hand.

“May I regain control over my other hand?”

He asked casually, loosening the scarf and unbuttoning his jacket. Diana answered wordlessly by letting go of him and taking over the unbuttoning. Micah allowed it, though his cheeks were warm and flush- he would blame it on the heating.

“There. Hand control regained and ready to dish up some food.”

She smiled brightly, her fangs on show. He used to be terrified of them, he recalled. Not just the sight, but what they represented. Her toxic bite, a result of her fusion, would no doubt fell a man while she was resistant to it.

“So? Huphup.”

He was brought out of his thoughts and nodded aimlessly, picking up the bag of takeout and walking over to the kitchen counter of the hotel's suite, preparing bowls and forks. It was a simple noodle meal. He had picked first, and Diana mimicked it. Which was weird. She didn’t like some of the elements of the meal- he knew that. Something about noodles always irked her, she'd tols him. Still, he sorted the food and got it all set up whilst Diana sorted out the coats. By the time he finished, she came around and picked up her plate once it was ready.

“I assume Hot Fuzz isn't here?"

"No, he hasn't been lately. I just presume he's been busy."

"Well he's a busy man, I guess."

She was speaking in short sentences, not wanting to drag on a conversation as she asked about Viggo. It baffled Micah since it was unlike the woman to act like this. She was always direct, and while she was commanding also she never spoke with the soft tone she held now. He followed her to the living room of the suite and sat down on the sofa, picking up a holo pad with all the channels. He wasn't in the mood for the news, nor for any particular documentaries or shows that were playing. He ended up putting on one of them, even if it was only for background noise. Diana took her seat beside him, comfortably and effortlessly taking off her high heels and bringing her knees up. He hadn’t even taken in the clothes that she was wearing. Fancy dresses were the norm for her, but this time around she had made do with a long cotton skirt and very warm-looking leggings underneath. Her shirt was a casual button-up with a wool sweater over it. Diana wasn’t one to dress down for any occasion.

He let them sit in silence with the noise of the tv and the clinking of forks against the plates. Her weight leaned comfortably against his arm. He’d missed this, he thought. More than he realized.

“So why did you come?”

The question had weighed on his mind ever since he received the text- and every opportunity before where he had asked or had wanted to ask, the subject was changed.

“You said you weren’t feeling well.”

“What, really?”

“Ofcourse? Micah.”

She dropped her fork on her plate and for a second he worried he had offended her, before he turned his head and looked. Her face was clouded with concern, her eyes scanning his face.

“I’m.. Look. What we have is– still uncertain. For both of us. But I’m not an idiot. I can read between the lines, and what I read was that you needed company you know you can’t find elsewhere. From someone who understands you.”

He frowned for a moment, thinking back to his texts before. He had mentioned the silence of the apartment, even with the numerous pokemon occupying its space. She had taken it for what it was, even silent. An invitation. A request for company, because he was lonely.

“I didn't think I was that transparent."

"Hmm. You weren't. But I'm a very good lover."

She leaned over, planting a soft and gentle kiss against the line of his jaw with a laugh. Reaching over with her fork, she twirled some of the noodles and held it up for him.

"You have me all day, and all night. I'm here, Micah."

He felt his cheeks flush again before holding her hand steady as he ate off her fork. The grin on her face was enough to lift his own spirits. Even if they ended up doing things he was frankly too old for, like being fed– he was grateful that she was there.

EV LoL - Much Needed Visit
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In Miscellaneous ・ By Kelyias

Micah, despite being an old man, is not immune to depression
Luckily Diana is there, who will drop everything to go to him.


Started writing this one a looooong time ago when I was really struggling with loneliness (still am) and really wished I had someone that could come and be there with me like Diana.
pensive face, peace finger emoji

Submitted By KelyiasLocation: Wintervale
Submitted: 1 year and 7 months agoLast Updated: 1 year and 7 months ago

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