Menacing Display

In Daily Life ・ By AveryFish
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With great power, comes great responsibility... Like having to help Grandma figure out how the latest TD update works. Or maybe your trainer installs cybernetics? Tech can be complex sometimes, and it can take a lot of hard work. Show your trainer working with Technology! Who knows if it's legal or not, though.
Word Count: 1541

It was always fascinating, the things that could be done now a days with technology. From the different devices that could help keep the fog out of the cities, the anti-aging technology, even just the way that differing systems could connect with one another was a marvel unto itself. The possibilities of such technology were limitless and the different modifications that you theoretically could make to them were thrilling. That was assuming of course that you had a hacked system that you could modify to see such modifications. A stable system was boring, he'd known this ever since he first got one and he especially disliked the colors and limitations of it. Sure, the purply pink color worked with him for now- but that was only because he had chosen them to match with his eyes.  What he really wanted was a deep and terrifying red, something to strike fear in the hearts of others just for beholding him! He never seemed capable of scaring anyone, not like Noir could but he knew this was an impossible wish. To do that in public would eventually reach the ears of the police which was the last thing he wanted.
There was nothing saying however, that he couldn't try and do such a thing in the privacy of his own home right?
Honey spun around in his chair, hearing the squeak of the different pokemon who were laying on and around him and it earned the softest laugh from him. The house was filled to the brim with Mimikyu's, normally there would be a few Pokemon of Seth as well hanging around but for the moment Seth was out at work. As such? They too were out and gone. He was home alone with just the Mimikyu's and they wouldn't tell a soul. Six and Seven were the two pokemon who most prominently where with him for the moment, Seven was sitting up atop his head while Six was nestled in his lap. "You won't tell anyone right?" He asked to the two of them as he scratched underneath the Noibat Mimikyu's chin. "I could change them to red for just a few hours~ Switch out the lenses Isaiah got me as well so that they match my eyes and no one would be the wiser? We can even put them back to purple before Seth gets home~?"
There was a reason he shouldn't do such a thing in the privacy in his own home and that was the fact that Seth, his beloved boyfriend, was a cop. The very police that he wanted to ensure wouldn't find out about this.
The two small Mimikyu's squeaked and yipped at him as he posed the question. Seven sounding in support of this while Six was far more doubtful and upset at the thought of doing this. The Zorua fused pokemon was not believing this to be the wisest decision and you know, that was very fair. Honey heard their concerned noises and gave it some more thought until eventually sighing heavily. It wasn't the wisest decision as he didn't know exactly when Seth might get home and wanted to give them some degree of plausible deniability. 
"... Yeah you're right. That wouldn't go well." He agreed quietly "If he did come home and saw red he would lose his shit." Now the tone of the two pokemon switched. Six began to sound more in agreement while Seven let out very upset cries. Their wings battered at Honey's head and they reached down to pull at his hair but even if they threw a fit now he wasn't going to change his mind. 
Feeling a particularly hard yank Honey reached up to quickly try and grab the little fabric Noibat. He pulled them away from his head and his hair- which now was missing a couple of chunks- to bring them down onto his lap beside Six. "How about this instead, we don't do it right now using myself as a test subject, and instead we test it out on one of the spare TD's I stole during Seth's last medical visit?" His grin widened at the suggestion and the two pokemon looked between one another. 
A response wasn't instant, but soon they gave a chorus of excited Mimikyu sounds in his direction and Honey beamed. With a final twirl of his chair he faced the desk and pushed off all the spare papers and documents he had laying around so that there would be nothing except for his computer and the numerous different Mimikyu decor that he'd collected over the years. Seven and Six both bolted off of his lap to crash onto the floor and scamper away. 
Honey first watched the Zorua as they darted across the carpeted ground. It was always worrying for Honey when they ran around, the little pokemon didn't have the best vision so he saw them run towards his bed- then slam headfirst into the base board. "... Six you have to crouch down if you want under the bed." A small reminder and the wooden tail quickly began to wag. Six dove underneath the bed where Honey had a small box with his spare electronics and pull it out. The TD was in there so as it was brought back Honey gave Six a quick pat on the head and brought up the small device. 
These things were so small for just how much they could do and he fiddled with it between his fingers before he heard the thump and sound of something being dragged from out the hallway. While Six had gone to get the TD its self Seven had gone to the living room to try and find the different tools needed to mess with things. They were kept in what from the outside looked like a book and just hung around on one of the bookshelves but it had been hollowed out to hold the supplies. 
It was bigger than the small Noibat Mimikyu and Honey couldn't help the soft smile as he saw them drag it across the ground towards him. Their little wings flapped with every step they took and they simply were headbutting it towards him. "I hope you didn't break anything when you got it from the shelf..." He mumbled out as he picked up both Seven and the storage book to bring them onto the desk. 
His computer was currently unconnected to the larger network, kept private merely to whatever was within the room and he quickly hooked up the spare TD to it. "Just a small color change~ Easy peasy right?" Yeah, it should be easy. He'd worked with these before, his own had been hacked into to include a number of features that they shouldn't have but none of them was anything that might be visible from the outside. For the most part he tried his best to avoid anything that might publicly change it so this was a new venture for him as he began. 
He knew how to change the display color to any of the more legal options-  Purple, Green, Blue, so on so forth but to have it turn to the red? He didn't know off the top of his head- until he found the coding for colors inside. An eyebrow quirked up at the sight. This was going to be a lot easier than he had first anticipated. No matter how many times he modified one of these he always expected them to somehow be impossible- considering how much the government didn't want them to be modified. Yet every time he was pleasantly surprised. Honey's foot tapped on the ground happily as he found the small bit of code that controlled the colors and all he had to do was a little switcheroo and then upload. The two pokemon seemed to feel his increase in mood and both squiggled where they were with small yips and trills in his direction. 
The fact that his Pokemon almost always supported him in his endeavors was something Honey appreciated as he grinned down at them and held up the newly modified TD. "Look at this~" he purred out and as he clicked to turn it on instead of the default green, it glowed in a deep menacing red. "If I edit mine like this then I'll be all set~ Won't it look good?" They both cheered in agreement and he let out a loud laugh. "Now to just play the waiting game~ We'll wait till we know Seth's schedule exactly before we try anything. He wouldn't like this"
While the two pokemon had been cheering and squeaking in his direction they both came to a rather sudden and abrupt end. "...Guys? What- why aren't you excited anymore."
"What won't I like?"
The voice of Seth, the very man he was hoping wouldn't see any of this sounded and Honey squeaked as he dropped the TD and turned around to block the computer and tools with his body. "...Seth! Hello! Welcome Home, I missed you babe-" He called out with a wide grin while they only stared at him in further doubt. Waiting for some kind of explanation that Honey hoped he would not have to give.
Menacing Display
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In Daily Life ・ By AveryFish
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Submitted By AveryFish for Occupation Missions
Submitted: 1 year and 7 months agoLast Updated: 1 year and 7 months ago

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[Menacing Display by AveryFish (Literature)](
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