Operation Hug!

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Today was the day. Poe had decided that today she was going to hug everyone! She would not take no for an answer. She was going to spread the hug!

She saw Luma, just standing there. That was an easy start! Poe hovered over to Luma, and hugged her. Slowly, Luma noticed and hugged Poe back. Luma was a 10/10, very huggable.

Now to hug the next most huggable person, Mera! Surely she would like a double hug from Poe and Luma! "Luuuuuuuure!" Poe cheered in her soft, dragged out, cheery voice.

Poe saw Mera, it was hug time! Poe cheerfully floated over to her and hugged her! "Aw, Poe, you're so sweet." Mera was a 9/10 huggable. She was very huggable most of the time, however sometimes she would say no. Luma also got to join in on the hug. Poe gently lowered the Clefowet into Mera's hands.

Link was standing next to Mera. Next hug go! Poe floated down to him, and hugged him. "Caw!" Link stumbled back caught off guard. Once he realized what was happening he begrudgingly accepted the hug. Link was a 7/10 huggable. He often accepted Poe's hugs now, but he was salty about it.

Next hug, next hug. Poe looked around. She saw Ivy sunbathing with a blanket around her. Poe was warm, she could surely warm Ivy up. "Luurre!" Poe exclaimed with glee.

Ivy heard the cry, and looked behind her. Annoying pokemon incoming. Ugh, she had to get up now. "Ru-bi!" Ivy jumped out of the way, leaving Poe to splat against the window like a Cutiefly.

Poe got up and turned around. Well Ivy's morning was ruined. Ivy hissed Poe. "Lure!" Poe smiled and spread her arms wide.

Electricity build up in Ivy. "Bi!" Ivy let out an electric shock. "Blim," Poe recoiled back. Before she knew it, Ivy had already ran away on those 3 stubby leaves of hers.

Poe sank down deflated, she couldn't get a hug... Poe quickly forgot that when she saw Rika trotting around. "Lure!" Poe smiled and spread out her arms.

"Rita!" Rika happily jumped into Poe's embrace. Poe was knocked back a bit from the force. Rika was a 8/10 to hug. Very huggable, but also sometimes painful. Rika would jump onto and charge at Poe, and nibble Poe's arms. Speaking of which Rika was nibbling on Poe's arm right now. Rika's nibbling was gentler than before.

Ganon made himself known, by knocking a vase off a shelf. Rika noticed, and immediately jumped towards them using Poe as a launching pad. Ouch, again...

Rika chased after Ganon. Ganon had really rubbed off on her, as in she would gladly knocked off things on shelves in her pursuit of them. Rika finally got close, and pounced on Ganon. Rika had tackled Ganon down. This was Poe's golden opportunity! Poe embraced the two of them for a hug. Ganon squirmed in Poe's grip. Ganon was a 4/10 to hug, they often immediately tried to wiggle out, and would "BLIM!" Ganon bit into Poe's arm, and used Poe's shock to wriggle out. Rika chased after them. Poe rubbed her arm. At least she got a hug.

And from where Rika and Ganon wrestled, Deku followed close behind. He groggily woke up from his nap. This made him an easy target. "Luuure!" Poe swooped over and hugged Deku, it took him a while to process what was going on, and Poe took it. Deku was a 5/10 to hug, he often refused, was pretty sour, and even when Poe did hug him he got bad vibes. Deku woke up enough to realize what was happening. He prepared a punch, and Poe floated away before he could finish.

"Fu fo fo fo foo!" To Poe's surprize, the hug train came from behind. Tetra cheerfully wanted to get in on the action. Poe embraced him. Tetra was an easy 10/10, he actually went over to hug Poe! It was amazing!

Poe spotted Dodongo running across the floor. "Delure?" Poe asked Tetra.

"Foo!" Tetra nodded and fist pumped agreement. Both pokemon knew what to do next.

Dodongo was a tricky one to hug. They always tried to run away, an easy 2/10. But Poe was going to hug everyone. Poe floated over to Dodongo. Tetra came from a different angle. The scared Trapinrola was trapped in the corner, terrified as two masses reached for them.

Poe and Tetra embraced Dodongo in a hug. The entire time, they thrashed and attempted to wiggle their way out. When Tetra was done, he lightened up his grip, and Dodongo immediately ran out.

That was another hug down, now there was one hug left to go. Ivy. "Lure? Luuuurre?" Poe asked Tetra, wondering if he had any idea on how to hug Ivy.

"Foo! Mein mien mien, fo!" Tetra ran one hand into another hand. He proposed that they simply chased her.

"Lurre!" Poe cheered, floating at the idea. Both pokemon began searching Mera's apartment for Ivy. She was going to get hugged.

Poe floated into Mera's bedroom. On Mera's bed, Ivy was wrapped up in sheets trying to get a nap. "De lure!" Poe went in for the hug.

"Bi!" Ivy was shocked. And she was going to be shocking. Sparks began stirring up in her. Tetra heard Poe, and ran into Mera's room, crashing into the wall. He got up and turned towards Ivy.

"RU BI!" Ivy let out a powerful electric charge. The bed sheets charred, Tetra was shocked with electricity and fell back.

Mera heard shouting. It was mostly Ivy. Mera figured it was just Ivy being Ivy, as she would occasionally shout when someone was bothering her. She went back to her phone, petting Luma who was sitting in her lap. The shouting continued. This was highly unusual for Ivy. Mera placed Luma down on the couch, and went to check it out.

When she opened the bedroom door, it was a battle scene. Ivy was shocking every which thing with electricity. Tetra was on the floor, fainted. Poe kept trying to approach Ivy.

"What in the distortion world is going on here?" Mera shouted. Ivy was taken back. Now was Poe's time, Poe went into hug Ivy.

And with that everyone was hugged. With only one angry Ivy and Mera.

Operation Hug!
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In Daily Life ・ By ACottontail

I wanted to include all of my characters in a piece, so here Poe is trying to hug everyone!  It was interesting to explore Poe's relations with everyone.

Word count: 1127

Submitted By ACottontail for Labor of LoveLocation: Rivertide
Submitted: 2 years and 1 week agoLast Updated: 2 years and 1 week ago

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