EV LoL - Quiet Evening

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Micah turned the page of his book as he lounged in the chair. It was a quiet night- again. He didn't mind so much most of the time, as long as everything was lit obviously. Ember had recently undergone an evolution into an Lampent, and the pokemon was now proudly illuminating the room better than before. Fern was laid next to the chair, curcled up and asleep. Sometimes, when Micah looked over, the petals of his flower would quiver in his sleep. He had found that this was akin to his other pokemon sometimes kicking its leg.

Norrox wasn't anywhere to be seen for now. The Ghastly had also evolved and had, sure enough taken it as an opportunity to scare him even more. It tried hanging out with Ozul, too- more than usual. Viggo's Gengar.

The man let out a quiet sigh, turning another page. He wasn't taking in a lot from the work of fiction in his hands. Some book about a detective and his pokemon, tracking down a murderer on a train. So far, it had had some action scenes, but evidently not enough to keep his attention. If anything, his mind was more filled with the thoughts of his pokemon. Having been born and raised in Grovehart, the man often thought and included himself in the happiness of pokemon. Specifically those that would surround him. He never liked claiming he _owned_ them, though. He'll pay for the veterinary services and all, and food kibble and anything else they need, but the concept of ownership was far from his mind.

Zahara was the newest edition, but she wasn't too fond of hanging around him or the others. Her favourite activity was to stay on the rooftop, soaking in the sun. He made sure to bring her in before nightfall- just in case. She preferred time alone though- and Micah wasn't one to deny that.

He moved his attention elsewhere, back to the book, until he heard a soft whine and whimpering. Sure enough, after he had taken the book out of his vision, small Kyan was on the ground in front of him. Micah's fourth addition. Years he'd gone without any pokemon, and the last couple of years he'd been getting nothing but.

"Let me guess, you want up?"

He asked, and Kyan's rocky tail wagged as it barked at him in confirmation. Far be it for Micah to turn a pokemon down. The man sighed, again, and leaned back and patted his lap.

"Come on, then."

He spoke encouragingly, and Kyan took no time jumping up, stomping on Micah's thighs with its rocky feet before laying down and curling up.

"... Right."

Micah hesitantly reached out his hand and placed it on Kyan's head. It was still weird seeing a Rockruff fused with a Minior, but he could hardly judge the poor thing. It wasn't like it had a choice in the matter.

With his other hand he held the book by the bottom, positioning his fingers so the pages would be spread and held open.

Maybe now he could read more than the first three lines.

EV LoL - Quiet Evening
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In Miscellaneous ・ By Kelyias

Just Micah, hanging around with his pokemon 


Pokemon abilities

Fern: +1EXP


Ember: +1 brewing item

Kyan: chance for lootbox

Submitted By Kelyias
Submitted: 2 years and 1 week agoLast Updated: 2 years and 3 days ago

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