[RP]Sprained Ankle

In Daily Life ・ By Livard
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The dangers of their world seem to always lurk around the corners, even when one thinks that it would be entirely fine. The waters crashed against the beach, almost as if the denizens of the depths were angry with the humans. For a few unfortunate individuals the incoming tide caught them off guard. Down they went to the sand, sticking to their bodies. Some laughed it off, not being hurt. Others however… well that was a different story.


Ahimoth was one of the ‘others’, usually he was quite well on the beach, the water caressed him, but… well this time he wasn’t so lucky. The way his feet washed out from under him, and his body buckling caused him to hit the sand hard. Some small rocks and pebbles hidden within the grainy texture.


He gained some cuts and scrapes on his arms and legs, sand sticking to his wet skin and threatening to cause an infection in his body, but he just grumbled. Not seeming too worried about the abrasions.


“Ow, fuck that hurt,” he hissed.


Razyr loved swimming.


Unironically adored it, even before the whole nera thing and his affinity for water seemed to increase tenfold. He was a swimmer by nature, and not a day went by that he wasn't in the ocean for at least five minutes. He wore gear under his clothes specifically so he was always ready in case the mood struck him, or he was feeling particularly dried out after all. 


 The sea was a bit angry today, though it wasn't anything he could handle really. Years of swimming every day made him a pretty powerful swimmer, and he didn't really have to worry about drowning with his increased lung capacity. Everyone else though...yeah they didn't look like they were doing' too well. 


One man in particular, who cried out as he went down, caught Razyr's eye. It was probably the pink hair, to be honest. As Razyr pulled himself from the ocean like a gift from the sea itself, he smirked and waddled over, ringing water from his own long pink hair. 


"Hey buddy, you doin' okay? Something got you down?" He didn't look like he was in dire peril, but Razyr knew looks could be deceiving so he didn't move on as quickly as he normally would have. 


Eyes cast to his body, he only raised his head up when a shadow cast over him, not too much of it, meaning the owner was a distance away from him. First thing he saw was pink hair, then he finally rested on the man’s face. The question seemed sincere, and Ahimoth gave him a bit of a forced smile himself. 


He was still wary of strangers, the betrayal of his ex four years ago still weighed heavy on him, they had been together for six years. He cleared his throat, and tried to stand up. Though as he did so and placed pressure on his foot, a jolt to his nerves ran through his leg. The nerve endings cried out, and he nearly collapsed back to the beach.


“What?” He grumbled in pain, one hand moving to his ankle and rubbing it a little. Not only were there miniscule scrapes not too much to worry about, but his ankle was killing him. 


“I thought I was,” he admitted to the stranger finally, face looking back up to the male. “Do you always check on strangers?” Ahimoth inquired, brows cocked.


Razyr watched the man with a raised brow, and when he nearly collapsed he reached out a hand as if he could help him. Too far away though, but it was the thought that counted here, probably. He snorted at the question, shrugging. 


"Only the pretty ones," He said with a wink, stepping closer and holding out a hand, "And the ones that look like they might actually need it. Ocean's a dangerous place, and all that you know, I would hate to see your face on the news tomorrow and know I didn't stop to help." 


It was true, and the smile on his face was as genuine as they came. For the same reason he gave away free pokeballs when he was supposed to be charging for them: he had a big heart and he couldn't say no to people. Especially sad, injured people laying in the sand on the beach. 


Ahimoth grumbled a little at the hand extended toward him, the charming smile caused a bit of confusion on his face. It had been a few years since he was last complimented. And while he still squinted for a moment, he did take the hand offered finally. Getting off the grainy sand, he held his foot off the ground for the moment. Was it a sprain? He shook his head, no need to worry about it, surely he could get back to the hotel for the night, right?


“Thanks for the help,” he stated lightly, nails barely pressing against the skin of the one helping him. “Must’ve hurt my ankle when I got pushed down by the tide.” he laughed a little, though his cheeks still held a slight flush to them. “I should be fine now, I can move on my own.”


As he stated that, he went to put as little pressure on his foot as he could, he gritted his jagged teeth, he could still walk, he would just be a little slow. “I should probably just move from the tide and rest on the beach for now.” That was a good thought, he could just relax and enjoy the gentle breeze that brushed against them, bringing the smell of the saltwater ocean.


Razyr didn't seem convinced, watching the man move around gingerly once he was standing in a familiar song and dance. "So you just wanna....lay here in the sand? Until night comes? And the fog rolls in and something pulls you in and eats you?" There was a teasing grin accompanying those words, though the reality of that happening was very real. There was a reason people didn't hang out on the beach at night, and high tide was sort of the last call for beachgoers. 


"My van's just up there," He jerked his head towards the beach wall where the light beacons were stationed, not on yet but absorbing energy from the sun in preparation for evening, "I can take you wherever you need to go, maybe splint your leg if you don't trust getting in the back of a super cool van. I'd understand that." 


Ahimoth shot him a glare, this stranger didn’t know his past, but it hit such a sore spot within him. “I know that,” He grumbled, biting back the first words he wanted to say. “Fine, I’ll…” He paused looking toward the machines for a moment and sighed himself, lowering his pink eyes from the road.


“Alright, I’ll… I’ll take you up on that ride and splint. I won’t be resting when I get back to the hotel.” With that admitted, he looked back to the smiling guy. His pink eyes finally go to the branch-like appendages. He was a bit weird too. “You wanna splint it when we get up to your van or you want to do it here?”


Razyr watched as the man seemed to have some kind of crisis of faith over the invitation to the van, hardly one to be blamed though. He smiled when he finally agreed, and then snorted at the mention of the splint. 


"Oh no, we'll do it in the van. Nothing here to splint it with," He held his arms out wide as if showing off he was indeed in just the skintight swim gear he always wore these days. "I have some mediocre first aid supplies under the front seat, I'm sure I can find something to use."


Razyr didn't miss the way the man's eyes had gone to the seaweed growing from his head, but he dismissed it because... what else could he do? He kept on smiling, before realizing they were still rather far from his vehicle. "You need some help getting up there?" 


Bothered deep down, Ahimoth grunted, though he looked back to the male, as he hadn’t walked very far from him at all. He looked around them, yeah they’d need to get to the van. Obviously this pretty pink man wouldn’t keep a first-aid kit in his swimsuit somewhere.


“Heh, I didn't really look at what you were wearing. More focused on the appendages sticking from your hair.” He admitted, looking up to the male. “I guess I could, usually I just do it on my own. I don’t have anyone to help me.” Well he technically did, he could’ve called his parents. But it wasn’t that bad!


He did extend out his hand, so the other could grab it, but his eyes did finally go back to the seaweed like appendages. “What… are those sticking out of your head anyways?”


Razyr wasn’t really bothered by the man asking about his extra features, so when he held his hand out even as he asked he didn’t hesitate to take his hand and pull the man’s around over his shoulder. 


“Oh these? Just my extra flavor,” He reached up with his free hand to flick at the green seaweed, making it bounce and wiggle…oddly, “Just a little something I picked up in the ocean one day. It’s seaweed. Like the kind a Dragalge has.” His answers were matter of fact and straight forward, being fused with the DNA of a pokemon was commonplace these days, so he didn’t really have trouble talking about it anymore. At least not usually. 


“Let’s get you fixed up and back to your hotel, yeah?” With his help it wouldn’t take them more than a minute or two to climb the beach and get to the car park. His van was unmistakable, a bright blue and green monstrosity that absolutely had curtains in the back window and a massive Gyrados painted on the side. “There she is, my mighty steed.” 


“I see,” Ahimoth stated, using the male’s body to help walk up the embankment still, though his eyes didn’t leave Razyr’s form for long. Not that he hated getting help, but more so that he just was always wary of strangers - even of friends nowadays. “Extra flavor huh? Guess that’s one way to look at it,” he chuckled a little, though his eyes stayed looking forward. As they approached the Van, one of his brows rose up, his head tilting to the side. It looked… a little outdated for this day and age. He then turned to look back at Razyr. “Dragalge seaweed? So you’re fused with a pokemon?”


His voice didn’t hold any ill intent to it, there were plenty who had been fused with a pokemon for that matter. He sighed a little, a small smile forming on his lips now. “You really like it old styled don’t you?” He jested a little, the van looked like it was from a time long forgotten almost, but beautifully painted. “She may not be as old as I’m thinkin’ she is though.” He sighed and hobbled a little, to get closer. He did move his arm from the other’s shoulder, carefully leaning his back against the van while he waited on where he was going to sit. 


“You like swimming? I take it?” He asked, head against the van and his pink eyes closed. White and red gradient hair filtering with a soft breeze. The sound of the birds, the smell of the ocean, and even up on the road brought a soft smile to his face. “It’s always welcoming at the beach.”


"Indeed I am," Razyr answered with a chipper tone, helping the man to the van easily. He smirked a little at the comments about his van from the guy, he wasn't put off by what other people thought, hardly, so he left him to lean up against it as he walked around to the back. "Was a gift from my parents. The body is oldish, but the engine is all new. None of that Ethanol guzzling here, we run on electric and solar power only!"


The back of the van opened with two double doors, and Razyr swung them wide and then leaned over to gesture the pink-haired man around. 


"I love swimming, getting the nera certainly just made me love it more, if not more necessary," He said conversationally. Razyr climbed into the back, digging around the mattress he had back there that was built into the wooden walls and floor of the van. For as old as it looked, the inside of the van was state-of-the-art and extremely comfortable. 


"Here, hop up, and let me try to get a splint on you. I got some bandages in this kit we can use as well," He patted the edge of the van, scooting towards it himself so he could help the other man, a first aid kit under one arm.


Watching him, Ahimoth tilted his head, leaning against the van, and his eyes closed with a bit of a heavy sigh. “Yeah, they do come in handy. I’m just permafused by the water element Nera. Makes traversing the ocean quite easily.” He’d love to be back in the water instead of up there on land and at the van, but that was fine, he could deal with being on shore like this, he was getting ready to leave anyways.


He took a breath, and started to hobble his way to the back when he was motioned, using the Van to lean on as he did so. “Back looks to be in pretty good shape. You must take good care of it, considering the shape the interior looks to be.” Strained smile, he placed his hands on the floorboard of the opened back and hopped a moment. 


He was soon sitting on metal, eyes looking at Rayzyr, as he sighed himself, “Sorry about this, didn’t mean to inconvenience you.” Ahimoth then offered a bit more of a flirty smile, though just barely. “Someone as cute as you surely has better things to do.”


Though he winced a little, moving his leg up so Razyr could get to his ankle a little better and not have to kneel down on the road. “Here, this should make it a little easier for you to create the splint.” He chuckled a bit, “Perhaps when my ankle is a little better, I can treat you out for coffee, as a reward for helping.”


Razyr made an 'ooo' sound at the mention of the water nera, getting his supplies ready to hopefully help the man he'd just met with his injury. When he came around the side of the van he gave him a smile, looking around at the mentioned interior before chuckling.


"Aha, yeah it's sort of a secondary base of operations for me, so it pays to keep it nice," He shrugged as he said it, like having a Pokeball workshop in the back of your van was a perfectly normal thing to have. Though to the average person it just looked like a really high-tech setup complete with a cozy-looking plush bed. 


"Don't worry about it, really," He tried to brush off the man's concerns, lining up the hard plastic of the splint against his ankle, "I'm not inconvenienced in the slightest. And you'd be surprised, not much to do these days as night approaches." 


Razyr was more used to being the one doing the dead-end flirting, instead of being flirted with, so he fumbled a little at the man's compliments and invitation, though the smile never left his face. The splint was harder to get into place than he'd initially imagined - he'd never actually done it before - and by the time he managed to get it where he wanted it so he could start wrapping it, he realized he had been suspiciously silent for a few minutes. 


"Oh uh, yeah, coffee sounds great," His complexion meant it was a little harder to see him blush, but he could feel it which meant it was there, "Alright let me get this wrapped up and I can drive you wherever you wanna go." 


He took the roll of bandages from the first aid kit he'd found and started wrapping the man's ankle, a bit sloppy at first but once he found a groove he actually managed to do a passable job. Any self-respecting nurse in a clinic would likely smack him upside the head for it, but he thought it looked pretty good. He had no idea if it felt any better or was serviceable, though.


"How's it feeling?" He asked nervously, worried he might've done more harm than good just now.


Ahimoth winced a little as Razyr got the splint on his leg, the wrapping of the leg didn’t hurt too much, more of an annoying sting. He sighed to himself, watching the bandages and the wood get put into place, it was nice he hopefully would be able to walk again now. he did notice that Razyr seemed to get quiet, a bit of a contrast to his chipper attitude beforehand, and one that did cause an audible chuckle to slip from his mouth. Was he not used to someone reciprocating such an action?


When it was all wrapped up, he did move his ankle a little, testing the splint. Though there was still that burning, annoying pain, it felt a little better than it had. “Thanks,” he admitted gently, tilting his head a little to the side.


“I’ll get in the passenger seat, give you the location of the hotel I’m staying at here.” He then slid himself carefully out of the back of the van. He let his non-injured foot touch down first, body weight placed on that, as he carefully brought the other one forward. 


He walked to the passenger side so Razyr could put up his supplies and opened the passenger side door. As he did so, he stepped inside, buckling up and closing the door back. “Ready when you are.”


Razyr smiled at the appreciation for his work. It was pretty shoddy, he knew, but at least he’d tried to help the other man. The splint would be serviceable until he could get to a place he could rest or get proper medical care, if he wished. 


“Sounds good, I’ll be right up,” He said with a nod, turning to bring the first aid kit back to the little storage under the bed in the back. There was a wall that separated the front seats from the rest of the van, so Ahimoth had a brief moment of privacy as Razyr put away his supplies. When he was done he shut the doors tightly and went to the front seat, sliding in comfortably and settling in with a content sigh. 


“It occurred to me when I was back there that I didn’t even give you my name, which might be weird for you considering I’m driving you around and could have like, trapped you in my van or something,” He grinned over at the other man, not an ounce of ill-intent on his face despite the playful glint in his eyes, “I’m Razyr Costa, nice to meet you.” 


He started the van with a scan of his TD, keys were cool but he’d lose them way too easily if given the chance. The electric engine came to life and the van whirred as the console lit up with a navigation and touchscreen control panel at the front. “So, where to?”


Closing his eyes, he leaned his head back against the soft seat, only after making sure he had buckled in. That was the last thing he wanted to deal with the authorities, again! He turned his eyes onto the male. The mentions of introductions did cause him to squint as if the kid was imagining something. Surely he had introduced himself?


Now that he thought about it, no he hadn’t, he went from wary to slight flirting, but he never once said his name. Ahimoth chuckled, closing his eyes with a hum when the engine fully roared to life. “Nice to meet you, Razyr. Sounds like you should be named after a beach,” he mused with a half smile. “Especially with that last name.”


Though he took a breath and opened his eyes finally. “It’s Ahimoth, not sure of my last name, I never took the time to learn it from my parents.” With that admitted, he did shrug a second but smiled nonetheless. “It’s one of the cheaper but not too shady hotels in the city. Here,” he held out the card that looked as clear as glass with some glowing text floating on the screen. “The hotel’s name.” 


Razyr laughed as he pulled the van out into the street, navigating around people and pokemon alike as he set a course for the city proper. Most people picked on his first name, so that was a new thing for him. 


"Unique first name, gotta give you that," He said with a grin, deftly avoiding a hovercart trying to sell paper dragonkites to tourists, "As someone who admittedly has one of the weirder names, I think you might have even me beat." 


He took the card when it was offered and scanned it quickly with his TD, changing the course for the hotel once it was in his system before handing the card back. He knew the city like the back of his hand at this point, but Razyr still used his system out of habit - most people probably did. 


"Not too bad a choice all things considered. If you'd handed me a card that said The Dirty Cloyster I might've begged you to reconsider, though," Razyr couldn't help but tease with an exaggerated grimace at the mention of one of the worst motels in the city. Terrible name, terrible decor, just overall awful. 


Ahimoth chuckled a bit, letting his eyes glance over Razyr when he mentioned his name. Though Ahimoth looked to the road as they traveled, thinking to himself. "Thought your parents might've liked the move Razor Shell," he teased a little, considering that's how Ahitmoth had been pronouncing the man's name since he was told that is. 


The mention of the motel made him shiver, almost making his ears tilt down a little, but they still remained up for the most part. "Sounds like some sleazy place for a night of shame and embarrassment," he admitted, resting his back against the seat behind him and closing his eyes in response. 


"Nah I know better than to stay at a place with that kind of name, I have a bit more class than that," He stated gently, hand resting on his knee, and he opened his eyes to see some of the buildings flying by for the most part. He fell quiet for the moment, looking down to his ankle where the splint was, his cheeks turning a slight pink hue. He'd need to be more careful from now on with what he did. 


"Kinda sucks to not be a young kid with that elasticity that provides some protection to your limbs."


Razyr snorted, it wasn't the first time he'd heard that one regarding his name and it wouldn't be the last. He kept his hands on the wheel even if the car was mostly driving itself. He nodded solemnly at Ahimoth's judgment of the motel, a look of utmost seriousness on his face as he turned to fix the man with a stare. 


"Oh yes, very." 


The silence wasn't uncomfortable, and Razyr resisted the urge to fill it as he navigated the bustling streets of rivertide. Sometimes it felt like walking would be faster in this city, with how often people just jumped out into the road without a care for their own safety. Blue eyes looked over at the man at the mention of limbs, and Razyr couldn't help but chuckle. 


"Oh to be young and spry again," He said with a derisive snort. Razyr was still pretty young all things considered, and pretty fit to boot. He could certainly sympathize with an annoying injury though. The car turned onto the street that Ahimoth's hotel was on, and Razyr slowed as he pulled up to the curb. 


"You going to be alright making it to your room, do you think?" Razyr asked as he turned in his seat to lift a brow at the other man, looking up at the building with concern. 


Ahimoth looked toward the hotel as it came into view and the vehicle slowly came to a stop, though it was a bit sad, he somewhat enjoyed talking with Razyr, but that was alright. With a hum, he turned his attention to the male and nodded at the last question. There seemed to be some concern for him, which made Ahimoth flash a small smile. He wasn't used to being shown such kindness... well he probably had been and he would brush it off. 


He moved to get out of the vehicle, minding his bandaged up ankle, making sure he still had his wallet on him, though most things were cybernetic now-a-days he kept some cash on him still. "Yeah I can make it from here. Thanks for the patch up, Razyr," he gave a genuine compliment. Well this would be bittersweet, but he was sure he'd probably run into Razyr again whenever he came to Rivertide, maybe. 


He leaned down just a little, so he could look at him from the car, "Be safe getting back to your place of residence alright. I'm going to go ahead and head on in." He felt like he should say more, but all words that approached became awkward or cheesy in his mind. So instead he turned with a wave of his hand, "See ya around." 

[RP]Sprained Ankle
0 ・ 0
In Daily Life ・ By Livard

Ahimoth ended up spraining his ankle on the beach of Rivertide. Luckily for him Razyr was able to offer him some help and get him to the hotel he was staying at. Though Ahimoth seems a bit gruff towards Razyr, he's thankful for the help!

Umbra’s Word Count: 2233

Liv’s Word Count: 2105

Submitted By Umbra-Moon for Injuries and IssuesLocation: Rivertide
Submitted: 1 year and 7 months agoLast Updated: 1 year and 7 months ago

Livard: Roleplay Partner
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