[ML]Haietlik's Training

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Vasuki knew that it was essential for trainers to have pokemon with good battle moves as the world was dangerous around them and anything could happen, especially while on their travels to and fro places. He sighed to himself and closed his eyes, the first pokemon he decided that he would help train was Haietlik. He turned his gaze to the large snake that slithered at his side, scales rubbing along the floor. The pokemon turned to look at him, squinting her eyes in a curious way, and her tail flicked from one side of the other. “Are you ready to learn some new moves, Haietlik?” He asked his pokemon with a smile.

Haietlik responded with a hiss in his direction, her tongue flicking a bit as a playful thing, yeh she was ready to learn some moves. She stopped before something, as Vasuki had paid for a training area for the day, for Haietlik. She was ready to go at the training dummy, it was in the shape of a Lucario and moved and acted on its own, but if it did attack, they wouldn’t hurt instead it would just make a sound saying the pokemon has been hit. She was ready and raring to go though, and so Vasuki tapped the TD on his left temple.

“Alright Haietlik I got some moves on the TD here that it says you can learn. Are you ready to try and see if you can manifest them with your energy? We’ll try the electric ones first, that should be the easiest ones for you to do, alright?” 

The response he gained from his partner was a louder, more enthusiastic hiss, her tongue flickered and the electricity within the orb her tail carried crackled in response. She was definitely charged up at least, and that was a good thing. 

“Alright, so the first one we’re going to try to learn is Discharge. The description says that you need to harness your energy and hold it a moment or two. Once it’s built up, you need to let it loose in a massive shock. Let’s try not to shock me though, alright, it says that it goes around your area, but won’t shock the user.” 

She nodded quickly and turned back to the dummy, she worked on concentrating, her eyes narrowed and her tongue flickered from her mouth again. She would need to concentrate her energy and her power. As she kept her eyes closed, and they narrowed in thought, she could feel her energy centering around the orb that she carried with her. The orb crackled and popped as she did so, and was charging. The orb had begun to glow, as did a bit of her body. She could feel the charge in her body growing greater with each second that started to pass. 

She released the energy she felt growing in her body, the orb crackled like thunder, the energy releasing into the soil around her and traveling toward the training dummy. As it did, the dummy was lit by the volts that ran through it, a projection showed up on the side, showing the power of such a move and how much health Lucario would have left if this was an actual battle.

Vasuki grinned, his smile large as he moved to pet his discharged pokemon, softly moving his hand toward the snake’s chin and scratching it gently again. “Good work Haietlik! We got a few more moves to learn! But that was great for the first one.”

Word Count: 500; Discharge

With the first move learned and out of the way, it took a few minutes for the training dummy to reset its health and repair the damage done to its body. While it did that, hsi eyes soon went back to his TD, hitting his scale-like pattern on his left temple to check out the next move he was looking at. As he clicked the word on the holographic screen, he watched as Haietlike waited expectantly, another hiss leaving her lips, as if asking him what the hold-up was. He chuckled and smiled, petting her snout. “Don’t worry Haietlik, I’ve almost got the next one pulled up. There’s so many moves you can learn, I want to make sure you get some decent ones!” 

She let out another soft hiss of her own, just nuzzling against the had as it petted her head, and pouted when it was pulled away. She turned to look back at the dummy however, and moved closer to it. While Vasuki was reading up on the moves, she took her tail and smacked the dummy a few times, listening to the doots it made as it was being attacked by her tail. Finally Vasuki seemed to have found the right attack he wanted her to learn and moved to call her over to him, his grin wide, and the TD closed so he could see Haietlik without being obscured by an opaque screen. 

“Alright, the next one we’re learning is Electro Ball, this one it says that you need to concentrate your energy and think of a spherical shape, the electricity in your body will start to morph into the spherical shape. Once that’s done, you choose a direction you wish to send the ball toward and hit it with your tail or hands or head, any of the the three will work. Again, try not to hit me, Haietlik. 

She narrowed her gaze in thought and turned her attention to the orb she carried, it was spherical in shape, so she could just think of that when transforming her energy then! She closed her eyes, keeping the orb in her forefront and shut her eyes tighter, making creases near her eyes and her body tensing some. As she did so, it looked like a ball was beginning to form in front of the orb. Swirling electricity that zapped out at times and toward anything close enough to it. Vasuki had to dodge a few stray strikes, so he wouldn’t get electrocuted. Once she was done, she opened her eyes and the unstable ball of electricity swirled before her tail. Haitlik’s target unfortunately shifted from the dummy to her Trainer when he made a noise.

Her tail smacked the ball and sent it flying without warning, the only giveaway was the sound of the crackling electricity getting closer and closer. Vasuki dove to get out of the way of the ball and watched as it struck a wall and left a singe strike there, that could have been him!

“Haietlik be more careful next time okay, I’m not the target, that was really close. But at least you learned the move right?” 

Haietlik hissed in approval, the smile present on her face obviously happy with her progress and waiting for the next one.

Word Count: 538


Vasuki just laughed a little at the apologetic look on Hiaetlik’s face, as he tried to apologize for throwing the electric ball at his trainer, he hadn’t meant to try to hit Vasuki and thus he bumped his head against his trainer, and moved to wrap his tail and body a little around Vasuki in an attempt to give him a hug. He hadn’t meant to hurt him, or to fire toward him, but something had caught his attention and caused the ball to go spiraling in that direction.

“It’s alright Haietlik I know you didn’t mean it, let’s just try to be a little more careful next time. These moves that I have up now are going to be a little harder for you to create, I think. They aren’t electric type moves, so I’m not sure how well your concentration will be. But we’re going to try and do our best alright?” 

Haietlik nodded with a few quick nods., knowing that she had understood nad she pulled herself away from Vasuki’s body and turned back to face the training dummy that was before her. Eyes narrowed with that look of determination, and the orb being rolled around on the floor momentarily. She was waiting on the instructions from her Trainer, she didn’t need the descriptions of the moves, she was sure they would pop up however they wanted, but having an idea helped her visualize and better concentrate on what she was trying to do.

“Alright, this one is known as Toxic thread, it’s said that you shoot a thread from your mouth and wrap it around your opponent. There’s not much more of a description and I’m not sure if you can even manage to do a thread since… well you’re not a pokemon that uses that move!”

Haietlik frowned and tilted her head in thought, that definitely was not an easy one to think about that was for sure. While she was trying to figure out whether or not she would be able to use this, she also flexed her fangs a little, the poison sacs behind them did feel full and she would need to get out her venom in one way or another anyways. She was sure that if she concentrated enough, her energy could morph her poison into some kind of string or thread for her, at the least.

She sighed and continued to flex her fangs a little, finally getting some poison to slip from them, and with that she was ready to try and get this toxic thread attack to work. She went to spew the venom at the training dummy, but the first attempt just came out with some poison that dribbled down her face. A second attempt the poison was spit, but it wasn’t the thread that she was looking for. The third attempt seemed successful and as she spit the poison out for a third time, it had morphed into a thread-like shape and started to wrap around the training dummy. There was some health loss from it, as it wrapped around the dummy and almost seemed to squeeze it. If a pokemon couldn’t break out of it, then it would be something to help keep a pokemon still!

Word Count: 541


“Great job Haietlik! We only have one more to learn and then we’re done for the day. I’m so proud of you, you’re doing great!” He tried to encourage the pokemon, getting another soft hiss as a reaction, Haietlike was getting tired, and Vasuki could almost see that in her eyes, but he smiled to her gently. “Once we get this last move down together, I'll make you something good to eat to help replenish your energy and hopefully some of your strength. I didn’t expect it to be so draining on you.” 

Haietlik nodded, she would agree to one more move learning for her day and then getting the break. She was ready to get something to eat, she was ready to go and bathe in the warmth of the sun, or in the house. Just to sleep and enjoy what’s left. She waited patiently for the next move and the instructions that would be given to her from her trainer and the little device that allowed him to look things up.

“This one is called Gunk Shot,” he started, looking at the information that was available and he squinted his nearly emerald green eyes for a moment, with a bit of a huff. “It looks like you need to get your poison filled and into a shape in your mouth. It will stick together when mixing with your saliva and create a ball-like shape that’s sticky and poisonous. It should poison targets upon touch.” Well that didn’t sound like a bad move for Haietlik to have at least!

The snake turned from him, flexing her fangs again and pulling the poison down from their sacs, she cleared her throat it almost seemed, getting the poison pulled down with the movement of the muscles and easing it into her mouth. There was a nice build up there since she had a lot of poison backed up anyways. After rolling it around her mouth for a bit, she was ready to try and shoot it at the opponent. She didn’t want to mess this one up, because if she did then she would have to wait for the poison to build back up in her mouth instead. She had made sure she pulled all of the poison down, using her tongue to fill the spots behind her fangs, and there was no poison there, they had sunken into their normal size now.

Eyes on the target, she closed them and reared back her head before making a hacking sound nearly and the ball was tossed from her maw at the figure. It hit the training dummy, at first sticking to the target before oozing down its body and a bit of a purple hue faded off of the Gunk shot. Her tail flicked, almost watching it eat at the dummy's body, but it would repair itself as well after showing the states of the attack. Vasuki was impressed with her, as that was all the attacks he wanted her to learn that day and she learned all of them!

Word Count: 509


“Great job Haietlik, now as I promised, no more move learnings for the day. I’ll get home and make your favorite meal so you can enjoy that instead! Sorry about all the training, but it’s best if you all know some good moves to help defend yourself when the time comes.” He admitted, feeling the snake slither up against his hand as they had started to walk back toward the house.

“Maybe I should get us a little treat on the way there, I’m a little hungry myself,” he hummed, walking down the street with his hands now tucked behind his head, and a big smile on his face.

Total Word Count: 2310

[ML]Haietlik's Training
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In Move Learning ・ By Umbra-Moon
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Submitted By Umbra-Moon for Pokemon: Move LearningLocation: Rivertide
Submitted: 1 year and 7 months agoLast Updated: 1 year and 7 months ago

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