Overcoming Fear

In Rank-Up ・ By AveryFish
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Eddy RANK UP: Adept

772 Words

Oh god, Oh god, Oh god. Eddy knew this was for the best, he knew it was but there was no part of him that was even remotely okay with the situation at hand. He adored Celeste, he loved him! he was his favorite person in the whole entire world and even if they were sometimes participating in  really, really, really horrible things he would still continue to love him. But. It was easy to ignore those things and forget that Celeste was involved in crime- what wasn't easy to forget was his mass of bug-like pokemon. Creepy crawlies with far too many legs that were squishy and made noises up at him in a beg for attention. He just never particularly liked bug Pokemon, there was something about them he found wholly and completely unnerving but now they were everywhere and for the sake of his love- he was going to figure out how to be okay with them. 
In this particular case he was looking at a small, blue, kind of more fish-like pokemon than the rest of Celeste's. He still had far too many legs but they were the least bug-like bug that his boyfriend owned. Shrimpy was their name and for some reason they always just _loved_ him. Every time Eddy came into the shop they would start to make a fuss in their little kiddy pool in hopes that Eddy will come and give him attention and while he sometimes flashed them a nervous smile he never went close to them. That was, until today. 
He had come into the shop and heard his boyfriend in the other room working away with a client, chattering with them in the happy manner that he always did so carefully Eddy stepped towards the little water venipede. They were splish splashing within the water and he saw them twirling in the water hopefully and despite how innocent and clearly excited they were Eddy still felt a rock growing in the pit of his stomach. Why did they have to have so many legs.... Why did they have to look at him with such big eyes and such a discombobulated body. "Heyyy... Shrimpy.." Eddy called out quietly to them as he came to crouch down beside the kiddy pool. 
His heart was beating rapidly within his chest, threatening to break out of his rib cage and honestly even just being this close made the bug-like man want to cry himself. He had been suppressed but the mere stress that was racing through him from merely knowing what he was about to do was enough to spike his emotions until his suppressors broke. An additional pair of arms rolled out from his side as his hair all puffed up into a ball atop his head, turning him into just as much a freak of nature as Shrimpy was. That was great...
Taking a deep breath he slowly began to reach out towards the shrimp-like pokemon in the water, putting his hand into the kiddy pool that was it's home and he heard their excited chittering as they almost instantly wrapped around his hand. They were wet, feeling almost slimy thanks to the water that was on them and goosebumps ran all across Eddy's skin. There were too many legs, too many limbs, all scrabbling and wrapping around him and gods even their whiskers were wrapping around his arm now. 
It was almost too much for him and the stress rose to a level where soon his usually green TD's began to flash in warning and he heard the door open as Celeste bolted out of the room. Their eyes were wide in concern that something had happened to him, and Eddy couldn't blame them. Something did happen- he was stuck. Even when he decided it was too much for him and tried to get out of the Pokemon's grasps they weren't letting go of him. They only grabbed tighter and more excitedly and looked to Celeste in delight. Squeaking at their owner to show them the fact that he managed to be with Eddy. He had second dad's love at long last! It only earned a pitiful smile from Celeste. "Oh Eddy...." He said softly under as he wandered towards them. 
His lovely pink haired man came in beside him and reached in to carefully untangle Shrimpy from his arm. All the while also giving him a small kiss on the cheek which did help to ease some of his stress even if he stayed perfectly still. Eddy couldn't react. Until Celeste could completely free him he found himself frozen in place.
Overcoming Fear
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In Rank-Up ・ By AveryFish
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Submitted By AveryFish for Level UPView Favorites
Submitted: 1 year and 7 months agoLast Updated: 1 year and 7 months ago

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