Let's not start a fuss
In Missions and Explorations ・
By AveryFish
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Rivalry Riot - NEUTRAL PROMPT | 1030 Words
Cynic is up to something, and Ethos look like they're mobilising to take them on. The authorities are looking for any information on any illegal activities that might lead us to Team Cynic members, and are maybe looking to bring down any Ethos vigilantes who get carried away...
"Yeah. He probably is." Both of the young men were acquaintances of Lanca's, both ones hes worked for on different occasions. Emilio, a rather well behaved young man who sometimes had a strange sense of justice. And Salami, a member of Cynic who would do literally anything for a buck or two. Sipping on his drink he saw how the magikarp man noticed the photo being taken and seemed to start to go after the other- also finding it suspicious. There was a good chance Emilio would try to take this photo off to police, and while that wasn't ideal he also couldn't have Salami going and smashing the kids head in with a bat so he sighed.
Lanca took one last long sip of his drink he pushed himself up off of the chair and began to wander forward. Mr. Business following closely behind. They didn't understand that there was anything wrong, they just seemed happy to be on the move again and a trail of dissolving gunk was behind him with every small wriggle of his goo-like form. "Mr. Business, did you see that nice lad with the long orange hair who went running around the corner? Could you go and stop him from finding that other nice young man for me. Ill catch up."
He didn't want to run, but Mr. Business wouldn't have any hesitation to do so and quickly the poison ditto scampered forward to run into the same Alleyway as Salami and it took only a minute for him to hear the yelp of a man getting caught. Rounding a corner Lanca came face to face with a Salami who was frozen in place thanks to a mass of bubbling gunk on all sides. Mr. Business probably had just found the poor fish fusion and circled around them excitedly, no malicious harm intended but it would be enough to make them stop. "Salami!!" Lanca called out cheerfully and he could hear how the other groaned at the sound of his voice.
"Lanca." They were thrilled to see him clearly. That's why they sounded like they would rather be dead. "I'm kind of in the middle of something you know, can we perhaps play games later? I feel like I might be in mortal danger." In danger of getting arrested if he lost track of Emilio.
"Ah! Right! Because some kind took a photo of you and then ran, right?" He asked and even though he couldn't see Salami's eyes he was quite certain they were glaring at him.
"Yes exactly."
"I'm afraid I can't let you do that~"
Any semblance of Salami's patience dissolved at that and he let out a low growl. "Look, I ain't gonna hurt him alright Lanca? I'm just gonna ask him to delete the photo's, I don't like there being photos of me. I'll even ask him politely! No violence involved if you don't want me to." He pleaded as he gradually moved to step out of the ring of poison that Mr. Business had created. The small ditto didn't mind the moving man at all but they also didn't seem keen on letting him go. Instead of sitting still Mr. Business once more resumed happily running in circles around him to make a new ring of poisonous danger that tired Salami out.
It was exhausting for him to deal with Lanca, and he really wished he didn't have to. How was it this man just always managed to get in the way somehow? "...Actually, you know what Lanca." Salami soon continued which earned a raising of Lanca's eyebrows. They were always so calm and unconcerned that it constantly frustrated Salami to see. "You work for me, you sometimes do business for me up in WinterVale."
"I do~"
"So it's in your best interest to not let me end up caught by the authorities either right?"
Lanca tilted his head with a small hum and then gave a small laugh. "I suppose~ But how about you let me deal with this instead of you. Yeah? Ain't no reason to go scaring some poor kid." He didn't have any need to elaborate further on that. The cynic member was bound to stand down and not cause any kind of a fuss which was exactly what Lanca wanted. As they merely huffed over his words Lanca turned on his heels to continue forward. "Come on Mr. Business~ Let's go see nice lad numero dos."
While the ditto had continued to circle Salami at the new prompting by it's trainer they quickly darted forward to go and run someplace new, to find the one who had been taking a photo. "Gotta see if he really is going to be taking that to the authorities or if he was simply sight seeing~"
He didn't know exactly where in Rivertide Emilio had run off to, but he didn't need to know the exact path that might have been taken as Lanca could simply head down to the police station and see if Emilio ends up there. Of course there was always the option of submitted anonymous leads online, which would be problematic but that didn't quite seem Emilio's style.... Would it? Lanca stopped in his aimless walking. That kid had never been great with technology which is why Lanca assumed they would be going off to the station, but what if they did decide to try anonymously online. Right... No just aimless walking he had someone to hunt down then.
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Submitted By AveryFish
for No Risk, No Reward
Submitted: 1 year and 11 months ago ・
Last Updated: 1 year and 11 months ago
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