[Fieldwork]No Bee, No Buzz [1]

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Haku wasn’t even aware that some of the officials in Brookfell were trying to set up some Combee hives to help keep them warm during the winter, and when he saw the advertisement looking for volunteers who were nice to pokemon and who wanted to help he couldn’t pass it up. He decided that Kazame would probably be perfect for this type of thing, as his shell could help keep the hives warm as they traveled around to place them up! It took a bit of time to travel there, and only when he arrived at the area did he release Kazame out so he could also help, he smiled down at his pokemon, who looked around slightly timidly. He met up with the group, with a few worries in his mind, mostly of being attacked.

But surely the combees would understand that they were just trying to help wouldn’t they? Haku had a feeling that it wouldn’t be so simple, and as he arrived to help with the local beekeepers, he was indeed handed a white suit with a plastic face covering. He sighed a little and looked up toward the other workers for a moment with a raised brow. Their cautious glances and the hand wave motioning for him to go ahead and place it on, gave him all the answers that he needed. He was quick to put the fullbody suit on top of the clothes that he already had on. He looked down to the pokemon he brought with him, Kazame having his head tucked in a little to his shell and looking up at his trainer with a curious gaze. His smile was soft, and he leaned down, petting him with the gloved hand. “Come on Kazame, let’s get to work shall we?”

The others gave him an odd look almost but he just offered them a smile instead. “He can carry some things, besides with his shell producing some heat thanks to the Torkoal part of him, he might be able to keep the hives warm enough without them getting too hot, or too cold while we’re setting them up. Hopefully the Combee will enjoy them.” 

Haku was given a set of make-shift hives to put up for the Combees in his section, there were about five hives and at least if they were attacked, Kazame could hopefully sustain some of the strings if they decided to target him for any reason. WIth the hives in hand, Haku began to put them on the trees, using Kazame’s shell to help keep them warm as he placed them up high enough off the ground pokemon wouldn’t easily get to them but not so high where Combee were not known to fly. He didn’t want them to be uncomfortable after all. With the first hive hung up, he smiled down to Kazame, who offered him a small smile back.

They had three move hives to place up, and as he walked, the Combee flew down to the hive to inspect it, all three of the heads looking at it, and touching it with their feelers, buzzing around it. The hives were big enough to probably house a few Combee within as well, and Haku could hope the Vespiqueen - if there was one present for this group - would also enjoy the hives placed around as well. 

He moved onto the next tree, hanging the others up at the same elevation, maybe just a tad bit off since there were no lines to fully show where to put them. He stood back with Kazame and watched the Combee excitedly fly around, wings beating happily and the buzzing of them easy to hear. He turned when a hand was on his shoulder, and he was offered a thumbs-up for a job well done. He was proud that it went off without too much trouble, and gave them a smile back with a thumbs up as well.

Being able to help out pokemon like this was one thing that he enjoyed, and he was happy to be able to help, as was Kazame due to his shell glowing a soft red hue, and a bit of smoke being released from the main vent on the top of it. 

“We did good, you did good Kazame. I’m so proud of you being able to walk around and not be too shy,” he whispered, picking up the small turtle with a large smile. As he turned there were two things held out to him, they both looked like snack bars almost, but it read ‘honey bars’ and he had to ask if it was for human or pokemon consumption.

There was a laugh, but it was explained that it was for both and it was a tasty treat, some they got from the last set of Combee hives the group had set up, and as the combees settled in their hovels, the group smiled. Hopefully this would help keep the Combee warm during the winter.

Word Count: 833

[Fieldwork]No Bee, No Buzz [1]
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In Missions and Explorations ・ By Umbra-Moon

Haku and Kazame have went to help out the local Combees. At least these weren't too mean ;-;

Haku gains +5 EXP

Kazame gains +1 EXP

Submitted By Umbra-Moon for FieldworkLocation: Brookfell
Submitted: 1 year and 7 months agoLast Updated: 1 year and 7 months ago

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