[[GE1]] [GH Exploration]Friend in the Sakura District...

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“Stick close to me Wick, I wouldn’t want you getting too close to the plants here,” Haku mentioned, keeping Wick tightly in his hands so the little mischievous pokemon couldn’t go levitating off toward the vegetation that hung off of the buildings. He was just in amazement at the city, it was huge, bigger than he expected. But there was one specific thing he wanted to visit within Grovehart and the main palace that was, was the King’s Shrine. He wanted to pay a visit there and offer his own respects to the great leader. He was sure his pokemon would also start feeling the same way the closer they drew toward the area.

Kazame walked at his legs, with Temaki on his back and Kazame gave off a sigh of his own, eyes looking up to Haku. How much farther do we have to go? My legs are starting to get tired. He squeaked, causing Haku to look down toward him. Though he didn’t know what he was saying, he gently patted Kazame’s head anyway.

“I’m sorry Kazame,” Haku apologized and smiled after. “I’ll check on your coal once we get there to make sure your fire doesn’t go out, alright? Don’t fret too much, I won’t let anything bad happen to anyone.”

Temaki took the opportunity with the extended hand to hop onto the arm and used her fins to pull her up to Haku’s shoulder and looked down to the two pokemon that were still there. Come on, if Haku can keep walking you two can as well. It’s not going to hurt you.”

Sorbet seemed to narrow their seed like eyes, and hopped a bit more frantically, letting out grumbles and almost gargle-like noises. That’s easy for you to say, you’re hoisted up on his shoulder and you were hitching a ride on Kazame. Why don’t you propel yourself there Temaki!

Haku sighed when there were exchanges back and forth, they didn’t seem like friendly exchanges with the tones of voices and the contorted faces. He shook his head and got out the pokeballs that belonged to the two of them. “I know you two know what this means. Straighten up and get along, or you’re going in the pokeballs until we get there. We’re a team, a family of sorts, we shouldn’t be arguing over this. And Temaki, you know better, anymore outbursts that aren’t necessary and you’ll be walking there yourself. I don’t mind giving any of my pokemon a lift, but that’s ridiculous.”

The two that were arguing, Temakie and Sorbet seemed to calm down when they seen the pokeball and listened to their trainer’s words, grumbling a little, the five of them continued their adventures down past the beautiful buildings and the holographic trees and sights they had within the village.

Thanks to the holographic signs, he knew he was going in the right direction, and soon enough he was upon the guardians’ shrine. The wild pokemon that ran about there freely was one thing, but the shrine that was erected there, and just the overall peaceful and almost welcoming feeling he got was enough to leave him entirely stunned. While Haku stood there with his mouth agape, Kazame, Sorbet, and even Wick, who had gotten out of his hands, floated a little closer to the area of the king. Some of the wild pokemon had gotten closer to check them out, and with no ill will sensed on either side, there shouldn’t be any battles going on. Haku just wasn’t going to stop here though, he wanted to head in another direction too! He was going to go toward the festival area and see what Groveharts festival was about since he knew Rivertide and Brookfells already.

He gathered up his pokemon after they all offered a moment of silence and some prayers up to the king, their next destination was the Sakura District before they would head to the festival area. He turned his head down to his pokemon and gave them all a grin as well, “it’s going to take us a while to get there, I should probably put you all up. I’ll release you again when we’re in the Sakura district, alright. Rest up.”

They didn’t refuse as each was returned to the pokeball for now, and Haku took off quickly with a smile. He was starting to feel such joy and peace that he could feel his appendages pressing against his skin. While he narrowed his gaze, he didn’t want his appendages to just pop out when they did, so he tried his best to help control them. There were a few turns of large buildings, past some of the cybernetic trees that they kept up for appearances. It took quite a while, with him observing the differences and the technological advances that he had seen, but eventually he walked into the Sakura District. It was still early enough that most crime wouldn’t be happening yet and traveling the pathways would be safe mostly. 

Haku released his pokemon there since they all wanted to be free and he promised when he got to the district he would do so. Each one stretched, as if they had taken a small nap while within their pokeballs, and then looked at Haku who motioned around them with a huge grin. Augh if he smiled anymore he would probably rip a hole in the back of his pants because he hadn’t packed an extra set.

While they were observing the trees and the district, five stomachs rumbled simultaneously, which had him sitting at one of the little pop-up restaurants, ordering something for himself and his pokemon to order. While they were eating, Haku noticed out of the corner of his eye a darker Fidough than he was used to seeing, its colors were off and it had this… fruit thing dangling from its tail”? 

Most of the pokemon seemed to ignore its appearance, as did Haku himself, at least until it started giving gentle whines and its stomach was also heard. He sighed and smiled regardless, ordering a small thing of poke treats and giving them to the little fusion. He advised it to find a nice, kind, gentle owner and to let them take care of it, but Haku hadn’t meant himself at the time. 

All through the rest of his adventure of the Sakura district, the pokemon continuously followed him around, making soft noises and even nuzzling against his leg to try and get his attention. He sighed more to himself and had looked at the small one, realizing that he had been following them for quite some time and hadn’t let up. Finally Haku sighed and kneeled down before the little one, his smile soft and he held out a pokeball toward the creature. “If you want me to take care of you, then you need to get in this pokeball here. It’ll automatically have you assigned to me. Is that what you want?” 

The little Fidough nodded, tail wagging happily and almost tossing the cherries around as well, the ears were perked and it even licked Haku when he got clean enough, barking at him before running in a small circle. Nose quickly touched the pokeball, allowing the light to take him into the round spherical object, and now he belonged to Haku! That was the best feeling that he ever had then!

Haku chuckled and turned to his four pokemon who looked at him and Haku soon released the Fidough that seemed a little more than enthusiastic, as it hopped at Haku all smiling.

“Well, welcome to part of the team, these are your new family members and try not to be mean to one another, alright? They are older than you, so try to make sure you listen. Though they don’t always know what’s best behavior all the time, we work around it.” 

The fidough responded with another chipper bark, before hopping at Haku’s hands and wanting to be picked up, but unfortunately he had to decline the new pup. “I’m sorry little one, I have to carry Wick in my arms right now, to make sure she doesn’t accidentally set anything ablaze. She’s a little jovial and… well that can cause some of the plans here to be lit on fire. I really would hate trying to explain to the authorities what happened.”

The pup tilted its head a little confused and not fully understanding, but luckily Temaki, Sorbet, and Kazame explained it in a way the Fidough just might understand. Haku picked Wick back up in his hands, and they soon started to head out of the Sakura district, since they had their feel of it. Next was to go to the festival, but that was alright as well, he planned for them to eat again while they were there, because he was sure the festival would probably take a few hours. There was the smell of freshly baked foods, the sounds of a few Daschbuns around the stands, everything was so inviting and he smiled.

“Time to enjoy ourselves, don’t ya think?” 

Word Count: 1,520

[[GE1]] [GH Exploration]Friend in the Sakura District...
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In Missions and Explorations ・ By Umbra-Moon

Haku and his pokemon were traveling through the Sakura District when, oh hey!

There was a little hungry Fidough/Cherubi that wanted some food and stuck around this nice trainer!

Seems like Haku has captured himself a friend :3

Haku gains +5 EXP

All pokemon gain +1EXP

Submitted By Umbra-Moon for Grovehart Exploration
Submitted: 1 year and 7 months agoLast Updated: 1 year and 7 months ago

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[[[GE1]] [GH Exploration]Friend in the Sakura District... by Umbra-Moon (Literature)](https://www.reignsrest.com/gallery/view/897)
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