[RE] Visiting Family

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 . Well, now that Grovehart was out of the way, not that Kohaku wouldn’t visit the place again, he was off to the last destination on his chart, Rivertide. He could stop in to see his parents and show them the pokemon he’s gained over the years. With Temaki on his shoulder like usual, Kazame at his side, Sorbet and Wick following as well, it was almost like he had a train. He was a little surprised that he had mostly small pokemon for now, he was sure a few of them would grow up to be big, strong pokemon, or so he hoped at least. He hummed in thought, fingers touching his chin with his eyes narrowed in thought. Rivertide was as he remembered the salty sea air, the almost similar looking buildings. But there was just something about returning home after being away for so long. 

His head turned to look at Temaki when she made a noise, and he smiled at the pop-up shops that had setup around the district, the distinct sounds of water balloons that were being thrown, all of it brought back fond memories of him as a child, how he used to throw balloons at his parents and their pokemon. He calmly shook his head, and explained, “We’re not here to enjoy too much of the festivities now, we’re here to go and visit my parents as well as explore some of the areas. We haven’t been back in a little while, who knows they may have changed something?” 

The notion seemed to cause Kazame’s head to sink in a little, he hadn’t been to Rivertide before, and the idea of a new place still caused him to be a little shy, which had Haku stop and move down to pet his pokemon gently. “Don’t worry Kazame, it’s not all that scary. This place is actually really nice most of the time. I’m sure you’ll love the beach once we get there. The water is warm to say the least.” 

Wick hummed happily, floating before Kazame and letting out a blep of her own. Don't worry Kazame, there’s nothing to be fearful about! She hummed happily, and seemed to twirl in the air, having some energy as little pieces of her body dribbled off due to wax and milk consistency. We’re going to have a lot of fun! Stop being so nervous about everything!

Kazame pouted, feeling Sorbet gently tap him with one of the leaves in a gentle manner, and offered an apologetic smile. Wick means well, he started in a calm tone, looking back to the hyper litwick fusion and then their trainer, continuing their path forward. But she does have a point Kazame, you can’t keep being too shy about everything. You need to come out of your shell, else you might miss out on some super fun things!

Temaki snickered a little at them, not that she was being mean, but she did turn around slightly to look at Kazame and the other pokemon around their trainer. No need to be so nervous, she spoke at first, giving a calm smile of her own as well. I’m sure Kohaku will help you start to get used to things. Try to look at things with a positive attitude instead of always worrying, Kazame.

Kohaku was proud that his pokemon were chatting peacefully instead of arguing like they had done before, he knew that so many personalities mixed into one could spill some trouble for them and so he walked on with a soft hum of his own as he did so. Soon they were at his parents’ home, a little square-like building near the beach, one could hear the gentle waves of the ocean and the calm calls of the wingulls in the air. This was what he was used to, and as he knocked on the door, he was quickly pulled in by his mother, his pokemon entering not too long after.

There was several hours spent at his parents’ house since he hadn’t visited them for a little while, a lot of catching up to do with her and his father, his pokemon getting showered with attention and treats to make sure they at their fill, as well as food offered to him, though he might still buy something to take back with him, or eat on the way. He was glad to see that they were fine and things had been calm. He even greeted and gave some attention to their pokemon they had. He had to make an excuse as to why he needed to go however, as his parents would have kept him there for days on end if he didn’t find a way to get away from them. He did say his goodbyes and promised to call them when he got home to make sure he was safe, before leaving with his four pokemon in tow, he had to make sure his parents didn’t try to keep any of them, considering his father was a fan of the turtle-like pokemon.

“Whew,” he sighed, hands tucked behind his head while he walked, and Temaki now sitting in the pocket of his shirt. “That was a little longer than I wanted to spend, look at the time, and the sun it’s starting to sink.” He frowned a little, traveling at night wouldn’t be advised, he knew that, so they’d need to try and get out of Rivertide soon anyways. As he walked down the beach, contemplating if he wanted to spend the night at his parents’ or try to see if any late night hovercrafts would take him home, he heard a noise. It was a distinct sound, almost like that of whimpering, of crying.

His pokemon also heard it, and just as Haku walked in the direction, rounding a few corners on the beach and passing some craggy rocks, he found the source of the crying. Sitting there weeping was a small pokemon, one that looked like it had the body of a dreepy, but some of the accents and arms of a Kanghaskan baby. He nervously got a little closer, not wanting to scare the child.

Kazame nervously approached it first, and tilted his head, A-Are you okay little one? Y-you seem to be saddened. What… what is the matter?

This caused the child to look at them, eyes wide and filled with tears, it had retreated a little from Haku and the pokemon, but nonetheless it spoke to Kazame, M-my momma led some people away and left me here. I-I don’t know where she is..

Haku couldn’t understand, but listened to them speak back and forth, he looked to Kazame and Temaki, then to Wick and Sorbet, he wished that they were easier to understand and he sighed more to himself. “Maybe we should try and find your mother, you do have one don’t you?” It was unusual for a Kanghaskan to leave her baby behind, right?

The small pokemon nodded quickly, looking at Haku with big eyes and the set went off to look for the little ones’ mother. Haku had plans to be indoors before it grew too far into the night, and his pokemon were at his heels as he walked. It took some time searching the beaches, searching anywhere the mother could be. Finally, near a large rock structure slumped up against it, immediately Haku’s concern worsened when it looked like one could see trickles of blood glistening off of the Kanghaskans body and he was quick to run to the pokemon.

He didn’t have his potions on him and none of his pokemon knew any healing abilities, he could tell that she had been in a battle - with what he had no idea - and the little fusion let out a gasp and a shrill cry as it flew over to its mother, hugging her weak, tired body. She was still responsive, as she nuzzled her child and cracked an eye open. Immediately he was given a growl with distrust in her eyes and Haku frowned a little at the female.

“We’ll get you taken care of, just hold on,” he muttered, frantically searching for some things. He would have to put her in an ultra ball for the time being, at least until they get her to a hospital. The child he wouldn’t put in one, just the mother. “Look, I need you to get in here, otherwise there might not be enough time left. It’s the only thing I can do, I’m going to take you to a pokecenter.”

The growl worsened and she weakly tried to get up, smacking the ultra ball out of his hand, and Haku scrambled to get it back. His pokemon tried to talk to her to reason and so did her child, all of which was taking a while and the longer they waited, the worse she’d get. Haku could try it the hard way, but he didn’t want to hurt her more than she already was nor did he want to traumatize her child. Finally it seemed they convinced her, and she unhappily allowed him to put her in the ultra ball. The first thing, take her to the pokemon center, and then he’d release her after if she didn’t wish to stay. 

Haku wasted no time in running off, leaving most of his pokemon to frantically follow behind him, while talking to the dreepy to keep the small one calm, and to assure that it had nothing to worry about, its mother was in the right hands.

Word Count: 1,597




[RE] Visiting Family
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In Missions and Explorations ・ By Umbra-Moon

Haku came to Rivertide to explore the city some n see what, if any changes, that were made.

He stopped in to say hi to his parents and enjoy the festival. What he didn't expect was to find a Dreepy/Kanghaskan hybrid separated from its mother.

Haku gains +5 AXP

Kazame, Temaki, Wick, and Sorbet gain +1 EXP

Submitted By Umbra-Moon for Rivertide Exploration
Submitted: 1 year and 7 months agoLast Updated: 1 year and 7 months ago

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