[[DNA-T]] A rather cynic trade

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   Viggo did his best to avoid the city of Brookfell, but it just couldn’t be helped sometimes. It was good to disappear in, and was unfortunately crawling with Cynic. He might have aligned himself with the team of maniacs, but he certainly didn’t see himself as some avid supporter. He didn’t condone their work when it came to fusions, human evolution… It was all a bit out of this world. But the fog - that’s what mattered.
   Viggo was on the cusp of something extraordinary, or so he’d heard from Cynic intel. Maybe something that might change his fate, and put him on the road to the end of his chaos. He’d traveled out to Brookfell to meet a Cynic contact. A grunt, he assumed. The lackeys were fairly easy to manipulate into doing the work, whilst he sat and reaped the rewards. This job seemed a bit different - he hadn’t been called in to a briefing for his information, but had instead been asked for a meeting, deep in the lower rings. It was clear as he arrived that something wasn’t right. In one of the fighting rings something had gotten out of hand, and people had scattered and given up fighting one of the crazed Pokemon. Viggo took to the railing in the deserted overlook, discovering the clattering and crashing and its cause fairly quickly. A huge, angry Mamoswine fusion. Not only that, but it appeared to be fused with a Toxtricity. It was going rampant, destroying everything in its path. It’d clearly been in plenty of battles already and they hadn’t gone very well for the trainers.

   A bounty? That was unlike the usual trade. And where was the contact? Viggo furrowed his brow watching the mammoth Pokemon rampage and short out all the electrics, causing all of the lights to flicker and flash in the dark underground. In the darkness and flickering, hands crept around Viggo’s collar and whipped his suppressor off from behind. The blue flame erupted from his head and lit up the area around him as he turned, quickly whipping out his firearm to the person in question. The blue light revealed a rather short little man, holding onto his suppressor and stroking it’s edges with his fingers with a laugh.
   “They’re interesting, y’know. But you should see your face. Could do with something stronger sometimes, right?”
Viggo only kept his gun aimed at the man, eyes narrowed. The stranger sighed, raising his hands in surrender so that Viggo could snatch the suppressor back and lower his gun. The little man sighed and pouted.
   “Well, you’re no fun. To think I was dying to meet you, for that.”
   “What do you want?” Viggo spat his words, but kept a hold on his firearm just in case.
   “You. You to take down that.” He tilted with his head towards the rampaging mammoth. Viggo blinked, looking down to the wreckage.
   “You’re the Cynic contact?”
   “Exactly! You catch on quicker than others, which is pretty nice.”
   “You don’t look like Cynic.”
   “Well, I’d be arrested obviously if I looked like Cynic. Besides… Red isn’t my colour. You feel me?” He gestured towards himself and shook his head. “I’m here to give you your intel, but they said you could do me this favour. Said you were strong or something, Viggo.” The man hummed in thought.
   “What could you possibly want with that thing? Who even are you?” Viggo sneered, irritated that it wasn’t just the same simple job as always.
   “Zen.” He nodded like that cleared everything up, bowing in a flourish with a sweet smile. “Take down that mammoth and capture it’s DNA for me. Don’t worry! It’s not bring your own jar to work day, I got that part.” Zen wiggled the nera jar up in the air, then pressed it into Viggo’s hands, just about causing him to fumble and nearly drop it. “Do it and I’ll send everything over! Jobs a good’un.”
   “That’s my business, just like why you need all that fog stuff is yours. Y’know, hush hush and all that.”
Viggo gave an annoyed sigh, looking at the jar in his hand. Was it worth the risk? It had to be. He didn’t need to say anything, reaching for a Pokeball on his belt. Even without the words, Zen seemed to jump for joy, clapping his hands together. “Perfect! I’ll watch from up here. Good luck! I didn’t bring bandages, you’ll need to limp out of here if you fuck it up.”
   “Wonderful.” Viggo raised his lip, making his way around the railing to the stairs. He knew he was a strong trainer - prided himself on it many a time. But this was something else.

   “Alright Siren. You’ve got this.” He muttered to the Pokeball in his hand. As he stepped into the arena he tossed out the Spirimast, and she let out a cry as if to let the angry fusion know she was ready for a fight. She was much smaller than the rival Pokemon, but she was fast. The Toxtricity mammoth wasn’t so easily drawn though with all the ruckus it was making, so it looked like Viggo needed to grab it’s attention with a bit more force.
   “Hydro Cannon, Siren. Get that thing out into the open.” Viggo asked of the Spirimast and she nodded, she charged forward, skidding to slow down as she began to charge a huge beam of water. The waves on her back crashed and spiked with the power of the move and it battered the mammoth to the point it slipped and fell to the ground. Viggo closed his hand to a fist in hopes that was enough, but it wasn’t, even with a direct hit. Although somewhat groggy, the electricity surged on the back of the mammoth. Type matchups were complicated now - but he had hoped for a ground type at least. Siren readied herself. The toxtricity mammoth charged forward but the more it charged, the more electricity surged around it. A Volt tackle. Viggo swiped his hand for Siren to dodge it and she leapt into the air. Viggo had to practically dive to dodge the beast himself as it charged right into the wall.
   “Hydro Cannon again!” He shouted this time as Siren turned, landing perfectly so that she could charge her attack. The mammoth recovered quickly, turning and beginning to charge again - this time, it’s tusks surged with poison. Luckily, it met with Siren’s Hydro Cannon, and she pressed it back. It seemed in a daze now, so Viggo threw his arm forward in another command. “Moongeist Beam!” Siren began another charge, gathering what almost looked like starlite from the room as it dipped into darkness, and soon the huge beam ripped through the arena in a bright light and threw the mammoth back into the broken walls. After that it seemed it had battled enough, and had been knocked clear out. Viggo let out the biggest sigh, patting Siren as she walked to his side. The sound of distant clapping echoed through the stone tunnels then. A spec of Zen in the distance on the upper railing.

Viggo approached the mammoth, unsure how he was supposed to capture DNA, but he assumed it was all in the device. He opened up the pod, and whilst he was unsure what exactly it did, the pod snapped closed shortly after and beeped with a blinking green light. The types popped up in a hologram on the side, but before long Zen was back at Viggo’s side, taking the contraption and hugging it in his arms like you would some soft toy.
   “My beautiful DNA. Looks like you got it – the Toxtricity! My favourite.” Zen grinned, moving to hold the jar beneath his arm, offering a card between his fingers out to Viggo. “For the trouble.” Viggo snatched it, wanting to get out of here as soon as possible.
   “It’s been fun Viggo. We should do this again.”

[Word Count: 1,335]

[[DNA-T]] A rather cynic trade
1 ・ 0
In Tracking and Battles ・ By Aldarch


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Viggo capturing Toxtricity DNA in a trade for some Cynic intel

Siren Learns both Hydro Cannon + Moongeist Beam! 

Submitted By AldarchLocation: BrookfellView Favorites
Submitted: 1 year and 6 months agoLast Updated: 1 year and 6 months ago

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[[[DNA-T]] A rather cynic trade by Aldarch (Literature)](https://www.reignsrest.com/gallery/view/922)
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