Family Reunion
ETHERMOOR: Phoenix Festival
The Phoenix Festival is a grand event where the people of Ethermoor show their love towards the legendary Pokemon, Moltres, and their gratitude for living in the wake of the great volcano. The festival is lit up with fireworks - many citizens practice the art of glass blowing or fire dancing for the event. It’s a huge public event and the streets are often filled with parades, dancers and more.
[Halfbody, Coloured, Simple Background OR 750 Word]
Draw or Write about how your trainer or their Pokemon would celebrate the Phoenix Festival. Are they showing their love of the legendary pokemon Moltres? Watching, or even performing, dances? They could just be enjoying the festivities!
Wuya finally reunited with her dad because he was TRAPPED IN ETHERMOOR for forever
and now they get to celebrate the Phonix Festival together!!! yay
Submitted By Aldarch
for ETHERMOOR: Phoenix Festival
・ Location: Ethermoor
・ View Favorites
Submitted: 1 year and 11 months ago ・
Last Updated: 1 year and 11 months ago