[[BE]] [BFE]Journal Entry: Brookfell
The place that I didn’t want to come back to, but there were some things that I wanted to get cleared up. I remembered being here in Brookfell when I was younger, the house that me and my mother used to live in, and the ongoing events that happened here. The place seemed to suit Grimm, he looked rough and stuffy at least so most of the people seemed to avoid me for the most part. He wasn’t big or large, but… he gave off that aura that if you messed with me you’d regret it, at least. Opal stayed close to me, my eyes cast to her with a small smile. I used my finger to run along the gem on her head and I let out a small sigh of my own.
“Stay close Opal, and don’t go wandering off. Brookfell is not a nice place to be in,” I whispered to her, and she nuzzled up a bit against my hand. I turned my eyes down to Grimm, who locked his red gaze with mine. “Same with you too Grimm, you may look like a tough pokemon to fight, but I assure you, there’s those here with even stronger pokemon.”
Grimm gruffed in my direction, gaze narrowed as if I had just insulted him with my words, he walked ahead of me, head held high and his wings slightly furled out to show their span before tucking them in against his side. He turned at a sideways angle and cocked his head, waiting for me to catch up to him.
I found myself sighing and followed after him, the air was as dusty and dry as I remembered, the people of Brookfell didn’t look like they had changed much. Most had a unique style of clothing, or unique facial features that were easily recognizable. Some things just never changed, Brookfell didn’t look any for the better, and none for the worst. At least I wasn’t down in the inner city rings, I probably wouldn’t survive if I was, they would kill me! Grimm didn’t mind the air, didn’t mind the dust, his ears perked and rotated when he heard a noise and turned his head in that direction. What noises were that, and why did it feel like the ground was shaking in some areas and in others it wasn’t. It didn’t occur to me at the time that Brookfell would be celebrating the running of the Tauros. I was curious to see what was going on and why the ground was quaking, if something had woken up! If there was anything that I could research and observe while I was in Brookfell!
We ventured toward the sound and almost had instant regret as the Tauros stampede right past us on the course that was mapped out for them to run. The barricade in place was meant to keep trainers and their pokemon safe, but not everyone was smart enough to obey this as they would hop into the ring and try to get out unscathed - this was allowed - but people would also take those who wish nothing to do with that part of the festival and put them in there.
She sighed and watched some of the Tauros stampede past her, and then lowered her hand to softly pet her pokemon and smiled at Opal once the stampede passed us, I turned away and stared at Grimm. “Come on Grimm let’s get going. There’s only one thing we’re here to try and look around for. Once we see if we can find it, that’s it, then we’re heading home after getting something to eat, perhaps.”
Grimm seemed to pout and turned to follow me as I walked away from the Tauros rings, maybe something got his attention, or he felt the need to chase them, but that was the last thing Melody wanted him to do. It seemed the track for the Tauros wrapped around from the upper rings and down into the lower rings, it was a bit surprising to see the work that went into the Tauros’ safety it seemed at the least.
“Come on, there was a business I wanted to check out here, let’s get going ~”
Grimm was quick at my heels so I didn’t leave him alone and we ventured further in the upper rings of Brookfell to find that building I wanted. There were just some things about Brookfell that I would never miss. The dry, annoying air, the sand that got kicked up at you when gusts of wind graced by. The thugs and wrongdoings that happened in the lower city of Brookfell. And so we set off in the direction I wanted to go, we could explore the cities a bit more instead of just watching the Tauros, I was sure we’d find something better than that.
Word Count: 810
Melody gains +5AXP
Grimm and Opal both gain +1 EXP Each
Submitted By Umbra-Moon
for Brookfell Exploration
・ Location: Brookfell
Submitted: 1 year and 10 months ago ・
Last Updated: 1 year and 10 months ago