Examination #1 | Emilio Eyes

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Blackthorns Aid - Physical Examination | 1575 Words

Blackthorn is looking into the changes Nera cause to the human body, he is looking for willing fused Trainers to come in for a physical examination and demonstration of their abilities. Draw your Trainer in a small but comfy lab room showing off their markings or elemental abilities!

Emilio T-171
Height: 5'3
Age: 18
Nera: Fairy + Psychic
Physical Changes: Yes
Observed Abilities: Unknown

           There was nothing cooler in this world than fused trainers. Genuinely nothing! Seeing trainers with tails and ears- some who were turning into naga's or mermaids; it was like the stuff out of fairy tales and Emilio wanted to try and get to know as many of these pseudo magical people as he could. He'd spend the last number of years interviewing and photographing everyone that he met who was fused- and at some point along the way he had become fused himself. It was an absolutely horrible experience. He had been so sure that he was going to die from it yet somehow he had pulled through thanks to the endless support from Xavier. When he'd come too he at least hoped that after all that pain he'd have had some sort of neat looking features. Maybe that after all that suffering he'd get some kind of reward. Tails, ears, maybe he could have become a mermaid? Have been covered in cool markings that could glow?? But there was no such thing for him. When you looked at Emilio you'd almost never guess he'd been fused at all and it was devastating.
           Emilio didn't have any Pokémon features because the Nera that had got him hadn't been Pokémon at all! He'd been fused with a Fairy Nera and a Psychic Nera-  two Pokémon typings that didn't even let him feel any different but even so when he'd heard that Proffessor Blackthorn was looking for fused trainers to come in for examinations Emilio jumped at the opportunity. Maybe there could be something to make his Nera less disappointing, right? That was his hopes as he sat in this little lab room with three pokemon surrounding him.  He'd been allowed to bring three with him for Moral support, but none of either psychic or fairy typing that might interfere with any test results.  That left him with funny enough only three pokemon possibilities- Pochy, Lillypad, and Alias. 
           Pochy was running around the room excitedly, the little poochyena scampering to sniff at every corner and yapping the entire time- leaving Emilio feeling extraordinarily glad that the lab room was mostly empty. Lilypad was sitting on his shoulder, dampening the entirety of Emilio's clothing while swaying back and forth- they were calm then there was Alias. A rather large poison Larvesta who was sitting on the ground beside him. He was calm shockingly enough, but he wasn't calm in the well behaved way that Lily was. He was calm in the 'Is probably plotting the death of everyone in the room' kind of way. Emilio stared down at him with a frown and watched how they turned their gaze to look up at him in return. Alias might have been a mistake to bring here... 
           He didn't have time to question his own decisions as soon the doorway opened and a tall man came in. He was nearly a full foot taller than Emilio but the sight of him made the mans heart soar. It was Professor L. Blackthorn. Not just any professor- it was THE. PROFESSOR. L. BLACKTHORN. He'd seen them on TV all the time- at home he even had a whole book filled with news clippings that he'd printed up  about him and his research on Nera and the fog so to see him in person? He felt like he'd ascended to heaven. He was so excited infact that his emotional support pokemon also picked up on it. All of them perked up and he heard Lilypad start to babble while Pochy ran  up to see the new arrival to the room with their usual excited enthusiasm. Alias didn't react much- but that was for the best. Alias might do something unwanted. 
           "Hi there! You're Emilio right?" 
           God his voice was even better in person. They were looking down at a clipboard, flipping through some papers that Emilio assumed was the form he'd filled out when he arrived. "...Emilio?"
           "Ah!!! yes!! Sorry- haha. Uh- yes. Hi!" Picking up Lily he moved the water goomy down from his shoulder onto the table. "Emilio- yes. haha. That's me. And you're uh, you're Professor Blackthorn right?" 
           He awkwardly had stood up and held out his hand, rambling the entire time which earned a somewhat amused smile.  "That's me, it's a pleasure to meet you." 
           Just having Professor Blackthorn talk to him was enough to make his day- but they even reached out to shake his hand. He held, this mans hand. God he couldn't wait to tell Xavier about this. He was so caught up in the thrill that he couldn't reply right away, he was just staring at the hand that was holding his but quickly he realized that he'd held on too long and pulled his hand away with another small nervous laugh. He was acting weird wasn't he? Thankfully though the Professor didn't seem to mind and just continued on. "I hear you're fused with a Psychic and Fairy Nera, is that right?" Their eyes scanned over him briefly while Emilio just nodded. 
           Pochy came up and was jumping at his leg- making him look down and quickly pat the small pokemon's head while the Professor continued to scan through the notes. Emilio had so much he wanted to say. He was such a big fan of your work- he loves your squad of Eeveelution fusions- But he found himself at a loss and so he reached down to now pick up Alias and hold them in his grasps. To give him something to fidget with. You know what, sure Alias was dangerous- but he was a perfect pokemon to hold. They were so fluffy and had many legs that Emilio could wiggle around- but he could again feel Blackthorns eyes landing on him in almost confusion. Just standing still there was nothing to give away the fact that he was fused. The most noticeable trait to have changed was his eyes, but Emilio had long since learned to cover them up with his hair meaning that at first glance, there was nothing. "And you are currently unsuppressed? You have it listed that it did cause physical changes" 
           "That's right-- I don't. Uh. I don't usually wear suppressors because they're just so, clunky- and it's not like I even have much of anything to suppress anyways." He said before pausing. Oh, he probably wanted to see what change the Nera did have though, right? Quickly he put Alias back down beside Lilypad. Watching how Pochy jumped up beside them in hopes that he too would get picked up but the Poochyena was left on the chair. "I don't have anything fancy like ears or a tail- uhm. It's with my eyes." 
           Raising up his hands he hurredly lifted up his bangs, giving way to his eyes which had lost their signs of humanity. They swirled like nebula's, filled with what looked to be stars and lacked any even remote sign of a pupil. He had no pupil, he had no iris- there was nothing except for expanse of night sky to be found and he could see how Blackthorn perked up at the sight. "Fascinating." He said and came in to approach closely. They leaned down to try and get a more intense look and Emilio's breath caught in his throat. Sure the Professor was looking at his eyes- but in doing so Emilio could stare directly at his and he was reminded once more that the lead researcher in all of Reigns Rest was standing in this room with him.  When they finally pulled back Emilio snapped out of his daze. "Has it affection your vision at all?"
           Has it affected his vision at all... Well. Right now he was star-struck so everything was looking so much brighter than it really was. All thanks to the fact he had these eyes. "Not usually."
           "Usually? So sometimes it does?"
           "Ah!! no! Sorry. It doesn't at all, I haven't noticed anything different, Xavier had to point out to me that they were different when I recovered because I had no idea." 
           Blackthorn frowned a little hearing that. "Is that so.. Sometimes those who have fused with the Psychic Nera's have the ability to see aura's around others. I'm going to hold my finger up, can you please follow it for me?"
           A hand was brought up Infront of his face and Emilio paused. He could hear Pochy and Lily continuing to make their excited sounds behind him and he wanted to look back to see how they were all doing with Alias. There was a chance Alias might push one or both of them off the chair.. but he didn't. He kept his gaze focused purely on the finger Infront of him and followed it. "You're following it right now?" Blackthorn asked for confirmation and Emilio felt his heart racing.
           "...Yes? I'm following-" 
           "There is no change at all in your eyes to indicate what direction you're looking."
           Emilio didn't know if that was a good thing or a bad thing, he remembers Xavier telling him similar in the past and always thinking it was super cool. That being said, Xavier was biased. Ithers might find it somewhat creepy that his eyes never moved despite where he looked. Blackthorn however didn't seem to be bothered by it as he instead just began to write things down. Notes presumably about the change that were being found.
Examination #1 | Emilio Eyes
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In Missions and Explorations ・ By AveryFish
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Submitted By AveryFish for Blackthorns Aid
Submitted: 1 year and 6 months agoLast Updated: 1 year and 6 months ago

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