FLM - Reliable Partner
Despite not being a main stream member of Cynic like others would like to believe, Nori wasn't actually loyal to the Cynic cause. He was more loyal to money- something that Cynic just got their hands on a bit easier. That and the life of a cop, or a make believe one, never suited him anyway. Now, however, after the battle of the Guardian in Ethermoor, Nori found himself more anxious and aware on the streets than usual. Sure, he knew he had enemies. Practically everywhere-- but now even people that didn't know him or his business would be able to find him with the incentive of the bounty on the Cynic members heads'.
That led him to this moment in time, hiding behind a dumpster in Brookfell with a knife turned in hand, his head tilted to hear and spot any shadows trying to enter the alleyway. It was dark, bless Arceus, the moment they tried to snipe him up for the bounty- so Nori had an easy time stunning them by frying their systems and booking for it. He didn't have intimidating pokemon to protect him either- aside from Karesh who remained in the pokeball for now. The dragonkite fusion brought more bad luck than good, often freaking people out (that was a good thing, Nori had to note) and causing a scene. Something he wanted to avoid this time around. For now, at least. The last thing he needed was MORE attention to the situation, and getting even more agents and bounty hunters on his trail.
When the coast seemed clear for now, Nori lowered his guard and his knife, leaning back against the cold metal of the dumpster behind him. His thoughts were mostly occupied with what sort of business he'd have to do now to earn his keep. Certainly, the debt business that employed him now couldn't just send him out anymore, especially not solo. He pulled a grimace as he thought about being assigned a new partner. After Raiden, he didn't really feel like being part of a duo again.
Those thoughts, in the end, distracted him enough to not hear the footsteps in the alley- let alone the gun that cocked against his head.
"Stand. Slowly."
"Alright, alright."
The person commanded, and Nori looked up just slightly to see if he could make out who it was. When he didn't comply fast enough, though, the gun pushed more against his head and he stood carefully, the knife hidden. The moment he was fully stood, with his hands raised, he swiftly swiped at the arm that held the gun- and as it went off he felt the bullet graze his shoulder. He could see then the Ethos emblem on the jacket of the person- turning the knife in his hand and stabbing the agent- taking out the knife after.
"You motherfucker! You'll pay for this--"
The man cursed at Nori, and in the time that the now wounded person backed off and clutched his side, Nori pulled a quick one and ducked out of the alleyway, a couple of bullets following him into the streets that he didn't pay otherwise attention to. He brought a hand to his shoulder and looked around, trying to think of where to go. The Serpent's Fang. That's it.
With that determined thought in mind, he shoved himself through the crowds on the streets and started running- hoping that particularEthos agent was on his own and not too smart. He'd be needing aid now, first, anyway, no doubt. Still, he was careful- going from alley to alley, making sure he wasn't followed. Somewhere along the way, he wiped his knife off with his shirt and tucked it back into the leather holder on his thigh. He lamented, then, the fact that he didn't have a gun on him. He should've taken the one that was pointed at him. Stupid.
Still- no use crying over something that happened in the past. Looking forward. He needed to find some shelter at the Serpent's Fang- probably contact Diana and ask for shelter. The woman would oblige, he knew that for sure. She'd lose a vital informant and data runner if she didn't. The bouncers would know him though, and let him through without any issues. That's all he could ask for now.
As the streets became just a tad bit sparser during the night, it became more obvious to see the neon lights of the clubs and buildings around. Even the Serperior hanging above the entranceway of the club he was needing to get to. He had a bad feeling. Normally the place would be packed- inside and out. And now it seemed that barely anyone lingered. The closer he got, the more obvious the reason became. In front of the club, a group of people hung around together. With a closer look, he could see the same familiar Ethos emblem on their jackets. People who obviously didn't care who saw who they were. Either stupid-- or confident. He didn't want to find out. Perhaps, this time, bringing out Karesh was going to help.
Stepping to the side into a slightly more open space, he pressed a hand to the TD on his wrist and recalled the pokemon from the cloud service, casting him out into the street. As Karesh emerged, he spread his wings and whipped his tail around-enjoying the freedom and the warm air of Brookfell, before eventually lowering himself to the ground and pressing his face to Nori's side. He was a big pokemon, and certainly took up space. With him out, Nori felt more secure. Even if he couldn't defend himself- he could trust the fusion to fly him away if need be.
Karesh was more than willing to oblige by being a shield. The fusion had found its way into Nori's hands by accident- cornering the man in one of the missions he was on. The contradicting nature of a dragonkite and a noivern confused it even more to the point where it had gone rampant. Ever since Nori gained its trust, it became a vital companion. Luckily, his one other pokemon, Vael, also agreed.
Nori placed a hand on the dragonkite fusion's neck, gesturing to the building a couple of dozen feet away. The pokemon understood, walking on its wings alongside him- and facing the group of people. They would, quite literally, have to go through the pokemon to get to him.
Normally, Nori would act solo. Perhaps sneak around, go in through a back door, or the like. Pick off the people in the group one by one, or even call them out to distract them, and lose them in the busier parts of the city. Relying on his pokemon was new and something he didn't like doing. So much could go wrong, there was little room for error when you're the only one and the only mind calculating the risks.
However, the more time went by after the fog, and the more pokemon he found himself gathering, the more he felt he had to lose. Relying on the pokemon for simple tasks as a distraction or diversion became the norm, even if he didn't like admitting it. Karesh proved himself to be counted on, so Nori did.
As they walked closer and closer to the group, Karesh became a little bit more on edge-- more for show, of course. Turning his head and snarling at the people to get them to back off, while Nori remained walking in a straight line, straight to the front entrance where the bouncers were also eyeing up the fusion. The Ethos agents stared and discussed amongst each other, only heightening Nori's anxiety about the whole situation. Karesh was doing good, however, turning his head to look to Nori as if to say 'I got this', and made sure to stay in between him and the agents.
"Alright. I trust you."
Nori spoke quietly to the fusion, hand still on its neck before he pulled it back and held a hand on the knife on his thigh. Just in case. Despite the bouncers becoming nervous at the sight of Karesh as well, once Nori swept aside his long streak of hair, they recognized him as one of Diana's trusted informants and opened the doors for him. Karesh knew he couldn't go inside- he was much, much too large for that. So he turned and stared down the Ethos agents until recalled by Nori.
He slipped into the doors quickly and quietly, breathing out a sigh of relief. The club was dying down, slowly but surely, so the music wasn't as loud and it wasn't as crowded as it would have been if he had come hours prior. The man could head straight to the elevator, up into the VIP areas for now. He'd probably have to bribe the woman into allowing him to stay several nights in here- if not somewhere else that she owned that she could make sure was secure. He would owe her big time.
Nori gets stalked and he doesn't appreciate. He also learns to rely on others, even if he really really doesn't want to.
We have suffered great losses after the battle with the Guardian - our plans have failed. We're low on resources and morale is low. The authorities are onto us, so stay Vigilant! Those snotty Ethos members will be on the hunt for us. We need to move to the next phase.
[ Draw or Write about your Trainer and how they avoid Ethos Bounty Hunters, the Authorities or how they're gathering resources without drawing the attention of the law - or just slipping out under their noses... ]
WC Total: 1508/1000
Submitted By Kelyias
for No Risk, No Reward
・ Location: Brookfell
Submitted: 1 year and 11 months ago ・
Last Updated: 1 year and 11 months ago