FLM - Eager Battle

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The last time she was here she wasn't on her own- but this time was different. The reparations in the Deadlands following the battle were taxing, and sure she did her tiny little bit of aid the previous time- accompanied by Nori, but the man was busy this time around so she found herself on her lonesome, trying to figure out just where she could be of aid.

Around her shoulder was a small little cutiefly, unhelpfully buzzing around and rubbing its little legs as if it were ready to cause mischief. To her side, Vewil- helpful as always. As helpful as one could be, without any limbs and only the dexterity of its tail. Unfortunately, she didn't _own_ any good pokemon of her own that could carry heavy objects and weights around so she didn't have to. Something to look into, she thought, as she reached for her wrist to pull up a holoscreen with instructions. Maybe instead of carrying planks and materials she could do something else this time.

Ghaast zoomed forward, looking at the screen and inspecting it. It showed a silhouette of a large pokemon with a big warning sign. Apparently it had occupied the rubble in the Deadlands- and a specific section was cleared for it so that no one would get hurt trying to go past it, as it appeared to be quite territorial. It was a menace, despite all that, still. And Diana was more than up for the challenge. She couldn't help the smirk on her face, getting rid of the screen and looking to Vewil.

"Looks like there's a fight waiting for us."

She almost spoke in a singsong tone. She did enjoy battles. Vewil beside her seemed similarly thrilled, if only because she was, before they departed and made their way to where the pokemon had last been spotted. Ghaast over her shoulder made happy figure eights in the air.

It didn't take them long to get to the sectioned off area and survey their surroundings. Ghaast was still nyooming around Diana, awaiting any further instructions from the woman. The little bug was a newer addition to Diana's group and was eager to prove its worth. Vewil slithered around the woman, keeping an eye around as Diana gathered her thoughts and attention. Not long after their arrival, ofcourse, the pokemon emerged from the rubble. It was a big Trubbish fusion, no doubt one that had taken the DNA of another stray pokemon via a Nera- one that Diana didn't necessarily want to stay around and find out.

"Vewil, use Toxic Thread!"

She commanded the Seviper, and the pokemon eagerly obeyed, hissing before tendrils of toxin surrounded the pokemon- seemingly enraging it more. Ghaast zoomed, eager for a command of his own, and Diana nodded.

"Ghaast, Shadow Ball!"

The cutiefly did as commanded, turning into a big ball of darkness and aiming itself at the fusion- going at it with great speed and ramming into its side. It was a new move, and as the cutiefly was still new itself, she wasn't sure if it would have obeyed. Luckily, Ghaast seemed to know what he was meant to do, which made it all the more easier for the trio.

The Trubbish was wound in the coils of the Toxic Thread, squirming, enlarging and shifting to try and get out.

"Vewil, Acid!"

Diana didn't even need to complete her sentence before Vewil listened, hissing once more and spitting a shower of acid on the fusion. Normally, the Trubbish wouldn't have been affected by poison- or at least not by much- but whatever it fused with seemed to be extremely weakened by it which Diana didn't mind at all. Before long, the fusion ceased in its attack and squirmed even more to try and get away from the onslaught.

"Let him go."

Vewil released the thread and just as suddenly as the Trubbish attacked them, it ran away- desperate not to be caught again. It didn't return to its nest, and attempted to leave the area completely. Ghaast did another Shadow Ball at the fusion, unprompted by Diana, just to spur it to leave quicker. Once that was cleared and the fusion was gone, Diana held a hand against her face in relief. At least there wasn't much of a fight. For now, the area was cleared, and Diana brought up the holoscreen once more to contact the superiors working on this site, telling them that the area is secure and ready to be repaired.

FLM - Eager Battle
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In Missions and Explorations ・ By Kelyias

Diana didn't want to carry wood again today, so she went on and cleared out the pokemon that inhabited the rubble in the Deadlands.



Quakes have been stirring up The Deadlands. With all of the debris and crumbling structures someone or some pokemon could get hurt. [Draw or Write about your trainer trying to assist with cleaning up after the quakes or helping to secure structures to prevent future injuries. Be warned! The noise may disturb wild pokemon - and they say a large pokemon has recently made the ruckus and ruin it's new home.] - Suggested by Rowan


WC Total: 752/750

Submitted By Kelyias for The OutskirtsLocation: The Deadlands
Submitted: 1 year and 6 months agoLast Updated: 1 year and 6 months ago

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