[Ifnfluenced] Kazame has Evolved~

In Evolution ・ By Umbra-Moon
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Haku looked down at his little pokemon, worried eyes casting from the small one and back to the area they were walking. Haku had managed to get enough money up to be able to go and ask one of the scientists about something to help make his little Kazame stronger, by making the shuttle into the evolution that it wanted to be. However, Haku was still worried that such an evolution would cause Kazame unnecessary pain, and he wouldn’t want his pokemon to go through that, not in any way. Though he sighed and moved hand through his longer hair, reaching down to pick up the slow shuttle so it didn’t get lost in the fast-paced walking Haku was doing. 

“Kazame, are you sure about this? I mean… I like you the way you are, and even if you evolved into a normal Sheltile I would still love you, despite the way you’d look. I’m sure the kids would love you as well.” 

The small creature shook its head, though the timid smile remained on its maw, a small squeak-like noise left its maw in Haku’s direction. The other version of me would just end up scaring the kids. You saw how it looked! Though Haku wouldn’t understand his exact words, the distressed squeaks would be enough to have Haku know.

Haku smiled and sighed standing before the building with a shake of his head, “Alright Kazame, we’ll see what we can do. I should have enough money to pick up something, or have enough to give you some time around something, maybe?”

Even Haku wasn’t entirely sure how it worked, but he walked in with Kazame in his hands and spoke with one of the scientists. It took a bit of explaining what he wanted, and what he was trying to do. He was told a price, which he had the money to pay for it, and he was given something that looked like a miniature solar panel. He was confused and looked at the scientist with furrowed brows.

“What is this?” he asked curiously, getting the laugh of the scientist and an explanation in return. The way one uses it was complicated in his mind, and so he sighed and looked down at Kazame once more. “Guess we’ll figure out how to use it on you once we get back home, hm?”

Kazame replied with excited squeaks and smiles at Haku, nuzzling up against his chest a little and moving his legs out a little to hold the little item that Haku was given. The reflecting panel shimmered and so did Kazame’s eyes, the little Shurtle was so happy to have the item that could help him evolve! He couldn’t wait until they got back home so he could fiddle with it and try to fuse with it in some form and become an infused pokemon, like on the pokemon infomercial they were watching that day.

Haku laughed a little and looked down at Kazame, “Quit squirming or I’m gonna end up dropping you. I know you’re excited, so am I. I just hope that it’s painless on you.”

It took a few hours to get back to the house, the places not being within a short walk and so he had to take a cab here and there, not to mention he kept the solar panel in his pocket to keep others from seeing it and trying to snatch it. But finally, they were home. He was a bit tired, but still had Kazame in his hands as he entered the home. He placed the medium-weight turtle down on the ground and collapsed on the couch afterwards, letting his head roll back and his eyes close. There were several nuzzles of his hand, getting his attention but barely as he smiled tiredly. “Oh yeah, you probably want to fiddle with this, here you go, Kazame.”

Kazame happily took the mini-solar panel from Haku in his mouth and walked away with it. Kazame tried to chew on it to see if it would work, but he felt nothing. Next he just tried to touch it with his legs, but again there was no response from the panel. Frowning, he then started to use some of his status-affect type attacks, but nothing was happening either. He kept at it for several more hours and was getting really frustrated with the small panel. Nothing was going the way he wanted it to, and in defeat he moved to pick up the small diamond-shaped solar panel, being able to set it within one of his hexagonal vents.

With the solar panel sitting there, absorbing the heat from the inside of Kazame’s shell, he walked toward one of the windows wanting to sun himself and become warmer than he was. He laid in front of the window, with his eyes closed and his body resting, the sunlight reflecting off of the panel and starting to also warm it up. There was a weird reaction going on with the solar panel, as the sun warmed it up and the heat from the inside of Kazame’s shell started to mix the two energies together. The energy started to permeate Kazame’s shell, and through his body, creating a pulse of light and making his chest feel warm and different than it was supposed to. 

This change coursed through Kazame’s body during the course of his sleep, shifting and changing his body structures and the shape of the shell that adorned his body. He didn’t wake up until this strange, warm sensation left him and he slowly started to open his eyes. Clinging to the ground with a soft noise was the mini-solar panel that was once a vibrate color and now it was dull and blackened, as if all the energy had been drained out of it completely, or it was left in an oven for way too long and it became nothing but completely charcoal due to the extreme heat it was exposed to.

Kazame stood up to shake off his body a little, his eyes opening as he looked down to his paws. His shell felt a little heavy and why was he so away from the ground? As he looked around a few times, his eyes finally found the expensive solar panel Haku had bought, and he let out a desperate …. squeak(?) Was that his voice? It was a lot deeper than he had imagined, and what was with his claws, just WHAT happened to him?!


Rest assured though his frantic, deeper squeaks woke Haku up from his quick nap, and startled him enough to make him crash to the floor of his home from the couch. With a startled yelp in pain from the crash, Haku quickly jolted from the floor, looking around frantically to see what was making the noise, what pokemon got into the house, just what kind of pokemon was in his house!

That was until Haku took one look at Kazame, he could recognize his pokemon just from looking at it, but he was surprised that the shell was different on his body, that his coloration was altered, Surprise in his eyes but so was joy, as he got on his knees and wrapped his arms around Kazame with a huge smile on his face. “Oh my, Kazame, I don't know what you did, but look at you! It must have worked, you’ve evolved. I’m so proud of you!”

The exclamations didn’t fall on deaf ears, and with Haku following him and opening some of the doors for him, Kazame stopped in front of the mirror to take a look at himself. He was surprised in his own right, but the smile and sparkle in his eyes shimmered happily. He was proud of himself and he let out another loud squeak noise again, nuzzling against Haku with his beak and nose.

Haku laughed, hands gently petting the medium-sized pokemon now, he wouldn’t be able to carry him around anymore at the height that he was at now, but that was alright. He was just so proud of his little shuttle and its evolution, however it worked.

“Well looks like you finally got what you wanted!” he exclaimed happily, getting a happy sound from his baby as well, he shook his head softly. “I may have to get you some bigger beds, but for now you can sleep on mine with me.”

Word Count: 1405

[Ifnfluenced] Kazame has Evolved~
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In Evolution ・ By Umbra-Moon

Kazame has managed to fuse with the little solar panel they were given!

Submitted By Umbra-Moon for Level UPLocation: Brookfell
Submitted: 1 year and 6 months agoLast Updated: 1 year and 6 months ago

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