Pills and Coffee

In Rank-Up ・ By Faust
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Noir had always been a bit of a one trick pony when it came to his skills. Making drinks, charming bar visitors, and the occasional inhumane crime but in brookfell that was common place. He never had to learn other skills, his own fit him quite well. He adjusted to parenting Honey, he adjusted to being a care taker for Isaiah, but this? This was something all of it's own. He stood in his bathroom, staring almost angrily at the mirror on the medicine cabinet. Tink and Bjonk played nearby, bolting around the luxurious bathroom as Cumulus sat nearby and stared at him patiently, having been fitted in his tiny little vest by John before Noir went to work for the day. He tapped his fingers on the marble sink, claws clicking as he stared more. It hadn't been long since the accident, and when he had finally been begged to go to therapy by his husband, the second hurdle had been the medication prescribed for his panic attacks, anxiety and depression. A couple small pills that made Noir feel somehow so weak and powerless. He had always been the caretaker of everyone he knew, the top dog that everyone turned too for protection and help. How had he been demeaned to having to take these tiny little pills just to function? Cumulus had begun helping to the best of his abilities, fresh out of training school he was doing amazing at detecting when his trainer was about to have a melt down, and his panic attacks had even left to spikes in blood pressure that resulted in fainting sometimes. It had been John's idea to run the little eevee fusion through the classes and he had done everything with flying colors, and even now as Noir stared at his medicine cabinet he felt a nose press firmly against his thigh and glanced down at the little blue eevee.

An alert, and now that he was snapped out of his focus he could feel how his heart pounded and cold sweat was dusted over his skin. Another boop of the cold nose to his leg made him reach down and stroke their soft head. "I'm fine.. I hear you, thank you." He murmured, before finally opening the mirror and grabbing his prescriptions. Honey had gotten some too, having been involved. He knew Honey looked up to him, probably too much. 'If you won't take them because you think it makes you weak, what would Honey think?' Lanca had said with a smug smile, and he had wanted to punch him but he was right. He felt Bjonk slam into his leg before staring at him blankly, then grinning and shaking her little rattle at him with excited noises before hugging onto it. Tink followed suit in the same manner and then once more there was the cold nose on his leg. He sighed quietly, before slowly organizing the medicine in his little colorful pill organizer that Celeste had gifted him and Honey both. If taking them truly made him a better role model for Honey, and truly made those he loved happier, he'd do it. He took that days dosage with some water from the sink and stood straighter, staring at the bags under his eyes and his messy hair from waking up as Cumulus made a pleased sound at having succeeded in his job, tucking his legs under him as Bjonk and Tink bolted off again. "I'll get better, I'll do better." He muttered before shrugging off his sleeping shirt, actually it was John's but he had stolen it, and walking into the kitchen with Cumulus following to sit at the table and watch his husband finish breakfast.

Pills and Coffee
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In Rank-Up ・ By Faust
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Submitted By Faust for Level UPLocation: Grovehart
Submitted: 1 year and 6 months agoLast Updated: 1 year and 6 months ago

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