Talented Arts | Out at Sunset

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Is your Trainer gifted in the musical arts? Do they play instruments or possibly sing on stage? Maybe they're a Dancer or prefer the quieter forms of art - drawing or painting perhaps? Show your Trainer doing a creative job!
Word Count: 1695

Xavier's parents sure had some set intent on what jobs he should do in his life, what hobbies he should be using, however the ones he truly loved where things quite different from being a lawyer or a doctor like they insisted he be. He had told his parents about his love for modelling early on and had been laughed at, but now he truly had someone who supported this and helped the habit prosper. He had been resting on his couch when he had given the idea of taking advantage of the way the gorgeous sunlight filtered through the leafy canopies of Grovehart and Emilio had quicky agreed. Frog had grumbled but it took no time to convince and hype up Doc and Zux, the staryu and corviknight quickly hopping out the door after Xavier had packed his supplies on the latter and got dressed up. He had been sent some clothes by a sponsor and while they weren't his type, it didn't take long for him to find a way to style them in a way that best suited him.

As he plopped Zux on Doc, the staryu wrapping it's slightly tacky tendrils into the feathers of the poison type bird and staring at Xavier with it's single eye, unblinking but filled with excitement, he turned to check himself on his phone camera again as he adjusted his outfit. Slide down the shoulder of his sweater, flip his hair back behind his head. Maybe tilt a bit more to the right so that the sun would catch his hair well. He was getting everything ready and in place before he leaned on his beloved starter , rubbing the pebbly dry skin of the venusaur under his hand as he fixed small things about himself. A small hair out of place, his outfit having an unseemly wrinkle. He shot a quick text to Emilio about being ready as the man was off scrolling through their phone and wouldn't notice him if he just told them he was ready. So a text was sent out even as he still picked at stuff. It was never exactly perfect.
Honestly, Emilio felt like he couldn't be more lucky in his situation. He'd always loved taking photo's, and while of course he also enjoyed working at the farm in Johto there was just something about photography and capturing a moment that made him feel ontop of the world. Then, he'd come to Reigns Rest and ended up trapped him- and while he could always take photo's he ended up side by side with one of the most gorgeous men that Emilio had ever laid eyes on. A gorgeous man, who, as it just so happened, really enjoyed modeling. He let Emilio take photo's of him all day every day whenever he wanted and understood the assignment whenever Emilio made crituque's so as he saw their text that they were ready? He could barely stand still. 
Blossom, LIllypad, and Alias where all following after him as he closed down the screen and looked up towards Xavier. He had been there while the man got ready but he never looked at them until they were done and would tell him they were ready, he wanted to be surprised every time. Amazingly,Xavier never disappointed. Emilio let out a small whistle, nudging at Alias at his foot. "Whose this drop dead gorgeous man, hey?" He asked towards the larvesta who didn't respond to his words. They, as it turned out, really didn't care and it made Emilio snicker. Thankfully Blossom and Lillypad did respond to his excitement however. Lily wriggled on the ground beside him and gave small coo's while Blossom floated through the air to come up beside Xavier. Chirping happily and brushing their cheek in against him while Emilio beamed. The sunlight was coming down on them in a way that almost gave him a halo and quickly Emilio set up his camera. Crouching down on the ground to try and get a good view of him- but there was one thing in the photo that was a little bit... mm.... Off. 
"...Hey, Um Xavier? Sir?" He'd watched Doc wander in closer towards Xavier into the shot- and with it there was also Zux. Lillypad looked up at Emilio as the man got goosebumps and Alias gave out a small sound that Emilio could only assume was laughter. "... By any chance do you think we could take Zux out of the photo?" The staryu always gave him the heeby jeebies and Blossom looked towards them. He didn't mind Doc, and Frog? Frog looked incredible beside Xavier. But that Staryu... "Or perhaps a photo with no pokemon?" Xavier always loved that pokemon, so it might be rude to exclude that like them. Blossom, picking up on his unease moved towards Doc and the dark-type pokemon. Their bright pink form coming down to be beside the darker starfish in hopes that maybe they will reach up and wrap around the fairy misdreavus and allow themselves to be whisked away out of shot.
Xavier was lost in space when Emilio spoke to him, and when he heard their words he straightened up and got off of frog and turned towards him. "..No pokemon? I can do that." He said with a sigh as he shooed Frog off, the giant venusaur grumbling as it waddled away. Zux gladly wrapped fully around Blossom, tendrils sliding to stick fully on the fairy type as Doc hopped off unaware of the removal of his companion. The corviknight came behind Emilio and gently preened at the mans longish hair before moving over to settle down and puff up contently behind the man, chirping at Alias as he did so and Xavier rolled his eyes at the way Emilio had initially targeted Zux. He saw no issue with the staryu but his boyfriend hated him. He stretched back out against a nearby bench and pulled his hair out. Being in a braid for a couple hours made it fluffy and wavy and he knew the oils he used in it would cause it to catch the light perfectly without any flyaways. He stared at the man with the camera out of the corner of his eyes as he relaxed. He could hear Blossom chirping and Zux making his little gurgling sounds as the misdreavous floated around with them and he couldn't help the smile that quirked from it. Sometimes the pokemon got in the way of the shoot but watching how they all interacted was always enough to turn his smile into a full our dazzler.

The purple poison fused man stretched into the pose that he had discussed with Emilio, doing so with a grace he loved to do. He was elegance incarnate as his lover so often told him and he believed then everytime they said it. Which was very often. He loved this. He loved posing, the modelling, the pictures, the attention. He loved seeing how they blew up when he posted them on his blogs and Flitter account and he loved doing it with someone he adored so much. A quick breeze ruffled his hair but he quickly reached up to put in back in place with a small wish that he brought hairspray. Afterwards he shot Emilio his best smile and waited for the clicking of the camera to ensue as the sun hovered around him and warmed his skin.
He was so relieved that they didn't make a fuss about the removal of Zux although somehow seeing _all_ the pokemon gone was a rather sad sight to witness. Frog, while being a complete bastard, really did accompany Xavier extraordinarily well. That being said, if it meant that horror film star starfish would be gone then it was a sacrifice he was willing to make. He gave Doc a small quick bet at the fur on their chest, almost an apology for Alias as the small bug completely ingored the oversized birds greeting. Quickly though he focused entirely on his boyfriend as they stretched out to showcase everything he was supposed to showcase perfectly.  Blossom carried Zux out of sight and while he could still hear their twisted gargles, he instead focused on the calming sounds that Lillypad would make. The small water goomy always sounded rather beautiful to Emilio so that was what he listened to while his eyes focused on Xavier. 
The clicks of the camera soon began to follow. 
He kept Xavier still as he began to hop around them. While they always would end up with some kind of photo that could be used for their blogs there was plenty of trial and error. Emilio would come on up to Xavier, getting a close up that focused on their smile and hair caught up in the sunlight before he would move back. Sometimes the smile's that Xavier gave weren't always genuine, the man being known to be a bit of a grouch so to Emilio their genuine smile was brighter than the sun. From the close ups he moved back. He aimed to get some shots of Xavier entirely, some from the left, some from the right, some straight on. He took a few from a higher angle and some from lower angles- every single one was gorgeous to him but he knew full well that he also looked at them with rose colored glasses. Xavier would have to be the one later to actually judge them as Emilio thought anything of Xavier was perfect. 
After a few minutes and a couple of changes to Xavier's posing Emilio pulled back entirely to come and stand beside Frog. The shorter man leaned in against the poison type grouch to do a quick scan of the photos that they had taken. He knew it. He was right. He was dating a literal god. "You really can make anything look perfect." Emilio mused out as he flitted through them before looking up. They'd come out at sunset and now things were starting to get darker than Emilio would like "We should hurry home though~ I'll show you all of them back home yeah?" 
Talented Arts | Out at Sunset
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In Missions and Explorations ・ By Faust, AveryFish
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Submitted By AveryFish for Occupation Missions
Submitted: 1 year and 6 months agoLast Updated: 1 year and 6 months ago

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[Talented Arts | Out at Sunset by Faust, AveryFish (Literature)](https://www.reignsrest.com/gallery/view/966)
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