Pokemon Capture | Morelull/Noibat

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Pokemon Capture

Noibat/Morelull (Dragon/Fairy) -  Frozen Forest  
Word Count: 794

There was always something peaceful about the frozen forest. Eliriel could remember when he was younger that he used to come out here often due to how it was removed from the city. They'd all get onto their respective flying Pokémon to leave the city and float on down to the world to come to the middle of the forest. Somewhere in here there was a  pond that had frozen over and that is where they would go to visit. It was an attempt on his parents part to try and get him to appreciate the natural world more than just his own fantasy worlds but the lessons had never clicked. Things were peaceful and beautiful- but it was cold. Icey wings chilled him to the bone and despite how many layers he'd bundled himself up in he could feel every small gust. It reminded him exactly of why he never usually came down here on his own. Still though, he had been drawn to the forest after Eliriel's whole world was turned upside down.
Was it longing that he was feeling for his parents and the old life that he felt, or perhaps was it mourning for everything that had been lost? He breathed out a small ring of white and watched how it dissipated moments later. It was most definitely the latter. He didn't long for the past with his family, he merely mourned what had been ripped out of his hands. There had been a Noivern he'd been holding dear to his heart. They were one of the most beautiful specimen's he's laid witness to and one that the others in his home seemed quite fond of as well. Hardly anyone he knew that didn't like them actually and while they'd been a bit unruly at the start they quickly began adapted. They were well on their way to being a perfect companion! Now however, they were gone.
Eliriel had reached the frozen pond now amid all his thoughts and as he did the entire world froze to be as still as the forest its self. Out on the ice, slipping across the surface was a small pokemon who reminded him of the precious companion he'd just lost. It was a small, young Noibat- one who was covered in the mushrooms of a morelull. They looked so carefree and so happy, it gave Eliriel pause. Little wings were flapping and they seemed to laugh as they sild directly into a snow drift. Their entire body disappeared into the snow with only their feet poking out from the powder. While Eliriel had been upset and in mourning, a smile soon graced his features. Weren't they rather precious?
Quietly Eliriel sat down at the edge of the pond to watch how they pulled themselves out of the snow to return to their games. To return to laughing and played on the ice. Somehow the pale critter didn't even seem to notice that there was another trainer around. No, the pokemon was too caught up in their own little world and the sight of it soon earned a soft laugh. It was quiet, hardly more than a whisper but it was enough for the Noibat fusions ears to perk up. Their head swiveled towards him to stare him down and Eliriel's whole gaze softened a little bit more. "Hello there little angel" He cooed out softly towards them. "You're having quite a lot of fun, aren't you?" 
He had never been able to bring the Noivern out of the house. While they had adapted well they weren't well behaved enough to be able to go out among the public so he'd never been able to bring them to this pond. Now though, there was a small Noibat doing exactly what Eliriel always dreamed he could do with the Noivern. Surprisingly the Noibat didn't get startled by his presence, rather they quickly began to try and scramble off in his direction. Their feet couldn't get any traction but they honked and chittered and soon they were sliding directly into him instead of into a pile of snow. They climbed up into his lap and Eliriel couldn't help but smile even wider. "I'm afraid I don't have any treats for you~ But I know somewhere where you can get as many as you like." 
He brushed his hand across their cheek and felt the soft white fur. "You can play and run around all you like there~ I can install a rink of ice in the back too if it's something you would like." Eliriel enjoyed the sight of the pokemon playing so innocently and he pulled them close to his chest. "It will be far better than being out here, where the cold is unbearable." 
Pokemon Capture | Morelull/Noibat
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In Miscellaneous ・ By AveryFish
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Submitted By AveryFishLocation: Frozen Forest
Submitted: 1 year and 6 months agoLast Updated: 1 year and 6 months ago

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