FLM - Warehouse Business

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Diana stormed out of the apartment complex, her hand still splayed over her chin with her fingers covering the slightly redder parts of her face. How could he? Bastard. She'd expected Micah to step in but-- ugh. She walked past a trashcan, properly kicking it in her anger and hearing the twomp noise resonate through the cold and dark street. Her throat let out another frustrated growl before she marched onwards. She'd have to find a hotel now, and a restaurant or somewhere where she could eat a good meal before heading back the next day. Her hand uncovered the TD on her wrist, promptly going through her contacts and hovering over the 'block' on the man's number- at least until she was interrupted by an incoming call. Her hand went to the TD on her temple instead, pressing it softly to answer.

"It's unusual for you to call."

"Well, you told me to if I had some more leads."

The familiar voice answered. Nori was her informant who'd been caught just in front of her clubs the last time around- so she sheltered him while he set to reset his system and lay low. She clicked her tongue in annoyance, it not really having been a good time for all of this, but she supposed she needed to let off the steam.


"Some members have been talking about spreading some form of flora around Wintervale. Looks like it's fogtouched- the same one that Blackthorn has requested data of."

"I'm not trenching through the snow for some fucking plant right now, Nori."

"You don't need to."

Her TD flashed as he sent her a file- coordinations to a warehouse.

"They've stashed it there in Wintervale, in a warehouse. It's about five hundred feet from your current location. Since you're there, I assume you had a nice time?"


"... Okay. Guess not. Well, lead delivered."

Just like that, the line was cut and Diana was stood alone in the cold again. She let her hand fall from her temple and considered her options for a moment. She could chase this lead, get some praise, y'know- let out some steam. Or she could go to one of the famous hot springs buildings, have herself a nice bath- combined with some nice dinner and call it a night. Then, she remembered that Viggo mostly owned those places, and her scowl worsened and she set off in the direction of the warehouse.

Nori's leads were as good as gold, every time, so it wasn't hard for her to find the place. It was guarded, and as she scanned the people in front of the doors she found past offenses and their ties to Cynic. Grunts- but she wasn't surprised. She took Vewil out of his ball, and the snake was momentarily confused and still concerned for her, but quickly caught onto the fact that they were now meaning business.

"We're going to sneak in and take whatever it was they had. If we catch some Cynic members on the way, even better."

The Seviper hissed in approval and slithered forward. Together, they made quick work of the bodyguards outside- between Diana scaring the shit out of them and Vewil binding them in toxic thread. It was a valuable move that earned its reputation every time he used it. Once inside, Diana sleuthed around the large racks of products. It was a warehouse where they stored other random objects in boxes- she wasn't too invested in knowing what it was. Just that it was unrelated.

"You got the goods?"

She paused as she heard the gruff voice speak, pressing a hand to her TD to scan the area. Vewil behind her stood awaiting, looking around to make sure they weren't spotted. Up ahead were a group of men surrounding a smaller man- a seemingly young person who was quite obviously intimidated by the others.

"O-ofcourse! Here."

He handed them some bags filled to the brim, though only one person dared to actually touch it. Those must contain the plants, she thought, that Nori had spoken about.

"Brilliant. Now get out of here Calum."

"Y-yessir! Out of here, right away!"

The younger man scampered away, his feet barely keeping up it seemed. Diana in the mean time stood straight and cracked her knuckles- walking over to the men examining the goods.

"Ethos. Hand it over."

She yelled, projecting out her badge and only smirking when they obviously tried to book it. Vewil was quick to catch on, spewing out his thread to trip some of them over. One of them decided to fight- but even in heels Diana knew what she was doing. She ducked his punch and connected her own fist into his stomach to wind him, pulling back and returning another punch to his head to knock him out. The others had tripped thanks to Vewil and were struggling in their bindings- and as Diana came up she looked to the bag first, nudging it with her foot.

"Now, come on boys. What's this? You thought it was safe to distribute these here?"

"Ethos SCUM."

One of them answered, spitting in her direction. It actually hit her heel and Diana looked at the fluids, giving a soft 'hmm' under her breath before she walked over and kicked him in the stomach.

"Now is that how you talk to a lady?"

She asked, grunting the last bit as she stomped on him- the heel of her shoe digging into his skin. That wasn't enough for her, though, and she kicked him again. And again. And she might have let out a bit of anger as she did it again. Her rage was blinding her and the man was surely passed out by the time she was finished.

Taking in a deep breath, she reached up and tied her hair in a ponytail, looking to where the other guy had been tied up only to find him missing. She let out a disappointed whine and looked back for the bag, only to find that missing too. Her disappointment turned into excitement as she thought about what that meant.

"Cat and mouse chase? I'm game."

FLM - Warehouse Business
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In Missions and Explorations ・ By Kelyias

Diana had a nasty run in and decided to let off some steam.



 It looks like Team Cynic have scattered. After the great battle against the Guardian they must be on the run. As a member of Ethos we're tasking you with finding and securing any Cynic members that you can find so that they can be brought to justice and find out what they're up to.
[ Draw or write about your Trainer tracking down any signs of Team Cynic, or even confronting one of them. Watch out - Team Cynic have some nasty tricks up their sleeve to keep you off their tail! ]


WC Total:  1029 / 1000

Submitted By Kelyias for No Risk, No RewardLocation: Wintervale
Submitted: 1 year and 6 months agoLast Updated: 1 year and 6 months ago

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