How to use lorekeeper
Crafting allows users to automatically create new items through item combinations.
Recipe BookWild Rolls
Submit to the monthly prompt with the required credits, and receive your Codes from an admin each month!
Wild RollsThe first step is to head over to the Backalley Wares and pick up a card! This could be an Advanced ID, Fake ID, Trainer Card or Pokemon Card. Trainer and POkemon Cards are free items that allow you to submit trainers and pokemon for free - with a few limitations!

Once you have your item, go to your inventory, and select the card to use it! This will grant you a "MYO slot", which is how you will submit your design for approval.

You will then be able to navigate to "My MYO Slot" and choose which one you would like to use to submit your design! Certain slots come with certain restrictions, such as a Basic trainer cannot be fused.
- Click submit MYO design when viewing the page for the slot you wish to use.
- Click "Create Request" to begin the design approval process.
- Work through each section until each area has a green check mark!

- The Comments tab is where you place your description/form. Please also put any proof links such as wild rolls, belongings, or capture images at the bottom here! GO HERE to obtain the blank app form for your description!
- The masterlist image is where you upload your image for approval, and credit the artists involved.
- Add-ons is where you choose any items you would like to use, if applicable, such as Attribute nera, Delta Elixirs, and so on!
- Traits are where you choose Applicable traits, listed below are required traits for trainers and pokemon:
Pokemon Required Traits:

Trainer Required Traits:

Click the "Add Trait" button to add all the traits a trainer or pokemon has, making sure to choose only the ones that fit the character in question. Example: A pokemon only ever has 2 typings maximum, and a trainer will only ever have 1 system type!
Submitting the Design
You are completely finished with your request when all tabs are green, meaning you've saved each tab as you went and filled the information out completely! If a mod has questions about your app they may contact you - or deny it if necessary.
Congrats, you've done it!

Once you have done that, a form to submit your prompt appears!

Description | Required? | |
Prompt | Select your prompt from the dropdown | Only necessary if submitting from "Submit" button - otherwise auto-selected. |
Submission URL | Deviation or RR Gallery link | Necessary |
Rewards | Additional rewards if applicable, base rewards are automatically added! | Only necessary in special cases. |
Characters | Add characters present in the prompt! | Necessary for AXP and EXP rewards! |
Earning AXP and EXP with Prompts
Earning AXP and EXP for a character is now done through prompt and claim submissions! Simply add your character to your prompts as you submit them, select the AXP (or EXP) currency, and enter the amount they're earning. It will automatically be added to that character when approved and permanently tracked, no tracker necessary!
Once you have filled out the form, you can click submit! It will go into the queue where an admin will approve or reject it, and award any additional rewards if necessary. Once it is approved your rewards will be distributed!
Congrats, you did it!
To submit a claim, click the submit button in the navigation bar and choose "claim".

The claim form is very similar to the prompt submission, though you do not choose a prompt. Be sure to fill out the URL link (if necessary for an art piece), and the comments to explain why you are submitting the claim (old event piece, submitting for AXP or EXP, etc).

You can add any rewards you believe are applicable here, whether it be items, currency, or lootboxes.

If you want to use an item (such an an EXP boost for a pokemon) you can access your inventory and apply that here, adding the EXP to your characters rewards manbually in the form!

Be sure to add any characters and their AXP or EXP amounts if you are claiming those!

Clicking submit will put the request into the queue, and upon approval from an admin rewards will be distributed automatically!
To submit to the gallery, click the gallery in the navigation bar and find the gallery category you'd like to submit to. If a gallery has sub-categories, please choose the correct one and submit from there!

Choose the image file you would like to upload, making sure it fits the size and filetype requirements. If you are uploading literature, skip this step and simply enter the literature in the "text" below (NOT description).

Underneath you can add a title, and a description of the image or literature you are submitting. This functions much like a deviantart description, and you can use formatting and links as much as you'd like!

ON the right side you can add collaborators, or commission/gift/trade information if you created the art for someone else. Make sure to add YOURSELF or you will not be properly credited in the gallery! If this is a piece only created by you, simply leave these fields blank. Your collab partner will need to approve the piece as well, so be sure they are able to!

You can add characters present in the image at the bottom, trainers, pokemon, and NPCs are welcome! Simply enter their ID and the site will populate the field for you.