T-261: Basic Trainer ID

Image #2646
Uploaded: 2 months and 2 weeks ago
Last Edited: 2 months and 2 weeks ago
No additional notes given.

Name: Gao Xiu
Gender: Female
Age: 19
Height: 5'2/157cm
System: Stable

Infused: N/A
Perm fuse: N/A
Additional: N/A

Partner Pokemon: Oolong (Aipom/Venipede

History: Born and raised in Ethermoor in a traditional neighborhood by an old school family, Xiu wasn't given a lot of choices going up - she was going to do well in school, she was going to work in her family's tea house, and, at some point, she was going to get married and move out to live with her husband's family - which left little room for creative thinking or self expression. Thus, where Xiu was allowed to experiment and express herself, she did so readily.

It started with her hair, which would be done up at the tea house either way, so how it looked outside of it didn't matter. Aside from one time where she attempted to cut her hair on her own, the Gao's were fine with Xiu styling her hair as she saw fit. The realm of freedom came with cybernetics after Xiu had her procedure; under the guise of it improving her ability to perform her duties at the tea house, Xiu received surgery on her legs, replacing them with durable silicon and carbon fiber, which not only helped her kneel for long periods of time, but also allowed her to run without tiring for dozens of minutes on end.

When the outbreak of Nera eventually spread to Ethermoor, Xiu found her newest passion and place for expression: fusions. What could be more freeing than changing how you are into something new and better? She was quick to befriend and capture a local Aipom that had fused with a Venipede, and registered it as her official partner - not that her family agreed, preferring 'pure' Pokemon to fusions, as well as 'pure' guests to those who were touched by Nera. Xiu makes a point of not bringing up this point of contention with her elders, wishing to avoid arguments, but secretly pins for Nera of her own one day.

5 July 2024, 16:32:42 CDT