Cynic Cannon Donation

Category: Event Prompts
Ends: 1 February 2023, 00:00:00 CST (1 year ago)


Plan Z

A missive is sent to all Cynic members straight from the top of the food chain, it's best not to ignore it.

“Groudon's power is of great use to our cause. He seems to have absorbed the ability to Dynamax from another region, contributing to his massive size and power. We need that for our tests and experiments. Our Z Cannon is perfect, bring the supplies needed to finish the project so we can bring him in alive."

Prompt 1-  Plan Z
We need to tranquilize Groudon if we have any chance of bringing him in alive but his massive size means we need an equally massive gun. We are finalizing construction on a cannon that can fire a dart through his thick scales but we require materials.


Donate any of the following items:

  • Resin
  • Zinc
  • Plastic
  • Ingot
  • Glass
  • Electronics


Rewards: 20 Credits per item submitted, 25% chance to drop a Max Revive, Exceptionally rare chance to drop a Gacha jar.
5 Faction standing towards Cynic.


No rewards.
This prompt has ended.