Joined: 9 May 2022 (2 years ago)


Award Showcase



(some people call me Stine)


Lovecraftian Horror & Lore
GW2 (Batstine.2674)
Dark Ages to Renaissance Eras

Trades, Coms, Requests

Trades open
Coms open
Requests available for frens

some other third thing

i ran outta shit to say
so this is a temporary section
maybe i'll fill it in later


AGE: 28 yrs
BIRTHDAY: 25 / 10
GENDER: female
HEIGHT: not as tall as i'd like :/
LANGUAGES: french/english/italian/spanish


  • DMs always open
  • RP/HCs always open
  • talk to me about eldritch lore

"I fucking love Bloodborne"

I love hoarding so much, I love to amass wealth and items, and then put them in my mouth for storage. I don't have a lot things I wanna do with said wealth or items though, so most of the time, if you see anything from my inventory you want, or you'd like a credit donation, I'll say yes and send the goods your way.

RR availability

I'm always down to talk and hang out in the Discord server or DMs! I like to throw around headcanons with anyone, so you're always welcome to hit me up for some. RPs and collabs I have less time for because of my job, but if you're willing to wait for like, an update a day, I'll always get back to you when I'm free.

Completed Collections
Master Fisher
Home Grown
Master Bug Hunter
First Aid Kit

Characters / Pokemon / NPC / Trainers

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