Joined: 13 February 2022 (3 years ago)


Award Showcase


Po | Nonbinary | They/Them

well hello there, how have you discovered me? i am now a retired old rat in these walls, scurrying about with my favorite characters and enjoying the space as it grows. i am not very loud in what i do and tend to lurk instead! C:

I think this makes a card?

I think this makes a card?

It does! So put all your text in here!

Completed Collections
Home Grown
Fossil Maniac
Master Bug Hunter
Master Fisher

Characters / Pokemon / NPC / Trainers


Wimboflamingo Avatar
Featured by Owner

Hi pohv 🥺

2022-05-09 13:24:06 (Edited 2022-09-04 12:53:49)

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