Joined: 25 September 2022 (1 year ago)


Award Showcase

Hello there, I'm Bee! If you don't already know me, I'm an unapologetic little gremlin who's a bit of a pokemon nerd. I'm a full time bio major and spend most of my free time doodling or hanging out online. Feel free to DM me at any time!!


F2U Pokeballs & Eggs!
ReignsRest Ball (Blue) ReignsRest Ball (Red) Ethos Ball Cynic Ball Mist Ball
Spropup Egg Shurtle Egg Pipsail Egg RR. Hoothoot Egg Kotora Egg Mogmi Egg


Intended for use with Slate's F2U Ribbons
(Also see AngelOShadows' Pokemon Ribbons, they have a lot of great ones that are more generalized!)
ReignsRest | Featured | Mistball | Ethos | Cynic | Wild Roll/Basic | Shiny | Delta | Attributed | Pedigree | Partner

Completed Collections
No collections completed.

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StormHeart413 Avatar

This is here for my records

2022-11-22 20:22:32

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