Pokemon Intelligence
From wildlife to lifelong companions, Pokemon can be complex or simple beings.
How smart are Pokemon?
For every human that exists in Reignsrest, there are likely 100 pokemon in the wild or in the cities. They are plentiful in the region and around the world, and have existed with us on this planet for as long as we have! Their physical forms are specially evolved to let them control strong natural energy and the elements around them, giving them their signature moves and abilities.Wild pokemon are not considered highly intelligent, and many are driven by instinct to survive much like wild animals in our world. They can be hunted by other pokemon or humans for food, and in turn can pose a dangerous threat to trainer-caught pokemon and their partners if encountered in the wild. While many wild pokemon seen in cities seem docile, they are not tame and will not understand humans fully even if they seem to.
When a pokemon is captured inside a pokeball they become raw energy, their purest form. This allows them to be stored in virtual spaces such as the PC and Trainer boxes, as well as sent through the network as digital data between locations. They are encoded to the trainer who caught them, and that trainer's unique system, much like a digital certificate.
When a pokemon is captured the technology of the pokeball and connection to the vast network reacts with their own natural energy, and unlocks their ability to begin learning. While not immediate, their capacity to understand humans and have complex thoughts grows exponentially with time. From that point on they are considered sentient, and as they grow in age they will become as smart as any human could - with some minor variations and exceptions. Some very old pokemon may be smarter than some humans, in fact.
Livestock and Food Sources
Wild Pokemon are eaten by both humans and other pokemon as a general food source through the world, though it will only ever be WILD and non-fused pokemon!Livestock pokemon are kept on special farms with protection from Nera and capture, so that they remain safe for consumption and production. Once a pokemon is caught or fused it is considered an illegal practice to eat or hunt them, so those in charge of livestock go to great lengths to prevent this. Sometimes during crisis or times of emergency, farmers will need to capture their pokemon and this will often bring about an influx of livestock pokemon for adoption in shelters since they then need to be rehomed.
Livestock style
Livestock Pokemon are domesticated but still wild versions of their original counterparts. These Pokemon have been bred for consumption and are the primarysources of meat in Reignsrest. If someone refers to Chicken for example it'll be from a Livestock-Torchic. Occasionally Farmers are faced with the problem that they
have to capture a Livestock Pokemon for its own health. Once captured Pokemon are illegal to eat and have to be re-homed.
Pokemon that can Talk
Pokemon throughout the canon franchise have been seen to talk a human language and that can happen in Reignsrest but is limited to specific Pokemon and types! Though just because a Pokemon might not be able to talk physically doesn't mean they can't understand human language and want to reply. Pokemon do not have the same voice box that humans do in order to make the sounds they can, they might get smarter but that doesn't change their anatomy.Legendary Pokemon are capable of speaking physically, we've not been able to find out how.
Psychic and Ghost-type Pokemon are able to project words and feelings telepathically.
Mimic Pokemon like Chatot and Zoura are able to copy words to use in response to people- This is not usually in full sentences.
Rotom are able to speak due to being made from technology, Their sentences are usually broken English due to a lack of understanding.
Rotom in devices have a higher ability to read information out loud (Rotom Phones or Pokedex) Though they are not able to learn functional battle moves because of it and aren't considered a Trainer's battle Pokemon.
Pokemon AttAcks, Wounds, and Scars
Pokemon are made from energy and the elements they control are made from that same energy. This means that a Pokemon using Ember on another Pokemon will not permanently burn it or cause the pain a human would feel if the same move was used on them. Even Physical moves such as jump kick are powered by energy so it wouldn't cause damage without intent.When battling Pokemon are aware of their opponents limits. A Charizard wouldn't use the same power Crunch on a Pichu that it would on a stronger opponent. That crunch is done in competition and not intent to harm and would not puncture the skin.
The white glow that sometimes covers physical moves is energy, it can 'pierce' the skin and do damage but not cause an actual wound physically. It contacts but does not wound and does not scar.
Pokemon in the wild will hunt and eat other Pokemon, these moves do puncture as they are done with intent to do so. Scarring on Pokemon only happens from actual punctured wounds and not normal battling.
If you see a Trainer with a Pokemon that shows visible scars, it is a warning sign that they likely battled illegally or survived a bad encounter. Some may see scarring as a show of strength while others will likely avoid questionable Trainers.