Suppression Tech

There has to be a way to hide those new limbs!

Suppression technology

With the rise of human-fusions came challenges living daily life. People found that having large wings or tails were rather inconvenient in work-places. To aid with these changes came Suppression tech. This technology comes in the form of a collar or a wrist band that will forcibly revert the changes Nera has made on the body in appearance alone. This technology does not get rid of the Nera, but suppresses it to it doesn't appear.

Suppression technology is still new and often expensive for those wishing for a stronger version. Due to it being recent technology it does have its problems. Strong emotions, such as intense rage, will 'overload' the technology and cause it to short out. When this happens, the suppression is released and the human will revert back to their fused form until the suppression tech has released the charge- this could take a few hours depending on the severity of the overload.

This tech can come in many shapes and appearances, so long as it meets skin contact. They can also be implanted under the skin but those are risky and harder to fix if something goes wrong.