Shadow Pokemon

Pokemon corrupted by the fog

Shadow Pokemon

Shadow Pokemon are those that have been lost for too long in the Nothing. They have been corrupted by the fog and have mutated into an aggressive distorted form of what they used to be.

Requirements for Shadow pokemon:

  • Blank eyes- often yellow in color.
  • A purple goop-like body that has a swirling purple pattern.
  • Can have changes like sharper claws and teeth.
  • Can only be caught in Mistballs.

The Pokemon must still resemble what it used to be, either a pedigree or a fusion. The body will always be shades of purple and the eyes/mouth will primarily be a glowing yellow. Shadow Pokemon are aggressive in nature and don't react to their Trainer, often turning on them entirely. If not aggressive they will be solemn and somewhat depressed.




Currently, Shadow Pokemon cannot have abilities or moves, these will simply be listed as 'Unknown'. Even if they did, they wouldn't listen to their trainer in battle!

Face Shape
Shadow Pokemon have a larger pronounced mouth with sharper teeth visible. Their mouth can also appear stretched with holes.

Eye shape and color
The eyes of a Shadow Pokemon can appear 'weepy' and wiggly. They will always be blank with no pupil and a feint glow. They are most commonly off-white/yellow but can be other colors.
Shadow mutation is a full-body change and will cover the entire form of the Pokemon. They will often have 'goopy' outlines. Any drips that come off will fizzle into a light mist. They have a cold feeling to them like hovering your hand above liquid nitrogen and often give off a soft dark smoke that pools heavily on the ground they stand on. Any markings present on the Pokemon originally will still be there but can look distorted or sharper. The inside of a Shadow Pokemon is basically pure energy and will glow the color of the eyes, any holes in the body can cast this light out.