The Story of the King

Ancient History

"The Story of the King"

Reignsrest became its own region over three hundred years ago when a King led his people to new lands in order to live peacefully with Pokemon. The King had a long lasting friendship with the God-Pokemon Arceus. The King had befriended the vastly powerful Pokemon in his youth and showed Arceus that humans can be loyal and faithful companions.

Arceus had offered the King to become his partner Pokemon however the King refused, stating that no Pokemon that powerful should be under human control and vowed to keep that promise.
It only became known as ‘Reignsrest’ after the king fell sick. Arceus begged to heal the King’s disease but the man refused, expressing that it was his time and he had accepted that and so, too, should the Pokemon. Arceus bowed his head to the King’s wishes, allowing it to happen but requested from his people that a temple shrine be built in respect and memory for the lost King. The Temple was named Reigns Rest, though over time it became the name of the region instead.

Once the Temple had been built, Arceus paid his respects one final time before leaving and hasn't returned. People say he is always protecting the shrine that lays his best friend. The King’s Temple is located in the very middle of Grovehart in a large park. It was once a very popular tourist destination, though with the region in lockdown, it has received some wear. The King’s son vanished not long after his death and without leadership, the region’s people fell apart, dividing and becoming separate cities.



Reignsrest has been its own region for around three hundred years, during this time it has evolved quite a lot!
Full Timeline
Brookfell Timeline
Grovehart Timeline
Rivertide Timeline
Wintervale Timeline
