Lost Legends

Story Events 11 July 2022 - 10 August 2022
Find the Kywebbles

The Sylvangloam

The Sylvangloam appeared not long after the Nera outbreak, seemingly overnight a large lush forest came into existence silently. Some say they witnessed the trees rise up from the sea, though the foliage was new growth and fresh back then. Blackthorn was among one of the first to study this new land, and they dubbed it Sylvangloam. Sylvan, stemming from its wooded nature, and Gloam represents the ‘Twilight’ and the forest's peculiar ability to glow under the moonlight.

Over the next three years, the Sylvangloam continued to grow at an almost alarmingly fast rate. In the middle of the island, sat a tree that towered far above any of the others below it. The colors of the gloam were unusually and almost mystical in nature, the foliage taking on hues of blue and purple. Mushrooms sprouted from the earth and illuminated gently in the dappled shadow of the hanging trees. 

Curiously, when bioluminescent plantlife was removed from the Sylvangloam, the glowing did not persist. Any and all attempts to construct and maintain man-made structures have ended with failure. Buildings are quickly destroyed through rapid plant growth, such as vines taking them down. No one has been harmed from this destruction, however, and it’s almost as if the land has a mind of its own, shifting to prevent people from reaching the tree at the center that remains uncharted territory. 

Plenty of Pokemon have called this place home after only three short years, and it has become a thriving ecosystem.



Blackthorns Report:

The trees had been shaking and mushrooms wilting. Bird Pokemon had begun to flee from the Gloam and something feels…strange. When people enter they gain the feeling of distant panic and a deep despair resonates with them. I’m glad that you, Trainers, banded together to accept my call. The music we created seemed to soothe the forest but in doing so we learned so much more. 

The forest sang back.

We followed the humming to the center of the Sylvangloam, it was quite the journey given how vast the land was but we made it. Standing in front of us was the Grand Tree. It had strange markings at its base that we’ve never been able to see before and something called out to me to touch it…I did. 

The moment I made contact I heard her voice, the Sylvangloam, she spoke to me and this is what she asked of us.

“Human, I have had many names over the centuries, your name for this one is Kyogre. I am the origin one, the beginning of my line. Every thousand of your years I share children with this world to guide your seas. My children have been misguided, they have lost their way and I cannot move to find them lest I risk the life I’ve come to burden. I must ask of you, Humans, to aid me.”

The revelation we had when we realized this land was Guardian Kyogre all along.


Event prompt:

Blackthorn has many questions from this encounter with Guardian Kyogre but it’s best that we aid her first. She wants us to locate and bring home her children.

These Kyogre/Dwebble are small enough to be pulled down rivers from strong currents whipped up by the fog at night. They’ve been spread across the region but we’ve equipt you with a specialized Rotom drone. This Rotom is attuned to the signature Guardian Kyogre gives off, it’ll be able to point you in the direction of similar energy!

Track down those Kywebble and bring them home to the Sylvangloam!

Trainers do not need to have explored the Sylvangloam or the region to be featured in places but this image will not count as an exploration. Blackthorn is optional but can be present in the image if you want him.


Prompt- Find the Lost Legends

Draw your Trainer finding or carrying a Kywebble in some way or releasing it back into the water around the Sylvangloam.

This prompt can be completed 1 time per Player.

Rewards: 60 Credits + 1x Seabeam Attribute Nera
+5 AXP, +2 EXP

Requirements: Trainer half-body with Kywebble in the image + Background

Collaborations are accepted but every Art Participant would need to meet at least 1x Trainer Half Body, Shading (+ 1 BG for the overall submission) Every Lit. participant would need to meet a min. of 750 words.


Prompt- Babysitting

Draw or write about your trainer interacting with the Kywebble babies! Are they taking care of the babies? Feeding them treats? Playing with them?

Rewards: 30 Credits + Random Item with chance for Rare Items

Requirements: Trainer half-body with Kywebble in the image + Background (Sylvangloam required) OR 750 words

Collaborations are accepted but every Art Participant would need to meet at least 1x Trainer Half Body, Shading (+ 1 BG for the overall submission) Every Lit. participant would need to meet a min. of 750 words.


Cities: Sylvangloam


Leaders: Professor Blackthorn

Ancients: Kyogre


Miscellanous: Find the Lost Legends and Babysitting