Split Paths

Story Events 12 September 2022 - 10 October 2022


The waters around the Sylvangloam crashed with excitement after the return of her children. It seemed like for a moment the region could have some peace, but after Kyogre began to settle back into the watery depths.. large tremors rumbled from the wastes between Brookfell and Ethermoor. Slowly, earthquakes spread through the cities. Within a few days, a large split in particular appeared in the desert as it broke open to a deep lava-filled crevice. The sputtering of molten lava spread and solidified throughout the area, traveling to the edges of Brookfell. Drastic heat waves began to weigh over the region, making it harder for trainers to stay outside without the assistance of their pokemon. 

Scans revealed that another primal, Kyogre’s counterpart: [Groudon], is waking from his long slumber.
He doesn’t sound very happy.

We don’t know how long we have to prepare, or what we can do alone, but we need to gather our allies or better yet join a cause that might know what they’re doing.



These teams have their own ways of dealing with the growing threat of Primal Groudon. Will you go with Ethos’ pacifist route and hope to uncover why Groudon is so angry ahead of his eruption or will you choose Cynic’s more hands-on approach of trying to capture the beast before it has time to act?

Leader: ??? | Second in command: Volter
Themes: White, Blue, and Gold.
Ethos pride themselves on aiding those around them even if they don’t take the credit in the public’s eye. They work with police forces as an undercover special agent unit and go on missions that the general police force might not be able to undergo. Their highly advanced main base resides under Grovehart thanks to funding from private sources. Ethos work tends to put these individuals in dangerous situations as they put themselves on the line to save People or Pokemon. All is not as it seems..
Leader: ??? | Second in command: Atlas
Themes: Red, White, and Gold
Cynic pride themselves on the evolution of mankind. They want to push the limits of what Nera can offer people to find a way to advance the human race and our future. Their main base is highly advanced and hidden within the mountains around Brookfell thanks to private funding. Cynic work tends to be on the experimental side, and they tend to put the outcome of the experiment over the welfare of the subject. All is not as it seems..



Managing the Fire!

There is a very dangerous flow of lava moving at an alarming rate towards Brookfell. With the city being mostly built into a hole, we don’t have to explain how deadly it would be if this lava flow made it in there. We need Trainer help to direct Pokemon abilities. Water and Wind-based flying moves should be good enough to help solidify the mass into a wall of sorts while we work on a better permanent solution!

Draw or Write about your Trainer using moves to cool the dangerous flow of lava traveling down the mountain towards Brookfell. They could also be attempting to control the wildfires caused by the extreme heat. If you don’t own a water/flying-based Pokemon- any of the Starlutions or Finch can be used instead!

Requirements: Half body, Color, with Background or 750 words
​EVERYONE is welcome to participate. Collaborations welcome!
Rewards: 30 Credits, 5 AXP/EXP

Research is key

Primal Groudon hasn't been mentioned in documents for hundreds of years, why only now has he re-emerged? From studying the environment we might be able to narrow down possible causes. There has to be more than just fusion to startle this beast into our world now.. has it anything to do with Rayquaza?

Draw or Write about your Trainer in a clinical lab setting looking over environmental samples in high-tech machines or going out in the world to gather samples around the cracks in the earth. Try to avoid direct interaction with Groudon as we don't want to rile him up any further, but keep an eye out for anyone trying to cause trouble.

Requirements: Half body, Color, with Background or 750 words
Only Ethos Members can obtain prompt rewards. ​Collaborations welcome!
Rewards: 30 Credits, 5 AXP/EXP, 5 Ethos Reputation

Taking the Opportunity

From recent scans over the shifting earth, it's confirmed Groudon is as we expected; Fused. Not only does this confirm Kyogre wasn't a fluke occurrence, but the possibility of legendaries fusing is unknown to anything we've previously seen. We need to know more firsthand, but we need to see what we can do. Try to disturb the beast, shake the grounds, disturb the earth. Let's see what Groudon is still capable of.

Draw or Write about your Trainer using their pokemon to disturb the crevices and open up the grounds even further.

Requirements: Half body, Color, with Background or 750 words
Only Cynic Members can obtain prompt rewards. ​Collaborations welcome!
Rewards: 30 Credits, 5 AXP/EXP, 5 Cynic Reputation


Cities: Brookfell and Ethermoor


Organizations: Ethos and Cynic


Leaders: Professor Blackthorn

Ancients: Groudon

News Post:

September Site News