Tempest of the Sands

Story Events 1 July 2023 - 31 August 2023
The way to Thunderdale is open, for those brave enough to make the trip.

Thunderdale, long thought lost after the regioon was blanketed in the mysterious fog, is not as lost as was once believed. Connected to Ethermoor, the volcanic city, via an underground bullet train, the city has been spared the most disastrous effects off the fog due to it's underground nature. Cut off from the rest of the world for reasons unknown, the train is revealed to be in operation - and trainers are welcome to attempt the journey above ground, too, for the fog is mysterious absent on the surface due to an everpresent lightning storm of untold origin. 

Players are tasked with making this journey, either by train or above ground, to establish a connection with the long forgotten underground city. But they are warned: the city is not hospitable to outsiders, and if you thought Brookfell was rife with crime, Thunderdale will make it seem like a daycare in comparison. Gangs run the show deep beneath the surface, and it's denizens are modified with tech they've developed on their own, which is often highly illegal. It's a mostly lawless land that the faint of heart will struggle to survive - if they even make it that far in the first place. 

However, those who do make the journey are promised answers. The fog is contained here: and the pokemon beneath the surface are not fused. Thunderdale is the heart of technological advancement in the region - and they boast an immunity to the effects of the fog. If that's true, then the answers here are well worth the dangers of the trip. Besides, you like discovering new cities, don't you?


This event is styled as a Choose Your Own Adventure. Players will complete an initial prompt to choose their path, and then gain access to an adventure that they can complete to learn secrets, engage with the story, and arrive in Thunderdale. A second prompt detailing how your character reacts during the adventure will earn you greater rewards - and a piece of information unlocked about Thunderdale or the fog for the entire group. 

Go forth and discover something new! 

Event Statistics:

19 Adventures Completed

19 Pieces of Information discovered

8 Trainers lost in the Sands

6  Legends Encountered


Unlocked information: 

  • Cybernetics are seen as a rite of passage for denizens of Thunderdale
  • Thunderdale relies on androids to venture above the surface
  • Zapdos is the reigning legendary of Thunderdale
  • Pokemon are not fused in Thunderdale because there is no fog in the city
  • Zapdos keeps the fog at bay with its power and constant lightning storm
  • There is no fog in the city because it is underground, and it cannot get inside due to their barriers
  • The fog is a Legendary creation
  • The leader of Thunderdale is part of team Cynic
  • The old woman’s pichu is fused with Zapdos nera
  • The people of Thunderdale are aware of zapdos’ presence
  • The leader of Thunderdale is fused with zapdos nera
  • The people of Thunderdale have figured out how to apply legendary nera to pokemon
  • All the people of Thunderdale have been trapped here for 5 years
  • The people of Thunderdale had communication with the last 2 cities up until 1 year ago
  • The fog has a will of it’s own
  • Zapdos guides lost travelers on the surface
  • The fog could be stopped by a legendary pokemon
  • The people of Thunderdale are aware of what caused the fog explosion
  • No one can control the fog entirely

Event Prompts (Each can only be completed ONCE per trainer)

Starting Out

It's time! Your trainer decides to make the journey to Thunderdale for one reason or another. Two options present themselves initially: Take the Bullet train, which you are warned has a high cynic presence, or brave the ever-present sandstorm above ground which comes with it's own set of dangers. Draw or write about your trainer's decision, how they make it, and how they begin their journey from Ethermoor. 

Requirements: 500 words OR halfbody with color
Rewards: 100 credits, Ethermoor City Bundle

The Journey So Far

Wow, what a ride! That sure was...something. Draw or write about any part of the journey your trainer took, referencing at least ONE specific part of the choose your own adventure you experienced. You are welcome to do as many as you like, but at least one specific event is required!

Requirements: 750 words OR Halfbody with color AND shading
Rewards: 200 Credits, Thunderdale City bundle, Choice of Exploration Bundle, and 1 Unlocked Piece of Knowledge!



Cities: Ethermoor


Organizations: Cynic


Miscellanous: Starting Out and The Journey So Far