Depthless I & II

Story Events 1 September 2021 - 31 October 2021

Depthless I

The Nothing has come closer in the form of a giant wall, closest around Brookfell and Wintervale. It's advised that Brookfellians and 'Vales evacuate. Rivertide is the least at risk due to being furthest from the current spread, please make proper arrangements. Contact friends and family, lets others know of your whereabouts.

Blackthorn has sent out an urgent message to the cities warning of the danger. He also gave out an invitation to the Trainers that aided him with the beacons.

"Hello Trainer,
Thank you for your aid on the beacon though I request your help a second time. The fog, you may know it as 'The Nothing', is coming. I thought this was the worst we'd see but I was wrong. It's only just started. All communication with the other cities has been lost and I fear it's not just because of some downed beacons. You've seen the damage this can do on technology and I request that you come with me to assess how quickly this wall is spreading."
- Prof. L Blackthorn

We thought we were safe. The Nothing has been staved off by the light but recently it's.. resisting. It's powering through regardless of our attempts. It's become this impenetrable wall that's growing closer day by day. Wintervale and Brookfell are closest to becoming consumed and we need to figure out how quickly this fog is traveling so we know how long we have.
We can't lose any more cities.


Side Effects of The Nothing..
When interacting with The Nothing, precautions need to be taken. All those making contact must wear at minimum a mask but preferred is a full body suit. Trainers and Scientists are not permitted to go full body into the fog. If in contact without protection, The Nothing will start to affect breathing first, making it hard to exhale. The lungs will begin to heavy, as if they were made of lead, and the air would feel as if one was swallowing smoke. It seems to have a bad effect on technology and will cause TD's and Cores to glitch at best or at worst-- shut down.

Being cut off we assume is the main reason people get lost in The Nothing as it's impossible to know which direction you are going and the lack of sound on the inside does not aid in escape. We still don't know what happens in there, but we know people who go too deep do not come back out.

Your character in lore can get a form of chest infection form interacting with The Nothing which causes heavy coughing and general sickness. It can also be accompanied by bruising on the throat and chest. TD's/Cores would need to be reactivated at a Pokecenter or other means if you can't enter on due to a hacked system.


Depthless II


"We've never had proper readings of any identifying matter in The Nothing.. until this point."


While researching The Nothing, Trainers start to notice strange objects manifesting in the fogs trails. Long gentle cries come from the thick wall, shrouds of purple and tearful eyes coming to greet the trainers. These shapes would form into pokemon, appearing as lost souls locked in a time they didn't recognize. It was as if they didn't know where they were.. or who was around them.

Users can view Deltas, Fusions, and Pedigree shapes amongst the fog.
Were these pokemon submerged in The Nothing too long..?

Upon further inspection, these pokemon have been labeled as Shadow Pokemon.
Note: Unfortunately, in their current state, these Shadow Pokemon don't appear to be capture-able with any type of pokeball.

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Cities: Brookfell and Wintervale


Leaders: Professor Blackthorn