

Can be joined by characters.

Leader: Volter  | Second in Command: ????
Themes: White, Blue, and Gold. 

Ethos as it is known today has evolved to put an end to crime that regular police forces are not equpt to handle. Some see the organization as a vigilante operation which has caused mixed signals with the public. Ethos' main goal at the moment is to block Cynic's attempts to grip the region and take control. We know not of Cynic's intention but they cause pain to those caught in their path and Ethos is here to lend a hand and stand up for those that have been wronged. Ethos pride themselves on aiding those around them even if they don’t take the credit in the public’s eye.

The Ethos main base is located under Grovehart. The overhead building looks as if to be a regular office tower however those with Ethos authority can use the elevator to go down into the base itself. It is a strictly need-to-know basis, to get past security to reach the elevator one must go through a few checks first to ensure no unwanted equipment (or unauthorized people) is being smuggled in. While an underground base may seem dark and confined- it's quite the opposite. The base was designed to prevent those inside from feeling closed off and is built around an open center that contains a large holoscreen roof projecting a clear sky. In the middle are a pond, various plants, and a small cafe for members to have breaks in. The walls surrounding the center are concrete to waist high and then reinforced plexiglass which is equipt to display interactive maps and local news.

Due to Ethos taking in large amounts of injured people and Pokemon from Cynic they had to change one wing into a medical center to keep up with the demand. Members are able to use the hospital and Pokecenter whenever needed, there are rooms for overnight or long stays along with basic living spaces for those traveling in. Ethos Members do not need to pay for access to anything within the base but donations are always appreciated. Members DO get paid for every mission they go on and compensation if injured.

Knights are the strongest of the strong within Ethos, they are hand-picked and specially trained. Their success rates are high on missions and they are often sent out on high-stakes fights against Cynic. They have a strong alliance for their cause and act loyally. They are most often seen around the base wearing armor made custom to their strengths however most of them carry a holoshield of some kind. Inside the base they are not secretive about who they are as they want to appear approachable so people can ask for aid.

Ethos members will gain more access to the base through their ranking.

A grunt in Ethos may be a low entry-level worker but their role within the group is praised, without Grunts at the bottom the top wouldn't be able to work as smoothly as it does, they are an important part of the workplace and are given a monthly wage. They are able to come and go from the main base in Grovehart as well as access any of the smaller bases scattered throughout the region.  While the higher-ups might not know them by name they do have access to free lunches at least.

Field Agent
Field Agents no longer do any of the basic labor tasks within the group but are given the opportunity to show their strength by completing missions that are put out on the mission board and accessible by those with the FA ranking. These missions (in lore) are often first come first serve causing a bit of rivalry sometimes between members who want to prove themselves and rise through the ranks. This mission board has a ranking of its own to ensure that newly promoted field agents are not given access to missions that require more experience. Field Agents are able to access the basic armory and request resources for missions, they are paid upon completion with reward money varying on the difficulty of the task. They also have access to training and healthcare.

Recruiters have already had their share of Field Agent duties, they have been through training and missions of varying difficulty, raising up to promotion. They use their knowledge of the role and what they have been through to be able to pick the potential in others and persuade them to join the cause. Some Recruiters even hang around their recruited grunts and help them settle in before moving to look for another for the cause. It is important that Recruiters have the experience they've gained from being a FA and Grunt themselves to be able to see who would make it in the organization and who may struggle. Recruiters have access to all the previous areas though they are also able to dip into some of the more science and tech areas of the base. and learn about the processes there as they may be needed to recruit scientists. Recruiters may still be requested to take on specific missions due to their experience.

Team Leader
Team Leaders have risen through the rankings, they have proven that they are hard-working, skilled, and can pick people out in a crowd. They are given the opportunity to create their own task force out of those within their bracket and in the high-Field Agent group. These groups have access to the higher armory and weapons tech, Loan Pokemon, and higher-ranked missions which pay a nice bundle. When these teams prove themselves they will even be asked for by name by the higher-ups and their members are given high praise from the other members of the base. The Team Leader is the one responsible for all of the team's safety and must be trained enough to be able to think of the best plan in any given situation to minimize injury.

Specialists are often the top-ranking of the science and tech department, without them the base wouldn't be able to function smoothly. They are given a high level of respect from Knights and Volter for their loyalty to the cause and the hard work they produce. They have access to 90% of the base (excluding classified areas) and are able to come and go whenever they please. They often have one specific area where they excel and are sent on unique important missions to perform to their fullest. 


Assignments given to members of Ethos are often much like the ones below, though not limited to them! This is for RP or prompt inspiration only. 

- Search and rescue (People, Pokemon)
- Aid in the repair of structures 
- Patrol (City patrols to spot Cynic activity or other illegal actions)
- Recover (Stolen or lost resources)

Associated Events

Story Events: Split Paths, Team Clash, AWAKENING, Changing Seasons, Rising Tides, and The Call

Associated Locations

City: Grovehart and Rivertide

Faction Ranks

Member Ranks

Specialist: Specialists are entrusted with important Ethos research and tasks, as well as carrying out unique and dangerous missions. (250 Standing)

Team Leader: Team Leaders are trusted individuals who have proven themselves capable, and are in charge of other Ethos members. (175 Standing)

Recruiter: Recruiters look for trainers that can help aid Ethos and bring them into the fold. (100 Standing)

Field Agent: Members of Ethos tasked with completing more important missions. (50 Standing)

Grunt: A low entry-level worker. (0 Standing)

Members: 50 ・ See All