

Can be joined by characters.

Cynic pride themselves on the evolution of mankind. They want to push the limits of what Nera can offer people to find a way to advance the human race. Cynic work tends to be on the experimental side, and they tend to put the outcome of the experiment over the welfare of the subject. Their motives for advancement may be shourded in mystery except to those follow them, but the sheer number of those who choose to indicates that not all is as it seems. 

The Cynic main base is under the volcano in Ethermoor, requiring knowledge and know-how to find. Navigating the impossibly hot and dangerous interior is another feat, but one is rewarded with a sprawling underground facility upon arrival. Like a city in it's own right the base spans nearly the entire size of Ethermoor itself, and extending beyond. With no fear of the fog or other dangers beneath ground the team flourishes, and it is considered a safe haven for all Cynic members. 

Connected via underground bullet train, a secondary base is present in Brookfell that is easier to find but no less easy to get into.  Much of their recruiting is done in Brookfell as there are many that are less fortunate and needy located in the lower rings - easier to convince to join the cause with little questions asked. 

Harbingers make up Cynic's most deadly forces, though little is known about them. The chances of seeing a harbinger outside of the base are very slim, and more often than not they will be fully decked out in combat gear, or hiding their identity in some way. Their names and personal identities are rarely known unless otherwise stated. 

Bosses are more public facing Cynic enforcers, dealing with squabbles and leading missions on the frontlines while managing teams and grunts beneath them. The entrance to Cynic bases are guarded by Bosses and their pokemon teams, which are deadly if encountered without preparation. 

Cynic Moodboard



Cynic agents, depending on their rank, will have access to special priviledges in the team. 


Grunts are able to enter and leave the base in Brookfell, as well as travel to the base in Ethermoor through special permissions. They are paid monthly for their service, but are expected to perform certain duties and assignments regularly. While the higher ups won't know a grunt by name, they will be aware of their movements by proxy. 


Enforcers keep grunts in line, as well as have a bit more push in the team. They're given special assignments as well as lodginng inside the teams bases if they need. Access to safehouses throughout the various cities is possible for enforcers. 


Much like administrative officials, recruiters are treated like managers inside Cynic. They are responsible for team functions, recruiting new members, and covering up mistakes and issues publically. They are given permanent housing in a city of their choosing, and generally well known amongst the team by name, even by those who haven't met them. 

Team Leaders:

Team Leaders are often as high as the average person will ascend. Responsible for entire divisions of the team, they keep operations running on the daily and are permanent fixtures inside the bases. They report directly to harbingers, and there are often a limited number of them. They have full access to bases, and are well known. 


Guardians of the bases, the bosses are well known and feared. Tey protect the base when it comes under attack, and report to Margot directly. 


Harbingers can do what they want, when they want to. Many live a double life, inside and outside of cynic as they do not often inter-mingle their personal personas with their harbinger personas. While this isn't always the case, it is not uncommon. Many inside the team do not know the personal identities of the Cynic Harbingers, and many fear them - rightfully so. They report only to Margot. There is a bit of a heirarchy among them, and some in-fighting on occassion. 


Common Assignments

Assignments given to members of Cynic are often much like the below, though not limited to them! This is for RP or prompt inspiration only. 

- Retrieval missions (People, Nera, Pokemon, Objects)
- Recruiting (People)
- Show of Force (Fighting, Destruction of Property)
- Theft (People, Pokemon, Objects)
- Reconnaisance (Ethos, Regional, Fog, Legendaries)

Associated Locations

City: Brookfell, Wintervale, and Ethermoor

Faction Ranks

Member Ranks

Boss: If you want to cut into the heart of Cynic, you'll have to go through the bosses, first. (250 Standing)

Team Leader: In control of those under them, Team Leaders hold just enough power to be dangerous - and wanted. (175 Standing)

Recruiter: Recruiters lure unsuspecting trainers into the fold. (100 Standing)

Enforcer: When a job needs doing, they send in the Enforcers. (50 Standing)

Grunt: A low entry-level worker. (0 Standing)

Members: 51 ・ See All