
Resale Value: 100 Credits

Category: Player Use
Purchaseable At: Sylvan Stall

This crystal seems to mess with a Pokemon's DNA. It allows the form to show a trait from a previous evolution. It curiously also works on Trainers.

The mutation crystal allows for a trait to be passed over from a previous evolution OR the appearance of a form that isn’t evo/gimmick-based. This can allow a Jigglypuff to take on the form of a ScreamTail for example but Pokemon in these altered forms cannot evolve out of them. For example, a stage 2 Screamtail can’t evolve into a Wigglytuff but the other side of the fusion could still evolve. 

Artist: Aldarch

Resale Value: 500 Credits

Uses: Grants the Seabeam Attribute Nera to a pokemon or trainer.

Category: Player Use
Purchaseable At: Research Lab
Obtained From:

Allows the associated pokemon or trainer to receive the Seabeam nera when used on character creation, or design update.

Resale Value: 100 Credits

Category: Player Use

A special encryption that hosts the code of a pedigree pokemon.

Resale Value: 100 Credits

Category: Player Use

A special encryption that hosts the code of shiny pokemon.

Category: Player Use
Purchaseable At: General Store

A welcome package for all new trainers upon registration in the region! Contains basic starting essentials every trainer needs. 

Resale Value: 15 Credits

Category: Player Use

A special encryption that hosts the code of fusion pokemon, typically those fused with dna nera.

Artist: Aldarch

Resale Value: 250 Credits

Category: Player Use

Gives a trainer or pokemon the Pointed Attribute!

Artist: Aldarch

Resale Value: 250 Credits

Category: Player Use

Gives a trainer or pokemon the Underbelly Attribute!

Resale Value: 50 Credits

Category: Player Use

A special encryption that hosts the code of delta pokemon, pokemon fused with elemental nera.

Category: Player Use
Category: Player Use
Category: Player Use

A lotta goodies in here!

Artist: Pirate

Resale Value: 50 Credits

Category: Player Use

A ball used to capture shadow corrupted Pokemon from the Nothing. These pokemon need to be defeated in battle first, and the ball does not guarantee they will be immediatly friendly and listen to a trainer.


Category: Player Use
Category: Player Use

Open for a gift!

Category: Player Use
Category: Player Use
Purchaseable At: Research Lab

Artist: Pirate

Resale Value: 50 Credits

Category: Player Use
Obtained From:

A rare fossil...maybe you could donate this?

Artist: Pirate

Resale Value: 50 Credits

Category: Player Use
Obtained From:

A rare fossil...maybe you could donate this?

Artist: Pirate

Resale Value: 50 Credits

Category: Player Use
Obtained From:

A rare fossil...maybe you could donate this?

89 results found.