Resale Value: 20
Resale Value: 20
Resale Value: 20
Resale Value: 20
Resale Value: 20
Resale Value: 20
Resale Value: 20
Resale Value: 20
Resale Value: 50
Category: Pokemon Use
Purchaseable At:
Research Lab
Allows the Pokemon to learn a Stage 2 Dragon move
Category: Pokemon Use
Purchaseable At:
Research Lab
Allows the Pokemon to learn a Stage 2 Electric move
Resale Value: 50
Category: Pokemon Use
Purchaseable At:
Research Lab
Allows the Pokemon to learn a Stage 2 Fairy move
Category: Pokemon Use
Purchaseable At:
Research Lab
Allows the Pokemon to learn a Stage 2 Fighting move
Resale Value: 50
Category: Pokemon Use
Purchaseable At:
Research Lab
Allows the Pokemon to learn a Stage 2 Flying move
310 results found.