
Resale Value: 50 Credits

Category: Pokemon Use
Purchaseable At: Research Lab

Allows the Pokemon to learn a Stage 2 Ghost move

Resale Value: 50 Credits

Category: Pokemon Use
Purchaseable At: Research Lab

Allows the Pokemon to learn a Stage 2 Grass move

Resale Value: 50 Credits

Category: Pokemon Use
Purchaseable At: Research Lab

Allows the Pokemon to learn a Stage 2 Ground move

Resale Value: 50 Credits

Category: Pokemon Use
Purchaseable At: Research Lab

Allows the Pokemon to learn a Stage 2 Ice move

Resale Value: 50 Credits

Category: Pokemon Use
Purchaseable At: Research Lab

Allows the Pokemon to learn a Stage 2 Normal move

Resale Value: 50 Credits

Category: Pokemon Use
Purchaseable At: Research Lab

Allows the Pokemon to learn a Stage 2 Poison move

Resale Value: 50 Credits

Category: Pokemon Use
Purchaseable At: Research Lab

Allows the Pokemon to learn a Stage 2 Psychic move

Resale Value: 50 Credits

Category: Pokemon Use
Purchaseable At: Research Lab

Allows the Pokemon to learn a Stage 2 Rock move

Resale Value: 50 Credits

Category: Pokemon Use
Purchaseable At: Research Lab

Allows the Pokemon to learn a Stage 2 Steel move

Resale Value: 50 Credits

Category: Pokemon Use
Purchaseable At: Research Lab

Allows the Pokemon to learn a Stage 2 Water move

Resale Value: 70 Credits

Category: Pokemon Use

Allows the Pokemon to learn a Stage 3 Bug move

Resale Value: 70 Credits

Category: Pokemon Use

Allows the Pokemon to learn a Stage 3 Dark move

Resale Value: 70 Credits

Category: Pokemon Use

Allows the Pokemon to learn a Stage 3 Dragon move

Resale Value: 70 Credits

Category: Pokemon Use

Allows the Pokemon to learn a Stage 3 Electric move

Resale Value: 70 Credits

Category: Pokemon Use

Allows the Pokemon to learn a Stage 3 Fairy move

Resale Value: 70 Credits

Category: Pokemon Use

Allows the Pokemon to learn a Stage 3 Fighting move

Resale Value: 70 Credits

Category: Pokemon Use

Allows the Pokemon to learn a Stage 3 Fire move

Resale Value: 70 Credits

Category: Pokemon Use

Allows the Pokemon to learn a Stage 3 Flying move

Resale Value: 70 Credits

Category: Pokemon Use

Allows the Pokemon to learn a Stage 3 Ghost move

Resale Value: 70 Credits

Category: Pokemon Use

Allows the Pokemon to learn a Stage 3 Grass move

310 results found.