Combining a Stick and a String yields interesting results...
You're not sure if this is useful, but certain pokemon seem to enjoy chasing this around.
You fished up some lovely seaweed and kelp...maybe someone will want this but not you!
It's not actually muddy, it's just a idea how that benefits it in the wild...
This blue-colored Magikarp looks like it's been dipped in sauce! sauce.
This Magikarp is lacking all pigment in its scales....despite everything it's still trash.
The counterpart to Albino, this guy has TOO MUCH pigment, this could make a neat pet if you could find a fish tank big enough for it.
WOW!! This piece of trash is sparkling!
Even with fancy scales, it's still a Magikarp on the inside.
This Magikarp is almost impressive! It sells for a much higher value than all the others of its kind.
This Magikarp has a unique little spot of its original color on its head!
One of the most desirable mutations in Magikarp color, but that doesn't mean much to the Magikarp, its still on the end of a fishing line.
It's just a Venonat, this isn't what you were going for...unless it is, then congrats.