

Can be home to both users and characters.


Typings Present

Wild Pokemon Types that can be Caught




Name: Ethermoor
Population: Estimated 300-400k
Time since separation: 4 Years (Onset of the outbreak)

City Themes: Red, Cyberpunk, Urban, Chinese Architecture

Local Climate: The constant eruptions of the volcano resulting in frequent ash storms around the city,
though the heavy winds from the plains just beyond the mountain range keep it from settling for too long. Warm climate, almost tropical aside from low humidity. 

Local Fauna: The ash infuses the area around the city with rich nutrients, meaning plant life is abundant outside of the city. Not to the extent of Grovehart,
and it's certainly no jungle, but it's not as desolate as one might assume a mountainous region would be. 

Culture: The people of Ethermoor are almost more exclusive than Brookfell, though crime is not rampant.
There is no "every man for themselves" mentality, due to the belief that the volcano could take everything from them on a whim.
People work together almost intrinsically, and to see someone truly struggling is not common as the community will help raise them up.
Because of the tight-knit behavior of the community, outsiders can be seen with distrust at first, and tourism is not an everyday part of Ethermoor.
Often times those originally from Ethermoor will not realize their behavior, both the willingness to help others without thinking and the distrust in others simultaneously,
which can lead to some interesting interactions that non-natives call "Volcano Brain".

History Since Outbreak: The outbreak happened instantaneously with the fog, and communication was cut off from the other cities and villages in the region overnight.
Anyone not within the city limits was lost to the fog, as they didn't have the wide-reaching technological footprint to keep it at bay for the first few months.
The heavy losses affected the city and its people deeply, and their brightest minds turned to the labs deep within the mountain to search for solutions with intense fervor.
The light barrier was the result, and though more advanced in nature than the beacons used in the rest of the region, they are less effective over long distances - so Ethermoor was never able to reconnect, only isolate. 

The years of isolation weren't all that different from their normal way of life.
Their supplies were all self-sourced, which meant rationing, however, their mindset and strength in the community meant there was stability during this time no matter how hard things got.
Any outsiders trapped within Ethermoor after the outbreak was accepted and given the same treatment as natives, the surprising kindness of the hardy and rough people going very far in the early years. 

With Rayquaza's death, and the brief glimpse into the rest of the region as the fog wall was pushed aside, new hope for Ethermoor was ignited among them.
Research teams were formed to delve back into the mountain to look for solutions so they could reconnect with the rest of the region, with labs popping up around the city and within the volcano itself, seeking ancient secrets that could help them even more desperately than before...

These Major Cities Are Very Close to Active Volcanoesimage.png

Associated Faction

Organization: Cynic