

Can be home to both users and characters.

A Technological metropolis that exists exclusively underground.


Typings Present

Wild Pokemon Types that can be Caught

Wild Pokemon aside from Pigilet and Guineabig do not exist in Thunderdale!

Population: 100k

Time Since Separation: 4 Years (Onset of Outbreak), Connected to Ethermoor

City Themes: Yellow, Cyberpunk, Industrial, Technology Driven

Local Climate: 

Above ground the climate is nearly unlivable. Constant electrical storms ravage the savannah, making life above ground difficult and dangerous. Specialized vehicles and pokemon are required to traverse the ground above, and it is not recommended or advised, especially with the fog presence. 

Underground the climate is humid and controlled by weather drones and devices. It is always the same set weather, and plant life is scarce if found at all. Cybernetic trees and flora recycle the air and provide what little environmental aesthetic the people of Thunderdale require. 


Local Fauna: 

Wild Pokemon are scarce. Catching and encountering them is a rarity due to the limited access to the underground city, or the world above. At most electric and ground types may wander down into the city to seek shelter from the constant storm. 



Technology and Cybernetics are a staple of culture in Thunderdale, with nearly every living human in the city being heavily modified and augmented in some way. Being seen without obvious cybernetics is often taboo, and judgement for ‘clean’ humans is often harsh. Augments are considered the way of the future and survival, and many are pressured and encouraged to enhance themselves in some way. 

Thunderdale is not often a place one goes to raise a family, or live a quiet life. The city is constantly ‘awake’ and bustling, with business and advancements in technology being the primary drive for those living there. It is seen as a place people pass through, rather than stay, and the culture represents this in the way that nothing seems to last for very long within it’s boundaries. Trends, fads, and pop culture are often said to be born in this city before they’re spread to the rest of the region. 

Androids and other AI are prevalent forms of technology in the city, often taking the place of many day-to-day workers such as chefs, couriers, retail works, and more. They also are the primary workforce that travels above ground into the storm due to their relative ease in replacement and their ability to resist electrical storms. 


History Since the Outbreak: 

Due to limited availability and travel outside of the city, the culture and infrastructure has been forced to shift. This caused tension to rise within the underground city immensely, causing turf and gang wars as well as a rise in crime as various organizations struggled to find a foothold in a city that was never meant to be a permanent residence. Their limited connection to Ethermoor meant they were able to survive, but the city is much changed from what it once was. The people inside are perhaps the most changed, as they’ve had to adapt to a new way of life in a potentially dangerous underground prison, far from the haven for technology it once was. 

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